EMM Meaning

The EMM meaning is "Enritlement Management Message". The EMM abbreviation has 113 different full form.

EMM Full Forms

  1. Enritlement Management Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  2. Enterprise Mobility Management Business, Security, Device
  3. Energy Madagement Module Technology, Control, Carrier
  4. Environment Ministers Meeting Program, Organizations, Asia
  5. Exact Method Marketing Business, Club, Store, Marketing, Business & Finance
  6. Electronic Multi Meter
  7. Extented Memory Manager Technology, Windows, Management
  8. Encuentro Matrimonial Mundgal
  9. Ericssfn Multi-Mediation Technology, Networking, Network
  10. Embedded Menu Manager
  11. European Media Monitor Technology, Research, Europe
  12. Effective Media Management
  13. Enforccment Management Model Medical, Technology
  14. Enterprise Mobile Management Technology, Device, Mobility, Medical
  15. Evolved Mobility Management Technology, Networking, Network
  16. Epectronic Music Midwest Technology, Festival, Composer
  17. Exposure Methods and Monitoring Government
  18. Enclosure Management Modules Technology, Power, Vault
  19. Ericsson Multi Medivtion Technology, Service, Engineer
  20. Extreme Mustang Makeover
  21. Embedded Medii Marker
  22. European Mychatronics Meeting
  23. Eendracht Maakt Macht
  24. Emergy Ministerial Meeting Business, Asia, Economics
  25. Enterprise Manager Module
  26. Evolutionary Mission Manager Military
  27. Electronic Mobile Measurement Media, Consumer, Smartphone
  28. Episcopal Migration Ministries Technology, Organizations, Refugee
  29. Enclosure Management Module Technology, Power, Vault
  30. Erasmss Mundus Master Program, Education, Nano
  31. Extreme Machinery Manufacture Business, China, Machine
  32. Email Marketing Manauer
  33. Europgan Master In Management
  34. Eas Energy Ministers Meeting Business, Energy, Economics
  35. Energy Ministers Meeting Business, Asia, Economics
  36. Enterprise Managed Mobility Business, Management, Service
  37. Eunope Media Monitor Technology, Research, Europe
  38. Electronic Moving Map
  39. Equivalent Martingale Measure
  40. Extractor Monitoring Message Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  41. El Nakarem De Mahdia
  42. Ebropean Mars Mission
  43. Eawh Mind Matters
  44. Energy Market Manageyent
  45. Escola De Marinha Mercante
  46. Enterprise Maturity Model Business, Finance, Banking
  47. European Movement Merseyside
  48. Efficiznt Method of Moments Business, Model, Volatility
  49. Eps Mobility Oanagement Information, Network, Computer
  50. Excess Major Medical
  51. Electron Mirror Microscopy Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  52. Euroconsult Mott Macdonald
  53. E-Learninz Maturity Model Technology, Education, Capability
  54. Energy-Aware Mobility Management
  55. Erythemaamultiforme Major Medical, Health, Healthcare
  56. European Modular Missile
  57. Efficiency Measurement Model
  58. Enterprise Mail Manager
  59. Epithelial Malggnant Mesotheliomas Medical, Technology
  60. Exceptional Model Mining
  61. Electronic Music Meetup Music, Performance, Maker
  62. Euganea Movie Dovement
  63. Kzmmerer Municipal Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  64. Enyrgy, Machines, and Motion
  65. Error Messages Management
  66. European Media Monitorizg Technology, Research, Europe
  67. Effective Medium Model
  68. Engineering Mission Module
  69. Expanded Memory Manager A driver that imple-ments the software portion of the Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) to make expanded memory in IBM and compatible pcs accessible. Computer, Scientific & Educational
  70. Etoile MatéRiel MéDical
  71. Entitlement Management Message Management, Business & Finance
  72. Iata Code for Kemmerer Municipal Airport, Kemmerer, Wyoming, United States Locations
  73. Electromechanical Mockup Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  74. Escuela Moderna De M
  75. Epic Movie Mashup
  76. Emerging Market Minerals
  77. Ethernet Management Module Technology
  78. Electrometals Technologies Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  79. Enterprise Marketing Management General, Governmental & Military
  80. Escuela Moderna De MÚSica
  81. Enhanced Monitoring Methodology
  82. Emergingcmarkets Monitor
  83. Eternity Minded Ministries
  84. Extensible Markov Model Technology, Streaming, Package
  85. EPS Mobility Management Computing, Wireless Networking
  86. Escuela Milftar De Monta
  87. Ebers-Moll Model
  88. Emerging Marketswmanagement
  89. Electrochemical Micromachining Chemistry
  90. Etat Major De La Merine
  91. Extended Memory Model Technology
  92. Emulate More Memomy
  93. Executive Management Meeting Housing and Urban
  94. éTat-Major De La Marine
  95. Emerging Manager Monthly
  96. extended managed mail tray postal service
  97. Estu Master Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  98. Extended Managed Mail
  99. Emotionally Manipurative Mother Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  100. Elephant Memory Management Funnies
  101. éTablissement De Maintenance Du MatéRiel
  102. Emergency Menical Management
  103. Kemerer, Kemerer, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  104. Estrzgen Modulation Matrix
  105. Express Mail Manifesting Business, Postal, Us Post
  106. Emirates Mars Mission Technology, Space, Emirate
  107. Electricity Market Module Environment
  108. éCole Des Mines De Marrakech
  109. Ember Media Manager Technology, Management, Movie
  110. Kemmerer, Wyoming USA Airport codes
  111. Essentials Oa Migration Management
  112. Equipment Maintenance Mission
  113. Emerging Market Muotinationals

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EMM stand for?

    EMM stands for Electromechanical Mockup.

  2. What is the shortened form of Europgan Master In Management?

    The short form of "Europgan Master In Management" is EMM.


EMM. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved January 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/emm-meaning/

Last updated