ENAM Meaning

The ENAM meaning is "L'Ecole Nationale D'Administration Et De Magistrature". The ENAM abbreviation has 16 different full form.

ENAM Full Forms

  1. L'Ecole Nationale D'Administration Et De Magistrature
  2. Eastern North American Margin
  3. Ecole Nationale D'Administration De Madagascar
  4. Enamelin Medical
  5. L'Ecole Nationale D'Administration Et De La Magistrature
  6. Ecole Nationale D'Administration Et De Magistrature
  7. Ecole Nationale Des Auxiliaires MéDicaux
  8. Escuela Normal Antonio Mentruyt
  9. Ente Nazionale Di Assistenza Magistrale
  10. En Nadi Ahly Mateur
  11. Encontro Nacional De Aleitamento Materno
  12. éCole Nationale D'Agriculture De MeknèS
  13. Emirates National Auto Museum
  14. Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses Conference, Proceeding, Nuclei
  15. European North Atlantic Margin Science
  16. Enamel Organic material, which is applied in a film to protect or decorate aluminum, tinplate, blackplate or paper. OR Broad classification of paints that dry to a hard, usually glossy finish. Most equipment-coating enamels require baking. Enamels for walls do not. Traditionally a slow-drying highly glossy paint having very good flowing properties but low opacity. Recently has been used more widely to describe any type of high-gloss finish. Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ENAM stand for?

    ENAM stands for L'Ecole Nationale D'Administration Et De Magistrature.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ecole Nationale D'Administration De Madagascar?

    The short form of "Ecole Nationale D'Administration De Madagascar" is ENAM.


ENAM. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 1). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/enam-meaning/

Last updated