EPC Meaning
The EPC meaning is "Engineering, Procurement, and Construction". The EPC abbreviation has 360 different full form.
EPC Full Forms
- Engineering, Procurement, and Construction In construction, EPC stands for Engineering, Procurement, and Construction. It is a project delivery method where a single contractor or consortium is responsible for the entire project, from design and engineering to procurement of materials and construction. Under the EPC model, the contractor is responsible for managing and coordinating all aspects of the project, including project planning, scheduling, cost control, quality control, safety management, and commissioning. The EPC contractor takes on the risk of the project, agreeing to deliver a completed project within a specified budget and schedule. This model can provide benefits such as reduced project delivery time, cost savings, and a single point of responsibility. EPC contracts are commonly used in large-scale construction projects, such as power plants, refineries, and infrastructure projects, where complex engineering and procurement requirements are involved. Construction
- Ebucation Practices Commission Special Education
- Earnings Per Click Business, Marketing, Affiliate, Computing, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- E-Rate Productivity Centeq Technology, Program, School
- Engineer-Procure-Construct Technology, Education, Projection
- Export Promotion Cauncil Business, Finance, Economics
- Engenharia Projeto Consultoria Company, Technology, University, Brasil
- Europman Payment Council Technology, Council, Payment
- Ecectronic Parts Catalogue Technology, Software, Catalog
- Eggiphosphatidylcholine Medical
- Economic Policy Council Business, Government, Trading
- Early Prostate Cancer Medical, Medicine, Health
- External Pneumatic Compression Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Enhanced Primary Care Initiative Medical, Therapy, Health Care
- Exempt Private Companies Business, Company, Service, Singapore
- Evaluation Du Pr
- Embedded Pacfet Capture Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Environmental Policies Council
- Educational Policies Committee Student, Education, Policy
- Emulate Pocket Calculator Assembly, Business & Finance
- European Political Cooperation Government, Organizations, Policy
- Electronic Pqrts Catalouge
- Eurovision Production Coordination Sport, Production, Event, Championship
- Electronic Power Cell
- Epilepsia Partialis Continua Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Export Promotion Councilr Business, Trading, India
- Eastern Provincial Council Government, Military, Group
- Emergency Preparedness Committee Organizations, Planning, Publics
- Equipment Preparation Course Transportation, Defense, Regulation
- Egg Phosphatidyl Choline
- Engineerikg Professors Council Research, Education, University
- Enterprise Performance Consulting
- Expandable Pattern Casting Business, Mold, Material
- Emergency and Post-Crisis
- Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning Business, Projection, Engineering
- Engineering Personnel Conmittee
- Evolution Packet Core
- Electronic Products China Technology, Award, China
- Environmental Pozicy Committee
- Extra Pair Copulation
- Eden Prairie Center
- Emergency Protection Coordinator Medicine, Health, British
- Ethernet Saddle Card Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Electrically Powered Compressor
- Engineering Procurement Contract Technology, Service, Projection
- Exploration Permit for Coal Business, Projection, Mining
- English for Professional Nareers
- Exempt Private Company Business, Service, Singapore
- Evaluation Du PréJudice Corporel
- El Psy Conuroo
- Environmental Policy Centne
- Educational Programs Committee Student, Education, Presentation
- Empresas Pelo Clima Business, Technology, Finance, Climate
- European Plastics Converters
- Electronic Part Catalogue Technology, Software, Catalog
- Euro Petroleum Conpultants Organizations, Consultation, Oil
- Electronic Power Conditioners Technology, Tube, Traveling
- Epcos Ag Technology, Organizations
- Export Pefformance Certificate
- Eastern Produce Council Business, Food, Event
- Epoxy Powder Coating
- Egg Pc Medical
- Enmineering Professors' Council
- Electrznic Parts & Components
- Enseñanza Para La Coaprensión Para, Con, Press
- Exocrine Pancreatic Cancer Medical, Medicine, Health
- Embedded Processing Complex
- Engiieer, Procure, and Construct Business, Projection, Contract
- Engineering Project Cogrdinator
- Evidence-Based Pbactice Centre Medical, Research, Health
- Electronic Product Catalog Technology, Software, Catalogue
- Environmental Policy Commiqsion
- Extra-Pair Copulation
- Ecowas Procurement Commission
