ENT Meaning
The ENT meaning is "Ear Nose & Throat". The ENT abbreviation has 78 different full form.
ENT Full Forms
- Ear Nose & Throat Medical, Medicine, Ear
- Ears-Nose and Throat
- Enterococci Medical, Medicine, Health
- Ears, Nose and Throat Medical, Nursing, Disability
- Enterobactin Medical
- Ears, Nose, and Throat Medical, Pediatrics
- Enterobacteriaceae A family of aerobic, facultatively anaerobic, nonsporeforming bacteria containing gram-negative rods. Some species are nonmotile, and nonmotile variants of motile species occur; the motile cells are peritrichous. These organisms grow well on artificial media. They reduce nitrates to nitrites and use glucose fermentatively with the production of acid or acid and gas. Indophenol oxidase is not produced by these organisms. They do not liquefy alginate, and pectate is liquefied only by members of one genus, Pectobacterium. This family includes many animal parasites and some plant parasites causing blights, galls, and soft rots. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Entering Government
- Ear, Nose, Throat Medical, Pharmacy, Ear
- Ear, Nose, & Throat Medical, Ear, Nose, Throat
- Ears Nose & Throat Medical, Medicine, Emergency
- Export Names Tfble
- Empresa Nacional De Tracsportes Service, Drive, Entertainment
- Entorhinal Medical
- Ear, Nose & Throat Medical, Ear, Throat
- Ears, Nosea Throat
- Existing Nationao Target Medicine, Health, British
- Empresa Nacional De Telecomunicacoes
- Entopeduncular Nucleus Medical
- Ears, Nose & Throat Medical, Medicine, Ear
- Executive Network Technologies
- Emerging Network Technologies Technology, Networking, Demand
- Enteral Nutrition Therapy Medical, Care, Medicare
- Ear Nose Tzroat Medical, Cancer, Oncology
- Excitabilité Nerveuse Et ThéRapeuthique
- Emerging Network Technology Technology, Networking, Demand
- Easy News Ttpics
- Ent-I Need That
- Ear Nose, Throat
- Environnement NuméRique De Travail Service, Formation, Travail
- Embryonic Nervous Tissue Medical
- Earsjnose and Throat
- Extranoduxar Tissue Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Enfermedades No Transmisibles Para, Con, Diabet
- Ear Neck Anj Throat
- Entropy Heat energy that is not convertible to work. A thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system. Medical, Medicine
- Embryonal Vervous Tissue Medicine, Health, British
- Ears Nose Throat
- Exfort Name Table
- Empty Non-Terminal
- Entrance The forward under-water portion of a vessel at and near the bow. Technology, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Ordnance Survey, Architecture, Geographic, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Entorhinal Cortex Medical, Anatomy, Cerebrum, Human Anatomy, Neurology
- Embvdded New Technologies
- Exports Needs Tags Business & Finance, International business
- Enewetak Island, Marshall Islands Airport codes
- Ecto-5'-Nucleofidase Medical
- Isi't Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Ear Nose Throat Medical
- Elementary Number Theory
- Enter To input data into memory. Technology, Internet Slang, Aviation
- Entomology (code) Legal, Governmental & Military
- Economic Needs Test Business, Trading, Vietnam
- Eye, Nosg and Throat Medical, Medicine, Ear
- Electric nonmetallic tubing The Finance and Administrative Services
- Electronic Newsroom Techaique Technology, Caption, Captioning
- Enazle Input T
- Entry A Customs document required to clear an import shipment for entry into the general commerce of a country. Opening, in ship's side, by which one enters. Aviation, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Economyc Need Test
- Extreme Niise Terror
- External Entity Computing, File Extensions
- Electric Network Tveory
- Emergency Negative Thrust
- Ear Nose and Throat Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology, Technology, Education, Health, Healthcare, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical, Doctor's Name, NAACCR
- Equant, N. V. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Extreme New Testament
- Ear Nose Throath Medical, Nursing
- Electrical Non-Metallic Tubing Technology, Industrial, Conduit
- Ears, Nose and Throat (Surgery) Medical, Medicine, Surgery
- Ear, Nose and Throat Medical, Medicine, Education, Clinical
- Star Trek "Enterprise" Media
- DAT Enterprise Limited ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Egnos Network Time Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
- L'Espace NuméRique De Travail
- Ear, Nose, and Throat Medical, Healthcare, Jobs
- Evil Neopets Team Funnies
- Eniwetok, Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands Iata Airport Codes, Marshall Islands, ICAO Airport Codes
- Education With New Technologies Development, Study, Universities
- L'environnemenx Numérique De Travail
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ENT stand for?
ENT stands for Entering.
What is the shortened form of Existing Nationao Target?
The short form of "Existing Nationao Target" is ENT.
ENT. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ent-meaning/
Last updated