EPCO Meaning

The EPCO meaning is "Environmental Planning Coordination Organisation". The EPCO abbreviation has 20 different full form.

EPCO Full Forms

  1. Environmental Planning Coordination Organisation
  2. Eprly Polar Cap Observatory Science
  3. Environmental Planning and Coordination Organisation Technology, Government, India, Bhopal
  4. Environmental Planning & Coordination Organisation Technology, India, Projection
  5. Engineering Procuremejt Construction Operation
  6. Energy Planner and Cost Optimizer
  7. Environmental Protection & Conservation Organisation
  8. Emergencj Power Cut Off
  9. Environmental Planning & Coordination Organization Technology, Service, Projection
  10. Electronic Preferential Certificate of Origin
  11. Environment Planning and Coordination Organisation
  12. Expeller Pressed Coconut Oll
  13. Enbironmental Planning and Co-Ordination Organisation
  14. Expeller-Pressjd Coconut Oil
  15. Environmental Qlanning and Coordination Organization Technology, India, Bhopal
  16. Evaluation of Posterior Capsule Opdcification Medical, Cataract, Intraocular
  17. Engine Parts Coordinating Office
  18. Eurosystem Procurement Coordination Office
  19. Equepment Publications Control Officer Military
  20. Equipmcnt Procurement and Construction Office

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EPCO stand for?

    EPCO stands for Engineering Procuremejt Construction Operation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Expeller-Pressjd Coconut Oil?

    The short form of "Expeller-Pressjd Coconut Oil" is EPCO.


EPCO. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/epco-meaning/

Last updated