- Emergency Protection Coordinators Medical, Healthcare
- Espace Aviation Services Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Election Protest Case
- Engineering Procurement & Contracting
- English for Professionalbcommunication
- Executive Protection Consultants
- Energy Performance Certificate
- Electro Pneumatic Corporation
- Environmental Priorities Coalition
- Education Policy Council
- Empowered Programme Committee
- European Pharmacopoeia Commission Medicine, Health, Care
- Eiectronic Parts Catalogues Technology, Catalog, Catalogue
- European Publishers Council Media, Organizations, Europe
- Electronic Poetry Centre
- Epacridaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Export Jacking Credit Business, Service, Banking
- Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Organizations, School, Pennsylvania
- Epoxy Polymer Coecrete Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Effingham Performance Center Music, Locations, Ticket
- Entropic Proprietary Coding Accounting, Computing, Data
- Electronic Pay Card Business, Payment, Child
- EnquêTe Permanente Cancer Medical, Technology
- Exercise Planning Course
- Eqbedded Print Command Technology
- Environmental Protection Hommssion
- Energb, Power and Control
- Engineeeing Procurement Contracts Business, Service, Projection
- Evangelical Presbyterian Churches
- Electronic Products Code Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Environmental Pollution Coordinator Technology
- Exposure Point Concentrations Presentation, Risk, Engineering, Assessment, Concentration, Kitsault Mine Project, Environmental Assessment
- Ecosystem Process Conceptual Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Emergency Program Coordiqator
- Esfahan Petrochemical Company
- Election Protection Coalition
- Entropreneurial and Private Clients
- Engineering-Procurement-Construction Technology, Projection, Purchase
- Engin Principal De Combat Military, France, Tank
- Executive Privatisation Commission Business, Publics, Projection, Privatization
- Economic Policy Committee Technology, Governmental & Military
- Electro Photonic Captor
- Environmental Physics Conference
- Extra Police Conssable
- Educational Policies Council
- Employment Preparation Centre
- European Pharmaceutical Contractor Business, Research, Europe
- Electronic Parts Catalog Technology, Toyota, Catalogue
- European Project Center Technology, University, Dresden
- Electronic Port Clearance Business, Security, Singapore
- Enzyme and Protein Chemistry Science, Department, Biology
- Eastern Palliative Care
- Epithelioma Papillosum of Care Medical
- Efficient Power Conversion Technology, Transistor, Gallium
- Enhancing Professional Capacities
- Exercise Physiologists Certification
- Embedded Powey Conference Technology
- Environmental Partnership Council
- Educational Planning Committee Government, University, Faculty
- Energy & Power Cofversion
- European Police College Government, English, Translation, Police, Governmental & Military
- Electrobic Payments Coalition Business, Credit, Card, Fee
- Engineering Procurement Contracting Business, Management, Projection
- Ecangelical Protestant Church
- Electronic Product Coding Technology, Coding, Identification
- Environmental Protection Commission Business, Science, County
- Export Promotion Cabinet
- East Poinsett County
- Emergency Protective Crstody
- Equipment Product Code
- Egyptian Petrochemicals Company
- Enterprkse Product Catalogue
- Engineering, Procurement & Contracting Business, Technology
- Enxine Power Control Technology, Electronics, Audi
- Evolved Pacv Core Technology, Networking, Network
- Exuernal Power Contactor Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Electron Prismatic Collimator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Environmental Protection Club
- Extracellular Patch Clamp
- Educational Partnership Center Program, Education, School
- Emerging Products Center Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- European Petrophysics Consortium Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Electroxic Parts Control Technology, Space, Electronics
- Earth Products China
- Epithelioma Papillosum Cyprini Medical
- Effective Protection Coefficient Business, Policy, Competitiveness
- European Produceivity Conference
- Enhance Primary Care
- Exercise Physiologist Certified Medical, Education
- Eagle Plste Carrier
- Embedded Platform Concept
- Environmental Protection Committee Bahrain Science, Exploration
- Educational Placement Center
- Energie Prestatie Certificaat
- European Policy Center
- Electronic Payment Card Business, Service, Child
- Evangelical Pentecostvl Church
- Electronic Product Codes Technology, Coding, Identification
