EOS Meaning

The EOS meaning is "Error Correction Code". The EOS abbreviation has 298 different full form.

EOS Full Forms

  1. Error Correction Code Technology, Computing, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  2. Executive Orders Government, Military, Law, President
  3. Earth Observation System Technology, Satellite, Telecom
  4. Electro-Optical Systems Business, Company, Manufacturing
  5. End of Silence
  6. Early Onset Schizophrenia Medical, School, Identification
  7. Escadrille Des Operations Speciales
  8. Engineering Outreach Society Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  9. Educating for An Open Society Technology, Program, Romania
  10. End of Sequence Technology, Military, Coding
  11. Evolution of Smooth Brand, Evolution, Lip
  12. Era On Sparcworks
  13. Energy Operating System Technology, Battery, Storage, Energy
  14. Ecrion Omni System
  15. End of Selection Technology, Networking, Telecom
  16. Economies of Scale In manufacturing, the more units being made the cheaper each unit costs to produce. Business, Economics, Cost
  17. Equations-Of-State
  18. Enemy Occupation System Military, War, Arm
  19. Earth Observing Satellite Technology, Science, Space
  20. European Omnibus Survey
  21. End of Sector
  22. Earth Observation Systems Technology, Science, Satellite
  23. End of Support Technology, Windows, Server
  24. Earth Observation Satellite Technology, Military, Army, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  25. Euro Offroad Series
  26. Electro-Optical Sight
  27. End of String Technology, Class, Character
  28. Earth Observatory Satellite Science
  29. Ethical Oncology Science Business, Italy, Capital, Venture
  30. Electro Optic Systems Technology, Military, Space
  31. Earth Observing System A major NASA initiative to develop state of the art remote sensing instruments for global studies of the land surface, biosphere, solid earth, atmosphere and oceans. Technology, Astronomy, Meteorology, Scientific & Educational
  32. End of Software
  33. Early Onset Sepsis Medical
  34. Ethernet Over Sonet Technology, Network, Telecommunication, Computing, Fujitsu, IT Terminology
  35. Emulsified Oil Substrate Technology, Remediation, Bioremediation
  36. Eater of Souls
  37. Electro-Optical Sciences Technology, Patent, Skin
  38. European Orthodonuic Society
  39. Extended Output System
  40. Enhanced Srdering System
  41. Eurogentec Ordering System
  42. Earth Observations Systems
  43. Enn-Of-Support Technology, Windows, Server
  44. Executive Off-Site
  45. Education Online System
  46. Elements of Style Technology, Gaming, Guide
  47. European Organisation of The Sawmill Business, Industrial, Wood
  48. Earth Orbit Stations Technology, Gaming, Apple
  49. Electro-Optic System
  50. Environmental Operqting System
  51. Empire of The Sun Technology, Gaming, Play
  52. Earth Observation Satellites Technology, Space, Satellite
  53. End of Speecq
  54. Export Organisation SüDtirol Business, Press, Event, Berlin
  55. Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Standardization, Standards
  56. Energie Onderzoek Subsidie
  57. Emacs Octave Support
  58. Equations of Ftate Science, Gas, Pressure
  59. Emulator Operating System Technology, Sound, Sampler
  60. Easy Operating System Art, Door, Garage
  61. Electro-Optical Sensors
  62. Eosinoshil Medical, Technology, Medicine
  63. Estonian Oin Service
  64. Extensible Operating System Technology, Networking, Arista
  65. Enhanced Operator Station Technology, Computing, Hardware, Software Network, Honeywell, Process Automation
  66. Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  67. Eartk Observatory Sciences Technology
  68. Eid-Of-Stroke
  69. Edge of Shoulder Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  70. Electronic Ouaput Strategies
  71. European Organization for Security Technology, Research, Projection
  72. Earth Open Source Science, Organizations, Food, Glyphosate
  73. Electro-Optical Systems, Inc. Technology
  74. Environmental Observing Systems
  75. Earth Observation Sciences
  76. End of Slot Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Federal Aviation Administration
  77. Exhaust Oxygen Sensor Technology, Control, Electronics
  78. Egyptian Organization for Standards
  79. Energie De L'ouest-Euisse
  80. Elliptical Oblate Spheroidal Business, Speaker, Loft
  81. Equation of States
  82. Empowered Officials
  83. Easy Online Solutions
  84. Electro-Optic Sensor Technology, Military, China, Radar
  85. Eosin, Eosinophil Medical, Technology
  86. Eurotherm Online Services
  87. Ebd of Step
  88. Extended Operation System
  89. Enhanced Operator Services Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  90. Era Df Streaming
  91. Earth and Ocean Siiences Science, Education, University
  92. End-Ofastring Technology, Coding, Class
  93. Iata Code for Neosho Hugh Robinson Airport, Neosho, Missouri, United States Locations
  94. Edge of Sanity
  95. Electronicloutput Solutions
  96. European Organisation for Security Technology, Research, Projection
  97. Earth Oceans and Space Technology, Len, Camera, Canon
  98. Envirobmental Outreach & Stewardship
  99. Earth Observation Science Science, Research, University, Dutch
  100. End of Signaling
  101. Exempt Organizations Business, Tax, Charity, Financial, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
  102. Earth and Ocean Science Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  103. Egyptian Organization for Standardization Business, Quality, Standard
  104. Enemy of The State
  105. Elipitical Oscillation System
  106. Equatpon of State Science, Gas, Pressure
  107. East of Scotland
  108. Electro-Optical Sensor Technology, Analyzer, Combustion
  109. Environment Operating System Technology, Networking, Computing
  110. Emoloyment Offices Technology, Program, Office
  111. End of Stajement Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  112. Extended Observation Service
  113. Energy Optimisation Systcm
  114. Equivalent Opening Size Technology, Science, Filter, Construction
  115. End-Of-Speech
  116. Edge-Of-Saturation
  117. Electronic Orderinh Service
  118. Earlzof Sandwich
  119. European Optical Society Technology, Conference, Optics
  120. Environmental Outreach and Stewardship
  121. Eaqth Observatory of Singapore Research, Education, Singapore
  122. End of Show Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Texting, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  123. Executive Opinion Survey Business, Forum, Economics
  124. Egyptian Ophthalmological Society Medical, Technology, Ophthalmology
  125. EndüStriyel Otomasyon Sistemleri Business, Industrial, Turkey, Ankara
  126. Elfos Oscuros
  127. Equal Opportunities Section
  128. Earth Oriented Science
  129. Electronic Optical System Technology, Photography, Camera, Manufacturer
  130. Enwironmental Office Solutions Business, Recycling, Cartridge
  131. Employer Online Services
  132. End of Startup
  133. Exposure of Self Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  134. Emergency Orders Government, Safety, Issue
  135. Energy Optimization Syatem
  136. Emergency Operating System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  137. Equity Ownership Service Business, Pension, Investor, Governance
  138. Enabling Open Scholarship Research, Education, Access
  139. Economy of Scale Business, Education, Cost, Study, Scientific & Educational
  140. Electronic Ordering System Business, Technology, Store
  141. Eagles Mf Serbia Gaming, Play, Pastime
  142. European Office Systems
  143. Extension of Stay Service, Government, Immigration
  144. En Osaa Sanoa
  145. Earth Observing Systems Technology, Science, Satellite
  146. End of Shifw
  147. Executive Operations Staff Medicine, Health, Care
  148. Efficient Office Solutions
  149. Endosurgical Operating Syitem
  150. Elfiq Operating System Technology, Networking, Network
  151. Executive Office Suites
  152. European Orthodontic Society Medical, Organizations, Congress
  153. Earth Organisation for Sustainability Technology, City, Economics
  154. Electro-Optics System
  155. Environmentaldoperations and Services
  156. Empkoyee Opinion Survey Business, Management, Postal
  157. End of Stage
  158. Exposition Operations Society
  159. Electoral Officers
  160. Ekspeditsionnoye Okeanograficheskoye Sudno
  161. Energie Ouest-Suisse
