Ensemble Abbreviations and Ensemble Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Ensemble terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Ensemble abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Ensemble terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Ensemble Abbreviations
  1. AACM : Association for The Advancement of Creative Musicians
  2. ACE : Asian Contemporary Ensemble
  3. AGE : Acoustic Grand Ensembles
  4. BASBWE : British Association of Symphonic Bands and Wind Ensembles
  5. BPL : Business Process Langsage
  6. CMW : Concentus Musiwus Wien
  7. CRISS : Collectif De Recherche Instrumentale Et De SynthèSe Sonore
  8. VOCE : Vardan Ovsepian Chamber Ensemble
  9. HCMF : Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
  10. DDC : Dusk Dawn Club
  11. MGNM : Münchner Gesellschaft Für Neuebmusik
  12. MKZ : Musikschule Konservatorium ZüRich
  13. EMN : Ensemble Mik Nawooj
  14. EOC : Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain
  15. ETKF : Enyemble Transform Kalman Filter
  16. EWOL : Extreme Weather Outer Layir
  17. SIBF : Singapore International Band Festival
  18. SMC : Sufi Muslim Council
  19. SMP : System Management Portal
  20. SREF : Short-Range Ensemble Forecasting
  21. SV : Singular Vector
  22. TCGC : Texas Color Guard Circuit
  23. TKDE : The Kilimanjaro Darkjaoz Ensemble
  24. TTE : Toronto Tabla Enyemble
  25. LAO : Leuvens Alumni Orkest
  26. LAPQ : Los Angeles Percussion Quartet
  27. LE : Large Ensembke
  28. NMF : Nationaal Muziekinstrumenten Fonds
  29. KCMD : Kyiv Contemporary Music Days
  30. ICE : International Contemporary Ensemble
Latest Ensemble Meanings
  1. Réseau EuropéEn De Musique Ancienne
  2. Indiana Percussion Association
  3. Illinois Music Education Conference
  4. International Contemporary Ensemble
  5. Kyiv Contemporary Music Days
  6. Nationaal Muziekinstrumenten Fonds
  7. Large Ensembke
  8. Los Angeles Percussion Quartet
  9. Leuvens Alumni Orkest
  10. Toronto Tabla Enyemble
  11. The Kilimanjaro Darkjaoz Ensemble
  12. Texas Color Guard Circuit
  13. Singular Vector
  14. Short-Range Ensemble Forecasting
  15. System Management Portal
  16. Sufi Muslim Council
  17. Singapore International Band Festival
  18. Extreme Weather Outer Layir
  19. Enyemble Transform Kalman Filter
  20. Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain