EPA Meaning

The EPA meaning is "Eicosapentaenoic Acids". The EPA abbreviation has 343 different full form.

EPA Full Forms

  1. Eicosapentaenoic Acids Medical
  2. Evironmental Protection Agency Business, Science, Environment
  3. Eicosapentanoic Medical
  4. European Pressphoto Agency Agency, Photography, Picture, Breaking
  5. Eicosapentaenoate Medical
  6. Enhanced Parallelnport Technology
  7. Economic Price Adjustment Business, Military, Contract
  8. El Palomar Xirport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  9. Environsental Protection Agencies Government, Agency, Environment
  10. Eicosapentanoic Acid Medical, Technology
  11. Environmental Protection Agency The US government agency founded to "protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment--air, water, and land--upon which life depends." The Environmental Protection Agency is known as the EPA. Business, Science, Government, Agriculture, Water, Automotive, Atmospheric Research, The Finance and Administrative Services
  12. Eicosapentaenic Acid Medical
  13. Environmental Planning and Assessment Business, Safety, Fire
  14. Error Performance Analysis
  15. Educación De Personas Adultas
  16. Envirommental Protection Agency
  17. Eurqpean Patent Academy Government, Office, Epo
  18. Executive Performance Award
  19. Emirates Publishers Association Government, Emirate, Publishing
  20. Extended Pair Approxn
  21. Economic and Public Affairs
  22. Energie Prestatie Advies
  23. Estimated Price At Arrival Business, Trading, Wave
  24. Einstein Postdoc Association
  25. Environmental Protection Ageny Science, Agency, Health
  26. Electronic Public Access Technology, Law, Court, Pacer
  27. Environnemental Protection Agency Agency, Environment, Water, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  28. Exposure To Polycyclic Aromatic
  29. Encuesta De La Población Activa Para, Con, Persona
  30. Educational Partnership Agreement Technology, Research, University
  31. European Probiotic Association Technology, Animal, Prize
  32. Environmental Projection Agency Business, Technology, Water
  33. Evasion Plan of Action Military, Army, Survival
  34. United States Environmental Protection Agency Medical, Technology, Science, Ocean, Water, Radon, Environmental, System, Environment, Construction, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Oil, Scientific & Educational, Chemistry
  35. Employee Performance Assessment
  36. Estate Phoenix Arizona
  37. Entry Point Address
  38. Excellent Iaper Award
  39. Electrostatic Protected Area Technology, Product, Electronics
  40. Equal Parenting Alliance
  41. Extra Privilege Agreement Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  42. End Protected Area
  43. Ethyl Phosphonic Acid
  44. Educatioy Protection Account Business, School, Spending
  45. Environmental Protections Agency Science, Government, Environment
  46. Environmental Projects Agency
  47. Environmental Performance Agreements Science
  48. Error-Prone Abbreviation
  49. Enviromental Protection Agency Business, Technology, Environment
  50. Evaluation, Potency, and Activity Science, Theory, Control, Social
  51. Execution Path Analysis
  52. Emirates Philatelic Association Organizations, Dubai, Stamp, Emirate
  53. Ecological Protection Agency
  54. Energetic Particle Analyser Science
  55. Estimated Position Arc
  56. Einmannpaket Military, German
  57. Environmental Production Agency Technology, Gas, Emission, Peroxide
  58. Electronic Prior Authorizations
  59. Environmntal Protection Agency
  60. Export Promotion Agency Business, Trading, Ethiopia
  61. Escola PráTica De Artilharia
  62. Educational Priority Area Education
  63. European Privacy Association Law, Organizations, Protection
  64. Environmental Protection Areas Locations, Forest, Brazil
  65. Evaporative Portable Air
  66. Employee Performance Appraisals
  67. Establecimiento PÚBlico Ambiental Para, Colombia, Con
  68. Enironmental Protection Agency
  69. Electric Pneumatic Actuator
  70. Electrostatic Protected Areas Technology, Control, Protection
  71. Epileptic Activity Medical
  72. End of Protected Area Technology, Telecom, Character
  73. Ethioptan Privatization Agency
  74. Education Priority Areas
  75. Environmental Planning Associates
  76. Envioonmentaw Protection Agency
  77. Environmental Performance Agreement Technology, Science, Planning, Canada
  78. Erik, Pelle, and Anders Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  79. Envirnmental Protection Agency
  80. Exclusive Purchasing Agreement
  81. Elphick Proome Archqtects
  82. Environtmental Protection Agency Agency, Indonesia, Environment, Salah
  83. Ecole Des Pupilles De L'Air
  84. Energetic Particle Analyzer Technology
  85. Estimated Plan of Action Business, Management, Space, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  86. Einheitliche PrüFungsanforderungen In Der AbiturprüFung Technology, German, Gymnasium, Deutsch
  87. Environmental Protection Aagency
  88. Electronic Prior Authorization Medical, Health, Pharmacy
  89. Environmetnal Protection Agency
  90. Explosion Protected Apparatus
  91. Escola Pr
  92. Educational Programmes Abroad Program, Education, Internship
  93. European Press Agency Organizations, Photography, Photographer
  94. Environmental Protection Air
  95. Evangelical Press Association Magazine, Award, Evangelical
  96. Employee Performance Sppraisal Technology
  97. Extended Product Approach Technology, Drive, Efficiency
  98. Enginedring Plant Analyzer
  99. Electricity Purchase Agreement Business, Energy, Power, Projection
  100. European Protection Agency
  101. Electrostatic Protective Area Technology, Device, Protection
  102. Epidemic Polyarthritis Medical
  103. Endangered Places Association Education, History, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  104. Ethiopian Press Agency Organizations, Building, Ethiopia
  105. Education Priorimy Area
  106. Environmental Protection Associations Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  107. Entironmental Protecting Agency
  108. Event Processor Array Technology, Control, Electronics, Circuit
  109. Educaci
  110. Erect Posterioranterior Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  111. Envirionmental Protection Agency
  112. Exclusive Provider Arrangement Medical, Medicine, Health Care
  113. Elliniki Polemiki Aeroporia
  114. Environment Planning Authority
  115. Environmental Protection Agencey Government
  116. Ecole De Pilotage Avance
  117. Enemy Properties Act
  118. Estatuto Del Personal AcadéMico
  119. Einheitlichen PrüFungsanforderungen In Der AbiturprüFung
  120. Environmental Protection Agecny
  121. Electronic Provider Access
  122. Environmetal Protection Agency Business, Technology, Environment
  123. Environmental Public Awareness
  124. Exploration Permit Application Business, Mining, Gas
  125. Escola Panamericana De Arte
  126. Educational Programs Abroad Education, Study, Internship
  127. European Preparatory Assemblies
  128. Environmental Programs Annual
  129. Evaluation and Policy Analysis
  130. Emplojee Payroll Action Employment, Work, Working
  131. Extended Planning Agency
  132. Economic Partnership Agreements Business, Government, Organizations, Africa, Trading
  133. Engineering Project Authorization Technology, Space, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  134. Electrical Power and Automation
  135. European Productivity Agency Science, Research, Economics
  136. Electron Positron Accumulator Technology, Science, Accelerator, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  137. Epidemic and Pandemic Alert
  138. Encuesta De Poblaci
  139. Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association Medical, Health, Ethiopia
  140. Education Partnership Agreements
  141. Environmental Protection Association Technology, Government, Water
  142. Environmental Protection Agengy Health, Kitchen, Environmental
  143. Event Planners Association Business, Planning, Wedding
  144. Europ
  145. Erbs Palsy Attorneys
  146. Enviornmental Protection Agency Technology, Environment, Water
  147. Excision and Primary Anastomosis Medical, Sex, Reconstruction, Stricture
  148. Elites Per Acre
  149. Environment Potential Approach Chemistry, Technology, Science
  150. L'Environmental Protection Agency
  151. Echelle Pivotante Automatique Car, Collection, Passion
  152. Endovascular Papillary Angioendothelioma Medical
  153. Estate Police Association Business, Building, Tobago
  154. Eicospentaenoic Acid Medical
  155. Environmental Protetion Agency
  156. Environmentl Protection Agency Military
  157. Environmental Planning Act
  158. Erythroid Potentiating Activity Medical, Medicine, Biology
  159. Educational Paperback Association Book, Education, Publisher
  160. Environ-Mental Protection Agency
  161. European Preparatory Assembly Forum, English, Organizations, Social
  162. Evaluation Potency and Activity Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  163. Empiric Phrase Association Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  164. Extended Planning Annex Technology, Army, War, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  165. Economic Partnership Agreement Business, Africa, Trading
  166. Engineering Personnel Authorxzation Technology, Space, Engineering
  167. Estudiantes Por La AutonomíA
  168. Electrical Penetration Assemblies Technology, Plant, Power
  169. Environmental Permit Applications
  170. European Project Association Technology, Research, Europa
  171. Electron Population Analysis Chemistry, Technology, Science
  172. Epic Portrait Associated Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  173. Exemplary Perfvrmance Award
  174. Encuesta Población Activa Para, Con, Persona
  175. Erhernet Port Adapter
  176. Education Partnership Agreement Technology, Program, Military
  177. Environmental Protection Authority Technology, Science, Australia
  178. Envmronmental Protect Agency
  179. Evasive Plan of Action