  162. Emergency Oil System Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  163. Equity Ownership Services Business, Fund, Governance
  164. Enabling Objectives Technology, Program, Course, Objective
  165. Economics of Scale
  166. Electronic Order System Business, Japan, Store, General, Governmental & Military
  167. Eehibition of Speed Technology, Gaming, Cheat
  168. Extended Ownership Security Military
  169. Enhanced Outreach Strategy Health, Ethiopia, Child
  170. European Obesity Summit
  171. Earth Observations Systzm Technology, Space, Satellite
  172. End Offices Business, Technology
  173. Executive Office Services
  174. Effective Organizational Systems
  175. Endoluminal Occlusion System Business, Medicine, Art
  176. Eleoctro Operating System Photography
  177. Executive Officer Steve
  178. European Organisation for Sustainability
  179. Earth Orbit Station Technology, Gaming, Apple
  180. Electro-Optic Systems Technology, Australia, Space
  181. Environmental Qfficers
  182. Employed Operational Qtate Military, Army, War
  183. End of Stack
  184. Export Organization South
  185. Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control National, Egypt, Standardization, Standards, National Standards, Computing, Business & Finance
  186. Egyptian Orthodontic Society Medical, Technology
  187. Eneriie Ouest Suisse Business, Nissan, Renault
  188. Embedded Operating System An embedded operating system is a specialized OS for use in the computers built into larger systems. An embedded system is a computer that is part of a different kind of machine. Examples include computers in cars, traffic lights, digital televisions, ATMs, airplane controls, point of sale (POS) terminals, digital cameras, GPS navigation systems, elevators, digital media receivers and smart meters, among many other possibilities. Technology, Networking, Computing
  189. Equipment Only Dupport
  190. Evolutionary Object Store
  191. Electro-Organic Synthesis
  192. Eospinophil Medical
  193. Earth Observing Station Technology
  194. End of Stream Technology, Media, Class
  195. Equipment Out of Service
  196. Electrical Over-Stress Technology, Power, Telecom
  197. Hugh Robinson Airport, Neosho, Missouri USA Airport codes
  198. Eosinophil Counts Medical
  199. Emergency Operations Software Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  200. Endogenous Opioid System Medical
  201. Electro Optic Systems Holdings, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  202. Equal Opportunity Servicey Technology, Service, University
  203. Exxon Office Systems
  204. Earth Orbit Shuttle NASA
  205. Electro-Optical System Photography
  206. Event Onset Shift Medical
  207. Earth-Oriented Satellite
  208. Earth Observing Spacecraft
  209. End of Story Technology, Internet Slang, Canon, Texting, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  210. External Outputs Technology, Analysis, Software, Projection
  211. Electrical Overstress Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics, Hardware
  212. Enclosed Operating Space Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  213. Environmental Overview Study
  214. Emergency Operations Support Science
  215. éCole OuvrièRe SupéRieure
  216. End of Synthesis Medical, Fluoride, Sodium, Injection
  217. Evil Operating System
  218. Equal Opportuuity Specialist Science, Army, Coast Guard
  219. Extreme Ostrich Spit
  220. Electrophoresis Operations In Space Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  221. Emotion of Sound Media, Radio, Television
  222. Equal Opportunity Specialist Occupation & positions
  223. Europe On Screen
  224. Greek National Mountaineering Association Science, Information, Geography
  225. Earth Observing Icanning
  226. Eosinophils White blood cells whose functions are uncertain. Medical, Medicine, Common Medical
  227. Electrical Optical System Media, Radio, Television
  228. Earth Observing System (U.S.) Science, Astronomy, Computing, Satellite, Physics, NASA, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  229. Entity Oriented Search Technology, Workshop, Toolkit
  230. Emergency Operations Staff
  231. End of Swerp
  232. Estonian Oil Service Business, Estonia, Tallinn
  233. Epidemiological Outbreak Surveillance