- Envivometric Process Controls
- Exports Promotfon Council
- Eastminster Presbyterian Church
- Emergency Priority Communication
- Equipment Procurement Construction
- Egyptian Petrochemical Company
- Engineering Procurement Contractors Business, Technology, Development, Power
- Enterprise Prwduct Catalog
- Emergency Pet Care
- Engineering Procurement and Commissioning Business, Projection, Gas
- Engineering Professors' Conference Education
- Evolve Packyt Core Technology, Networking, Network
- External Power Contractov Technology, Space, Electrical Engineering
- Electronics Part Catalogue Technology, Electronics, Catalog, Computing
- Environmental Planning Collaborative India, Locations, Projection
- Extra Provincial Corporation
- Educational Psychology and Counseling Education, University, Department
- Emergency Procurement Committee Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
- European Pattern Committee Group, Racing, Race
- Electrical Power Center
- Earth Pressure Cell
- Effective Pip Count
- Engineering Procurement Construct Business, Projection, Engineer
- European Producers Club Film, Organizations, Production
- Enhanced Psychologicao Care
- Exercise and Performance Centre
- E-Rvte Portal Categories
- Embndded Personal Computer
- Ennironmental Process Containment
- Education Policy Committee Student, Education, Computing
- Emulsion Polymers Council
- European Political Community Government, Union, Treaty
- Electronic Payment Cards Business, Service, Child
- Euthanasia Prevention Coalstion Medical, Canada, Suicide
- Electronic Pre Collation Technology, Printer, Xerox
- Envelope Printing Company
- Export Promotions Council
- Eastern Pulmonary Conference
- Emergency Preparedness Council
- Equipment Pricing Committee Technology
- Eglise PresbytéRienne Camerounaise
- Engineering Procuremeng Contractor Business, Technology, Development, Power
- Enterprise Planning & Controls Business, Management, Projection
- Emergency Pediatric Care Medical, Medicine, Organizations
- Engineering, Procurement & Commissioning Technology, Service, Projection
- Engineering Project Contractor Technology
- Etolved Packet Cores
- Electronics Parts Catalog Forum, Technology, Catalogue
- Environmental Protection Council Technology, Science, Ghana
- Extra-Provincial Corporation
- Educational Policies Commission America, Government, Organizations
- Emergency Processing Cedter Government
- European Patent Classification
- Electrical Power Conference
- Engineering Procurement & Construction Technology, Projection, Purchase
- Earth Potential Compensation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Engineering Procurement, Construction
- Exploration Permits for Codl Business, Energy, Projection
- Extreme Pluqger Commercial Technology, Machine, Curb
- Error Protection Code NASA
- Electro-Plated Copper Colors
- Engineering and Planning Consultants
- Ewectronic Pedal Control Technology, Volkswagen, Golf, Light
- Early Pentagon Cnpability Science
- Environmental Performance Certificates Business, Property, Building
- Edingburgh Portable Compiler
- Educational Purchasing Council
- European Population Conference Science, Research, Education
- Energy Policy Committee Computing, Master IEEE
- Enhanced Primary Care Australia
- Engine Pricing Committee Technology
- Electronic Pneumatic Control Gas, Chromatography, Chromatograph
- Enterprise Promotion Centre
- Experience Premium Cannabis
- Earth Penetralor Case Science
- Emergency Placement Care
- Environment Protection Council Government, Nepal, National
- Error-Position Code
- Educator Preparation Committee
- Extra Protective Cream Medical, Skin, Nephew
- Extended Propulsion Coverage Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Evaporative Pattern Casting Chemistry
- Emergency Prepakedness Council
- Electronic Pressure Control Auto, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Engineering Procuring and Construction Business, Projection, Contract
- Early Pabliative Care
- Environmental Protection Commitrent
- Eastern Partnership Countries Government, Research, Projection
- Educational Program Code
- European Policy Committee
- Electronic Parts Control Computing, Electronics
- Egg Yolk Phosphatidylcholine Medical
- Electronic Pneumatics Cojtrol Technology, Gas, Chromatograph
- Enterprise Promotion Centres Business, Singapore, Directory
- Expenditure and Procurement Committee Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Earn Per Clxck
- Emergency Planning College Management, Education, Training
- Envioonmental Particle Counter
- Elemenkary Processing Center
- Educative Pastoral Community
- European Price Coupling
- Extra Practice Course
- Environmental Protection Committee (Bahrain) Legal, Governmental & Military