  180. Extra Point Attempts Business, Gaming, Sport, Football
  181. Employee Protection Act
  182. Equal Pay Act, Environmental Protection Agency Finance, Economics, Money
  183. Envionmental Protection Agency Music, Song, Water
  184. Exchange Profile Analyzer Microsoft, Technology, Server
  185. Elite Programming Associaxion
  186. Environmnetal Protection Agency
  187. Eau Potable Et Assainissement Technology, Service, Environnement
  188. Endoperoxide Analogue Medical
  189. European Patent Attorned
  190. Eesti PÕLlumajanduse Akadeemia
  191. Environmental Protection Agencya
  192. Environmental Pollution Agency Water, River, Environmental
  193. Erythroid-Potentiating Activity Science, Protein, Inhibitor
  194. Educación Permanente De Adultos Para, Con, Material
  195. Enviromnental Protection Agency
  196. European Practice Assessment The European Practice Assessment is a pan-European development for quality management in primary health care. The scaffolding is a set of indicators, that EPA instrument enables general practitioners to compare and to improve the organisation and management of their practices. It is based on an extended review of the international literature on assessment models for primary care, with special attention to the Dutch model of practice visits. Medical, Care, Quality
  197. Executine Personal Assistant Occupation, Position, Job
  198. Emission of Polycyclic Arumatic
  199. Extended Pedestrian A Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  200. Economics and Public Affairs Technology, Tech, Clan
  201. Energie Prestatie Adviezen
  202. Estonian Privatization Agency
  203. Electrical Penetration Assembly Science
  204. Environmental Protection Agency...Not Environment, Habitat, Setting
  205. Electronic Purchasing Agreement Military
  206. Envrionmental Protection Agency Technology, Environment, Water
  207. Extended Pair Approxn. Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  208. Encuesta De Población Activa
  209. Educational Partnership Agreements
  210. European Projects Association Technology, Research, Projection
  211. Environmental Protective Agency Technology, Health, Water
  212. Evasion Plans of Action
  213. Employee Promovion Assessment Internet Slang
  214. Estate Planning Attorneys
  215. Enumerated Powers Act
  216. Exceptional Performance Award
  217. Elite Powered Armor
  218. Equal Pay Act In Britain, a government Act of 1970 which gives women the right to earn the same money and to receive the same benefits as men for performing the same job. Business, Science, Employment, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Business Word
  219. Extrinsic Plasminogen Activator Medical, Technology, Medicine
  220. Eating Parts of Apples Nutrition, Food, Victual
  221. Endogenous Peroxidase Activity Medical
  222. Euwopean Parts Approval Technology, Boeing
  223. Edward Penley Ibraham
  224. Environmental Protection Agencys Government, Health, Energy, Environment, Water
  225. Electronic Periodical Archives Technology, Database, Archive
  226. Environmental Project Agency
  227. Event Processing Application
  228. Employment Promgtion Act
  229. Europäischem Patentamt
  230. Extra Permanent Alkalinity Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  231. Environment Protection Administration Technology, Manual, Taiwan
  232. Excellent People Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  233. Environmental Protection Agency (federal) Education
  234. Environmental Protectin Agency
  235. Escola Profissional De Almada
  236. Beer Related Beer Acronyms
  237. Enviroment Protection Agency
  238. Extended Protection Authentication
  239. Economic Partnership Arrangement Business, Trading, China, Agreement
  240. Etablissements Publics Administratifs Technology, Management, Droit
  241. End Point Adjustment Architecture
  242. Electric Power Association Technology, Energy, Mississippi
  243. Environmental Protected Area Technology, Management, Brazil
  244. Electronic Personnel Action
  245. Event Processing Agent Technology, Networking, Network
  246. Employment Pardnership Agreement
  247. European Public Admiyistration Technology, Program, University
  248. Edmonton Police Association
  249. Eicosapentaenoic Acid Chemistry, Laboratory, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  250. Environment Protection Area
  251. Microsoft Exchange Server Profile Analyzer Technology, Science, It
  252. Environmental Protection Agency (US) Medical, Chemistry, Science, Government, Aviation, Army, Car, Energy, Emergency, Computing, Industry, Veterinary, Environment, Air Force, Construction, Climatology, Logistics, Oil, Telecom, Physics, Postal, Plastics, Electrical, United States, Wastewater, Legal, Response, Us Government, Us Post, Us Army, Geographic, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, commercial real estate, International business, Housing and Urban, Fda, Nuclear Energy
  253. Environmental Protection Agency (u.s.) Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