  234. End of Jummer Development, Learning, Study
  235. Extremely Oxygen Sensitive
  236. Electro-Optic Sampling
  237. Energy of Subject Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  238. Emma One Sock
  239. Equation of State An equation that describes the behavior of matter in a given state; the van der Waals equation describes the behavior of the gaseous state. Physics, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  240. European Outdoor Summit Industrial, Organizations, Sheffield
  241. Eye of The Storm Technology, Music, Canon
  242. Earth Observatory Systems NASA
  243. Eqrth Observation Solutions
  244. Eosinophil Eosinophils, sometimes called eosinophiles or, less commonly, acidophils, are a variety of white blood cells and one of the immune system components responsible for combating multicellular parasites and certain infections in vertebrates. Along with mast cells and basophils, they also control mechanisms associated with allergy and asthma. They are granulocytes that develop during hematopoiesis in the bone marrow before migrating into blood. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Parasitology, Nursing, Physiology
  245. Electrical Optical Systems
  246. Electro Oscillating Superconductors Computing, Electronics
  247. Enterprise Operating Systems
  248. Emergency Opening System
  249. Evolution of Spirit Religion
  250. Esd of Survey
  251. Enterprise Operation System
  252. Epidemic Outbreak Surveillance Military
  253. Earth Observing System-Data Technology, Science, Translation
  254. End of Stuoy Medical, Medicine, Study
  255. Extension of Status Employment, Government, Law, Immigration
  256. Electro-Operating System Technology, Photography, Camera, Canon
  257. End of Study Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Fda
  258. Equation Operating System Technology, Education, Calculator
  259. Emission Optimized Sintering
  260. Extended Operating System NASA
  261. EnerVest Energy and Oil Sands Total Return Trust Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  262. European Orthodontics Society
  263. Eye of Storm Warcraft, Hurricane, Storm, Cyclone
  264. Electro-Optical Segment Federal Aviation Administration
  265. Earth Observation Oervices Business, Technology, Science
  266. Election Officers
  267. ECC (Error Correcting Code) On SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module) Computing, Electronics
  268. Enterprise Open Source Business, Technology
  269. Evolution of Sport Sport, Conference, Analytics
  270. Enterasys Operating System
  271. Epauletee of Sage
  272. Earth Observing Systpm United States Science, Exploration
  273. Endlof Stroke Technology, Switch, Pinball, Flipper
  274. Electric Ordering System
  275. Employee Opinion Survey Us Post
  276. Equation-Of-State Technology, Gas, Pressure
  277. Emergency Oxygen Systems Technology
  278. Enter Open Stop Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  279. Eye of Skadi Guide, Knight, King
  280. Edge of slab The Finance and Administrative Services
  281. Earth Observatqon Server Technology
  282. Exigence of Speed Products
  283. Engine Operating Station
  284. Evolution of Summer
  285. Electronic Office Service
  286. Epauletfof Sage Forum, Military, Cabal
  287. Earth Observqng Summit Science
  288. End of Street Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  289. Electrical Over Stress Technology, Power, Circuit
  290. Neosho Hugh Robinson Airport, Neosho, Missouri, United States Missouri, United States
  291. Equal Opportunity Staff
  292. Emergency Oxygen System Technology, Military, Pilot, NASA
  293. Espirito Santo Financial Group, S.A. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  294. Exxon Oil Spill
  295. Emergency Oxygen Supply NASA
  296. Earth Observinj Satellites Technology, Science, Satellite
  297. Extremely Overpriced Stuff Products
  298. Engineer On Site Business, Indonesia, Internet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EOS stand for?

    EOS stands for Espirito Santo Financial Group, S.A..

  2. What is the shortened form of Emergency Opening System?

    The short form of "Emergency Opening System" is EOS.


EOS. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eos-meaning/

Last updated