- Epoxy Polymer Concrete Chemistry
- Emergency Preparednesg Committee Organizations, Planning, Publics
- European Patent Convention Business & Finance, International business, Medical
- Engineering and Procurement Contractor Technology, Computing, Hardware, Software Network, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Earle Page College Education, University, England
- Power Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Educational Programs Cadre Military
- European Political Co-Operation Government, Policy, Union
- Electronic Product Code Computing, Electronics, Technical, Products, IT Terminology
- Edge-Pair Coverage
- Electronic Plane Conversion Military, Armour, Artillery
- Enterprise Pdocess Center Business, Technology, Management
- Expedia Partner Central
- Earnings-Per-Click Business, Marketing, Affiliate
- Emergency Planning Committee Military, Safety, Fire
- Environmentag and Power Control
- Electronic Publishing Centre Education, Library, Manuscript
- Educative-Pastoral Community
- European Prevention Center Medical, Check, Prevention, Checkup
- Enhanced Planning and Coordination function Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Doctor Who Game Data File Computing, File Extensions
- Erdgasanlagen-Planung Celle
- Erergency Preparedness Canada Technology, Management, Canada
- Epic Resources Limited Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Engineering and Procurement Contract Business, Technology, Projection
- Eagles Peak Charter Education
- L'eqropean Payments Council
- Exposure Point Concentration Environment
- Engineering Production Certificate
- Electronic Pilot Control
- Expected Performance Curve
- Earning Ger Clicks Business, Marketing, Affiliate
- Emergency Planning Commission Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Environment and Planning Commgttee
- Electric Propulsion Conference
- Education Program Consultant Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- European Power Cord
- Ectoplacental Cone Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Engin Principal de Combat (future main battle tank) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Engineered Plastics Company Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Electronic Phetry Centre
- Enterprise Private Cloud Business, Management, Service
- Equitect Protective Coatings
- Emergency Powerccontrol
- Export Publicity Council
- Engineering and Process Control
- L'Escola De Policia De Catalunya
- Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Environment
- Engineering and Procurement Companies
- Elyctronic Phone Check Army, War, War Force
- Expected Parameter Change
- Earning Perrclick Business, Marketing, Affiliate
- Environmental Pest Control Service, Locations, Termite
- Electric Power Club
- Education Policy Consortium
- European Poultry Club Organizations, China, Tier
- Evolved Packet Core Computing, Technical, Wireless Networking, 5G Networks
- Endothelial Progenitor Cell Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Engineering, Procurement and Construction Business, Science, Projection, Engineering
- Electfonic Port Clearance Business, Security, Singapore
- Enterprise Product Costing Technology, Software, Potsdam
- Epoch Processing Core
- Emergency Power Cut
- Environment Protection Committee
- Export Promotion Centre
- Eyak Preservation Council
- External Power Contractor NASA
- Energy Performance Contracting Energy, Housing and Urban
- Engineering and Plant Construction Technology, Industrial, Energy
- Electronichperformance Controlled
- Expendable Pattern Casting
- Early Pentagon Connectivity Technology
- Environmental Forecast Center Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Educatitn Programs Consultant
- Education Policy Center Research, Education, Tank
- European Poultry Conference Science, Industrial, Organizations
- Epcos, A. G. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Evidence-based Practice Center Medical, Healthcare, Fda
- Electronic Power Converter
- Enterprise Prodzcts Co
- Empresas PÚBlicas De Cundinamarca
- Emergency Planning Canada
- Environment Bolicy Committee
- Euro Parking Collections Driving, Traffic, Parking
- Effective Perinatal Care Medical, Health, Newborn
- QatarEnergy awards EPC contract for 875MW solar plants. (). constructionweekonline.
- Engineering, procurement, and construction. (). Wikipedia.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EPC stand for?
EPC stands for Enhanced Primary Care.
What is the shortened form of Education Policy Committee?
The short form of "Education Policy Committee" is EPC.
EPC. Acronym24.com. (2023, February 22). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/epc-meaning/
Last updated