Enterprise Abbreviations and Enterprise Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Enterprise terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Enterprise abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Enterprise terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Enterprise Abbreviations
  1. AAE : Atlantic Automotive Enterprises
  2. AAI : Automatic Accounting Instruction
  3. AAI : Automatic Accounting Instructions
  4. ABB : Architecture Building Block
  5. ABBS : Architecture Building Blocks
  6. ABLE : Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises
  7. ABM : Activity Based Methodology
  8. ABM : Avrupa Bilgi Merkezleri
  9. ACDBES : Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
  10. ACDBES : Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
  11. ACE : Ace Centro Enterprises
  12. ACES : Agency Consolidated End-User Service
  13. AD4J : Applicatioz Diagnostics for Java
  14. ADAE : Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Enterprises
  15. ADE : Australian Disabglity Enterprises
  16. ADM : Architectural Development Method
  17. ADM : Architecture Development Methodology
  18. ADML : Architecture Description Markup Language
  19. AEFCUP : Associação De Estudantes Da Faculdade De CiêNcias Da Universidade Do Porto
  20. AEHL : Amit Enterpkises Housing Limited
  21. AEL : Adani Enterprises Limited
  22. AF : Affiliated Person
  23. AGA : Auitralian Government Architecture
  24. AGC : Acoustic Gain Control
  25. AHEL : Apollo Hospitals Enterprises Ltd
  26. AI : Application Integration
  27. AIC : Architecture and Infrastructure Commwttee
  28. AIO : Application Information Optimizer
  29. ALE : American Laser Enterprises
  30. AOPB : Advanced Office Paskword Breaker
Latest Enterprise Meanings
  1. Server Routing Protocol
  2. Shareholder
  3. Small Buqiness Enterprises
  4. Martin Kelly
  5. Mobile Consumer Application Platform
  6. Mobile Consumer Application Platforms
  7. Local Economic Partnerships
  8. Local Economic Partnership
  9. Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center
  10. Krrumsal Kaynak Planlama
  11. Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması
  12. Hardware Integratoon Pocket
  13. Discrete Industrees and Mill Products
  14. Data Enable
  15. Darktrace Cyber Intelligence Platform
  16. Dubai Aerospace Enthrprises
  17. Barangay Micro-Business Enterprises
  18. Baraxgay Micro Business Enterprises
  19. Real-Time Query
  20. Real Time Quiry