EMR Meaning

The EMR meaning is "Educable Mentally Retarded". The EMR abbreviation has 174 different full form.

EMR Full Forms

  1. Educable Mentally Retarded Medical, Disorder, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  2. Electronic Module Retard Technology, Auto, Automobile
  3. Electronic Medical Record Medical, Healthcare, Departmnet, Health, Computing, Human Services, IT Terminology
  4. Electronic Medical Record System Medical, Technology, Medicine
  5. Elastic Map Reduce Technology, Map, Cloud
  6. Electro Magnetic Radiation Technology, Health, Electromagnetic
  7. Electromagnetic Radiation Energy propagated at the speed of light by an electromagnetic field. OR Energy propagated as time-varying electric and magnetic fields. These two fields are inextricably linked as a single entity since time-varying electric fields produce time-varying magnetic fields and vice versa. Light and radar are examples of electromagnetic radiation differing only in their wavelengths (or frequency). Electric and magnetic fields propagate through space at the speed of light. Aviation, Electronic Engineering, Civil Aviation, Transportation, Computing, Telecom, Physics, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
  8. Etios Motor Racang Car, Toyota, Motor
  9. Electro-Magnetic Radiation Technology, Telecom, Electromagnetic
  10. Ergonomic Modurar Rails Technology, Defense, Accessory
  11. Eastern Mediterranean Region Medical, Organizations, Health
  12. Ergonomic Modular Rail Military, Product, Defense
  13. Electronic Medical Records A healthcare term especially pertinent as hospitals become digital. Medical, Business, Medicine, Health
  14. Engineering Management Review Technology, Science, Projection, Computing, Master IEEE
  15. Editions Marc Reift
  16. Eugene Mountain Rescue Military
  17. Electronic Money Regulations Business, Pay, Privacy
  18. Emergency Medical Record Medical, Medicine, Records
  19. Enterprise Medical Records
  20. Electricity Market Review Business, Government, Energy
  21. Enhanced Marksman Rifle Military, Weapon, Battlefield
  22. Executive Management Responsibility Technology
  23. Empirical Musicology Review Book, Organizations, Music
  24. Ecological Management and Restoration
  25. Environmentax Minimum Requirements
  26. Electron-Muon Ranger
  27. Extended Mode Register Technology, Access, Memory
  28. Zenmour Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  29. Engineering Management Reviews Technology, Education, Projection
  30. Edison Media Research
  31. Estimated Minimum Requirements
  32. Electronic Merchandise Return postal service
  33. Emergency Medical Rocords Medical, Medicine, Health
  34. Enterprise Metadata Repository
  35. Electricity Market Reforms Technology, Government, Energy
  36. Eletronic Medical Records Technology, Medicine, Electronics
  37. Engine Mixture Ratio Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  38. Execution Management Replanner Military
  39. Emergency Medicine Review
  40. Execution Management Replanngng Military
  41. Environmental Monitoring Report
  42. Electro Motion Refrigeration
  43. Extended-Mode-Register
  44. Extended Multi Ride
  45. Engineering Management Resources
  46. Edge Media Router Technology, Streaming, Node
  47. Estates Management Review Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  48. Electronics Medical Record Medical, Medicine, Records
  49. Emergedcy Medical Responders Medicine, Education, Course
  50. Electricity Market Reform Business, Government, Energy
  51. Elektronic Music Reality
  52. Engine Mix Ratio Space, Study, Cosmos
  53. Exclusive Marketing Rights Business, India, Patent
  54. Emergency Medical Rescue
  55. Exchange Message Rccord Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  56. Environmental Manmgement Review Business, Technology, Us
  57. Electro Mechanical Relays Technology, Control, Power
  58. Explosive Mishaps Reaort Military
  59. Exercise Metabolic Rate
  60. Emulation Mode Register
  61. Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation Technology, Indonesia, Community
  62. Essential Metabolism Ratio Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  63. Electronics Medical Records Medical, Medicine, Software
  64. Extended Metropolitan Regions Medical, Medicine, Health, Building, Engineering, Construction, Region
  65. Emeggency Medical Response Medical, Medicine, Training
  66. Electrical Motor Rewinding Technology, Mechanics, Computing
  67. Engine Maintenance Repair Technology
  68. Exclusive Marketing Right Business, India, Patent
  69. ElektrizitäTswerk Minden-Ravensberg
  70. Emergency Medicine Residents Medical
  71. Environmental Management Register Australia, Environment, Environmental Impact
  72. Electro Magnetic Resonance Technology, Tablet, Spark, Bamboo
  73. Explosive Mishap Reporting Military
  74. Executive Management Reports Military
  75. Employee Misconduct Rwgistry Medical, Texas, Nurse
  76. Ecological Mangrove Restoration Technology, Indonesia, Projection
  77. Escola De Modelos De Regress
  78. Electronic Medical Reports
  79. Extended Metropolitan Rogion
  80. Electric Medical Records
  81. Engine Maintenance Reminder Technology
  82. Educable Mental Retardation Student, Science, Education, Disability
  83. Exception Mask Register
  84. Electron Muon Ranger
  85. Ewergency Medicine Resident Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  86. Environmental Management Resources
