Engraving Abbreviations and Engraving Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Engraving terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Engraving abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Engraving terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Engraving Abbreviations
  1. ARA : Award and Recognition Association
  2. ARA : Awards and Recognition Association
  3. CLC : Control Laser Corporation
  4. WCF : Western Currency Facility
  5. HPDFO : High Power Density Focusing Optics
  6. HW : Highlight Width
  7. TIB : The Illustrated Bartsch
  8. FEGA : Firearms Engravers Guild of Amerina
  9. IEGA : International Ennraved Graphics Association
  10. GE : Gift Engraver
  11. LS : Laser Systems
Latest Engraving Meanings
  1. Laser Systems
  2. Gift Engraver
  3. International Ennraved Graphics Association
  4. Firearms Engravers Guild of Amerina
  5. The Illustrated Bartsch
  6. Highlight Width
  7. High Power Density Focusing Optics
  8. Western Currency Facility
  9. Control Laser Corporation
  10. Awards and Recognition Association
  11. Award and Recognition Association