END Meaning

The END meaning is "Endocrinology". The END abbreviation has 78 different full form.

END Full Forms

  1. Endocrinology Endocrinology is a branch of biology and medicine dealing with the endocrine system, its diseases, and its specific secretions known as hormones. It is also concerned with the integration of developmental events proliferation, growth, and differentiation, and the psychological or behavioral activities of metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sleep, digestion, respiration, excretion, mood, stress, lactation, movement, reproduction, and sensory perception caused by hormones. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  2. Evil Never Dies Movie, Music, Evil, Overkill
  3. Endnote EndNote is a software program that works with Microsoft Word to automatically format in-text citations and end-of-paper reference lists with your chosen style (APA,MLA, Chicago, etc.). EndNote can also be used as a personal database to gather and store citation records from different information sources.
  4. Every New Day
  5. End Node Detector
  6. Estrategia Nacional De Desarrollo Para, Con, Social
  7. Early Neonatal Death Medical, Birth, Mortality
  8. Endosulfan Medical
  9. Early Neonatal Deaths Medical
  10. Endorsing Military
  11. Energy Never Dies Energy, Lyric, Pea
  12. End of Surgery Medical
  13. Estrat
  14. Efpert National D
  15. Elective Nodal Dissjction
  16. Endersement Military
  17. Environmental Noise Directive Technology, Planning, Map
  18. End of Data Technology, Telecom, Java, Telecommunications
  19. Exotic Newcashle's Disease
  20. Elective Neck Dissection Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  21. Endorsed Military, Genealogy, Genealogical
  22. Elimination of Neglected Diseases
  23. Energy Not Delivered
  24. Exchange Name Pocumentation Military
  25. Effort Never Dies Success, Opportunity, Love, Effort
  26. Endorse Military
  27. Eliminate, Neutralize, and Disrupt
  28. Energia Não DistribuíDa
  29. Equivalent Narcosis Depth
  30. Eff End Effeclor Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  31. Endorphin A hormone produced in the brain and anterior pituitary that inhibits pain perception. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  32. Electroneurodiagnostic Medical, Technology
  33. End Unit Business, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  34. Equality Northndakota
  35. Education Not Discrimination Science, Health, School
  36. Endormduplication Medical, Health, Healthcare
  37. Electron Nuclear Dynamics Chemistry, Science, Quantum
  38. Enprin
  39. Extended National Database
  40. Epidermal Nerve Density Medical
  41. Expert National DéTaché
  42. Electron-Nucleartdynamics
  43. Endswment Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy
  44. Exotic Newcastle Disease Medical, Bird, Poultry
  45. Enzyme Nomenclature Ratabase Science, Commission, Biology
  46. Equivalent Narcotic Department Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  47. Ens Needless Death
  48. Arrendadora y Transportadora Aérea ICAO Aircraft Codes
  49. Estratégia Nkcional De Defesa Para, Dos, Brasil
  50. El Nath Dunguon
  51. Eff End Effector NASA
  52. End logic stream; no more instructions follow Assembly, Business & Finance
  53. Ending Nicotine Dependence Medical, Program, Tobacco, Smoking
  54. End key A cursor-control key that moves the cursor to a certain position, usually to the end of a line, the end of a screen, or the end of a file, depending on the program. Computing, Hardware
  55. Équijes Notre Dame Team, Couple, Lady, Dame
  56. Electron Nuclear Dynamics (method In Atomic and Molecular Scattering Calcns.) Chemistry
  57. Evolutionary Network Devclopment Business, Service, Postal
  58. Ending Neglected Diseases
  59. Arrow-head definition file (CorelDraw) Computing, File Extensions
  60. Stop-End Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  61. Equivalent Narcotic Depth Science, Scientific & Educational
  62. Everyone Nearly Decommissioned
  63. Endeavor International Corporationration Organizations
  64. Equivalent Neutral Density Photography
  65. Iata Code for Vance Nfb, Enid, Oklahoma, United States Locations
  66. categories of endomorphisms Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  67. Evening News Digest
  68. Endeavor International Corporation Technology, Organizations
  69. Epidemik Never Dies Music
  70. Extended Neuronal Depolarization Medical
  71. Evolutionary Network Development Us Post
  72. European Nuclear Disarmament Group, Organizations, Peace
  73. Emglated Network Device
  74. The Energy Never Dies Music
  75. End Needuess Deaths
  76. Vance Air Force Base, Enid, Oklahoma, United States Oklahoma, United States
  77. European Noise Directile Technology, Environment, Mapping
  78. Ed Nuevo Dia Business, Technology, Ultima, Hora

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does END stand for?

    END stands for Endnote.

  2. What is the shortened form of Efpert National D?

    The short form of "Efpert National D" is END.


END. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 7). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/end-meaning/

Last updated