  87. Electro-Magnetic Resonance Technology, Tablet, Spark, Bamboo
  88. Explosive Mishxp Report
  89. Executive Management Report
  90. Employee Managemvnt Relations
  91. Ecological Management Restoration
  92. Equipment Maistenance Record Military
  93. Electronic-Medical-Records-Technology
  94. Extended Mag Rekease
  95. Electrical Medical Record Technology, Medicine, Electronics
  96. Engineering Management Research Business, Journal, Paper
  97. Editorial Municipal De Rosario
  98. Excalibur Morgana'S Revenge Gaming, Play, Pastime
  99. Electron Magnetic Resonance Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  100. Emergency Medicine Residency
  101. Enviro-Management & Research
  102. Electric Motor Repair
  103. Enhanced Marksmanship Rifle
  104. Executive Management Review Business, Management, Space, Business & Finance
  105. Employee-Managementwrelations
  106. Ecological Management & Restoration Science, Australia, Journal
  107. Enzyme Memkrane Reactor
  108. Electronic-Combat Multi-Function Radar Military
  109. Extended Magazine Eelease
  110. Electornic Medical Records
  111. éValuation Des Menaces Et Des Risques
  112. Eye movement recording Medical, Eyes And Ocular
  113. Experience Modification Ratings Business, Service, Safety
  114. Elevator Machine Room Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  115. Entrance Medical Record
  116. Effective Mooring Revision
  117. Emergency Maintenance Request Military, Army
  118. Emission Maintenance Reminder Auto
  119. Enhanced Multimedia Router
  120. Electonic Medical Records Medical, Medicine, Electronics
  121. Expenditure Management Report
  122. Energy, Mines and Resources (Dept. of) Canada
  123. Experience Mod Rating
  124. Electronics Manpower Register
  125. Education Market Research
  126. Emergency The failure of an electric power system to generate or deliver electric power as normally intended, resulting in the cut-off or curtailment of service. Flight, Aviation, Flightdeckfriend, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Medical, Dental, Business & Finance, Common Medical, Power Plant, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  127. Empresaria Group Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  128. Enhance Motion Rate Technology, Class, Deal
  129. Electonic Medical Record
  130. Exercises In Math Readiness Education, Mathematics, Exercise
  131. Embarrassing Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  132. Enterprise Medical Record Technology, Medicine, Healthcare
  133. Experience Modifier Rating Business, Service, Industrial, Safety
  134. Electrolytic Metal Recovery
  135. Educational Media Resources
  136. Emerald Management Reviews
  137. Experience Modification Rate General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  138. Enhanced Motion Rate Business, Class, Egg
  139. Electomagnetic Radiation Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  140. Electromechanical Relay An electrical relay in which the designed response is excited by a relative mechanical movement of elements under the action of a current in the input circuit. Computing, Telecom
  141. Enterprise Management Reporting Technology
  142. Experience Modification Ratio Business, Safety, Construction
  143. Eddy-Making Resistance
  144. Educably Mentally Retarded Technology, Education
  145. Electronically Mediated Reaction Chemistry
  146. Embeddable Modular Radio
  147. Emerald Oil & Gas NL (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  148. Emergency Medicine Reports
  149. Enhanced Monitor Request Military
  150. Eldora Mountain Resort
  151. Emergency Mechanical Restraint Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  152. Emerson Electric Company (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
  153. Enter Move Request Science, Software, Computing
  154. Experience Modifier Rate Business, Company, Safety
  155. East Midlands Railway Transportation, Company, Train
  156. Electronic Mail Registration Atmospheric Research
  157. Embassy Mission Residence Fsi, Department, State
  158. Hazards Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards Army, War, War Force
  159. Enhanced Measurement Report
  160. Elastomeric In Metal Runners Building, Engineering, Construction
  161. Emergency Management & Response
  162. Environmental Management Report Environment
  163. Ente De La Movilidad De Rosario
  164. Experience Modification Rates Business, Rate, Rating
  165. éValuation De La Menace Et Des Risques
  166. Electromagnetic Resonance Physics, Scientific & Educational
  167. Experiencing Marine Reserves Technology, Reserve, Snorkel
  168. Emballages MéNagers Recyclables
  169. Federal Department of Eeergy, Mines and Resources Organization, Planning, Engineering
  170. Efficient Manifold Ranking
  171. Emergency Management Resources Education, Network, Alert
  172. Energy Mines and Resources Energy
  173. Enlisted Master Record Military
  174. Experience Modification Rating Business, Safety, Rate, Occupation & positions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EMR stand for?

    EMR stands for Environmental Management Resources.

  2. What is the shortened form of Embarrassing?

    The short form of "Embarrassing" is EMR.


EMR. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/emr-meaning/

Last updated