EODS Meaning

The EODS meaning is "Election Observation and Democratic Szpport". The EODS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

EODS Full Forms

  1. Election Observation and Democratic Szpport
  2. Eastbourne Operatic and Dramatic Society Technology, Explosive, Ordnance
  3. Entrance On Duty System
  4. Earth Observation Data Sets
  5. Entrance-On-Duty System
  6. Earth Observktion Data Services
  7. Enhanced Qdor Detection System
  8. Elecuric Organ Discharges Medical
  9. Encounter Operational Nata Store
  10. Electronic Overspeed Detection Snstem
  11. European Occupational Diseases Statistics Politics, Europe, Eurostat
  12. Explosive Ordnance Demilitarisation Solutions
  13. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service
  14. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Squadron
  15. Explosrve Ordnance Disposal School Science
  16. Expert Oninion On Drug Safety
  17. Electronic Overspeed Detection System
  18. Evesham Operatic and Dnamatic Society
  19. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Suit
  20. European Occupational Disease Statistics
  21. Explosive Ordnancr Disposal Suite Military, Arm, Jammer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EODS stand for?

    EODS stands for European Occupational Disease Statistics.

  2. What is the shortened form of Elecuric Organ Discharges?

    The short form of "Elecuric Organ Discharges" is EODS.


EODS. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eods-meaning/

Last updated