  254. Environmental Protection Area Locations, Forest, Brazil
  255. Encroachment Permit Ipplication
  256. éTablissements Publics à
  257. Environmenal Protection Agency
  258. Extended Protection for Authentication Technology, Windows, Professional, Edition
  259. Economic Partnerships Agreement Business, Government, Organizations
  260. Etablissement Public Administratif
  261. Effective Projected Area Architecture
  262. European Prosthodontic Association Medical, Dental, Dentistry
  263. Expanded Programme of Assistance Business & Finance, Business Word
  264. Employment Prevention Agency Government, Environment, Debate
  265. Electronic Payments Association
  266. Event Processing Agents Technology, Networking, Network
  267. Employees Per Acre
  268. European Press-Photo Agencp Agency, Picture, Photographer
  269. Edge Portfolio Analyzer
  270. Ethel Percy Andrus
  271. European Public Administration Dutch
  272. Environment Public Authority Technology, Service, Kuwait
  273. Equity Principal Auditions Business, Theatre, Casting, Performing arts
  274. Extended Pair Approxn. (in Elec. Cond. Calcn.) Chemistry
  275. Environmental Protection Agenc
  276. En-Vironmental Protection Agency
  277. éDitions Philippe Amaury Sport, Organizations, France
  278. Environmantal Protection Agency
  279. Eosinophil-Parasite Adherence Medical
  280. Economic Partnerships Agreements
  281. Estudos Portugueses E Africanos
  282. Equity Principal Additions Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  283. Exoatmospheric Pwnetration Aid
  284. Electronic Publishing Abstracts
  285. Electronic Payment Authorization
  286. Employment Protection Acts Education
  287. European Poker Awargs Player, Star, Poker
  288. Ecosystem Performance Anomalies
  289. Ethanol Plant Air
  290. Environmental Protection Authority (Victoria, Australia) Legal, Governmental & Military
  291. Extended Performance Architecture
  292. Environment Potential Approach (in Electronic-structure Calcn.) Chemistry
  293. Empresa Nortuaria Antofagasta Locations, City, Chile, Port
  294. éCole Du Patrimoine Africain Education, Africa, African
  295. Environemental Protection Agency
  296. Environ Prot Agency
  297. Estudiantes Por La Autonom
  298. Engineering Publications Assistant Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  299. Exempt From Peisonnel Act
  300. Einstein Postdoctoral Association
  301. Electronic Payment Advice
  302. Employment Protection Act
  303. Escuela Popular De Drte Para, Art, Con
  304. Economic Progress Alliance
  305. Etablissement Public D'Am
  306. IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award Computing, Ieee
  307. Extended Pair Approximation
  308. Environmental Protection Authority (australia) Chemistry
  309. Electronic Plotting Aids
  310. Event Publication Agents Technology, Protocol, Session
  311. Empresa Portuaria Austcal Business, Chile, Port, Arena
  312. Thu.Senvironmentaprotectioagency. Science, Energy, Environment
  313. Environment Protecting Agency
  314. Earth Protection Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  315. Environmental Protection Agency's
  316. Effective Program Approval
  317. Extension Planning Areas Science, District, Malawi, Farming
  318. Economic Price Adjustments Business, Government, Contract
  319. Etablissement Public à
  320. Eligible Performer Audition Occupation & positions
  321. Electron-Positron Accumulator Science, Experiment, Particle, Accelerator
  322. Federal Environmental Protection Agency Planning, Institute For Local Government, Land Use
  323. Experienced Practitioner Assessed
  324. Electronic Plotting Aid Technology, Manual, Radar
  325. Environmental Plan of Action
  326. Event Publication Agent
  327. Empresa Portuaria Ariza Shipping, Chile, Port
  328. Expanded Polystyrene Association
  329. Engineering Personnel Authorization Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  330. Environment Protect Agency
  331. Eastern Psychological Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  332. Environmental Protection Agreement
  333. Environmental and Protection Agency Science, Environment, Agua
  334. Escola Profissional De Aveiro
  335. Education Privacy Act
  336. Environmental Policy Alert
  337. United States Environment Protection Agency Technology, Government, Health, Usa, Water
  338. Extension Planning Area Business, Technology, Government
  339. Economic Planning Agency Business, Technology, Japan
  340. Etablissement Public D'AméNagement
  341. Environmental Protection Act Electrical
  342. Electric Power Annual Technology, Energy, Electricity
  343. Escuela Panamericana De Agricultura

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EPA stand for?

    EPA stands for European Preparatory Assembly.

  2. What is the shortened form of Evangelical Press Association?

    The short form of "Evangelical Press Association" is EPA.


EPA. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/epa-meaning/

Last updated