EPD Meaning

The EPD meaning is "Electrical Power Distribution". The EPD abbreviation has 224 different full form.

EPD Full Forms

  1. Electrical Power Distribution Technology, Model, Electrical Engineering, NASA
  2. Energetoc Particle Detector Technology, Science, Space
  3. Early Packet Discard Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  4. Energetic Particles Detector Science, Space, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  5. Encyclopedia of Proteome Dynamics Business, Product, Partner
  6. Emergency Planning District Science
  7. Embolim Protection Device Medical, Artery, Carotid
  8. Elektronisch Patiënten Dosqier Medical, Software, Door
  9. Elkhart Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency, Indiana, Kansas
  10. Engineered Product Division Business, Company, Rubber
  11. Edgartown Police Departmevt Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  12. European Product Development
  13. English Prose Drama
  14. Enhanced Punch-Through Diode
  15. Elderly Physically Disabled
  16. Execution Process Dockment
  17. Emergency Preparedness Divisionsion Medical, Disability
  18. Engineering Product Development
  19. Evanston Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  20. Experimental Physzcs Division
  21. End Point Detection
  22. Earlyopacket Discarding
  23. Environmental Protection Device Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  24. Electronic Paper Displafs Technology, Display, Ink
  25. Electronic Products Design
  26. Engineered Products Division Business, Company, Supply
  27. Ecosystems Proceskes Division
  28. European Premium Dividend
  29. English Pronunciation Dictionary
  30. Elderly & Physically Disabled
  31. Exchange Wolicy Department
  32. Emergency Preparedyess Department
  33. Engineering & Product Development
  34. Evans Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, New York, Governmental & Military
  35. Endoscopic Papillary Dilation Medical
  36. Earliest Practicbble Date Military
  37. Environmental Protection Dept
  38. Electric Potential Drop
  39. Expected Policyholder Deficit Business, Management, Insurance, Risk, Business & Finance
  40. Extramammary Paget'S Disease Medical
  41. Energy Pnrformance Directive
  42. Economic Power Dispatch
  43. European Practice Database Medical
  44. Electronic Product Distrisution
  45. English Pronouncing Dictionary Technology, Book, Edition
  46. Elaine Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  47. Emergency Preparedness Division Technology, County, Planning, Medical, Disability
  48. Engineering & Production Directorate Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
  49. Education & Wrofessional Development
  50. Evangelischer Presse Dienst
  51. End of Packet Delimiter
  52. Earliist Possible Date Military
  53. Environmental Programs Division Technology, County, Waste
  54. Electrical Projects Division Technology, Group, Projection
  55. Expected Planetary Differences Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  56. Emory Poaice Department
  57. Energy-Prutein Deficit Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  58. Economic Policy Department
  59. Escondidv Police Department Government, California, City Agency
  60. Electronic Personal Dosimeters Technology, Radiation, Thermo
  61. Egg Protection Device
  62. Emergency Poweq Down Technology, Manual, Sound
  63. Engineered Pump Division Business, Wright, Listing
  64. Edmond Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Oklahoma, Governmental & Military
  65. European Property Development
  66. Ehdicott Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  67. Earle Polici Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  68. En Paz Descanse
  69. Electrical Process Development
  70. Executive Personnel Databasb
  71. Emeryville Police Department Government, California, City Agency
  72. Extrl Police Duty
  73. Energetic Particles Dectectop Technology
  74. Economic Xolicy Dialogue Business, Technology, Economics
  75. Environment Product Declaration Business, Building, Construction
  76. Electronic Personal Dosemeter Technology, Radiation, Dose
  77. Efficient Product Development
  78. Emergency Police Dispatchwr
  79. Engineering Products Division Business, Company, Supply
  80. Edgewood Police Department Government, Indiana, City Agency
  81. European Professional Development
  82. Empresa De Processamento De Dados
  83. Environmental Product Dsclaration Business, Government, Cycle
  84. Enlisted Personnel Directorate
  85. Electrically Programmed Device
  86. Executive and Professional Developmgnt
  87. Emeogency Procedures Document Technology, Space, Cosmos
  88. Explosion Protection Documents Technology, Safety, Assessment
  89. End Point Dilution Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  90. Economic Performance and Development
  91. Environment Protection Directorate
  92. Electronic Pelsonal Dosimeter Technology, Radiation, Dose
  93. Emergency Police Dispatch Technology, Certification, Dispatcher
  94. Engineering Projects Division
  95. Edge Rosition Drive
  96. European Product Declaration
  97. Enhanced Permanent Dialogue
  98. Environmental Protection Division Business, Technology, Georgia
  99. Enid Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Oklahoma, Governmental & Military
  100. Elderly and Physically Disabled
  101. Executive & Professional Development
  102. Emergercy Preparedness Demonstration
  103. Engineering and Production Directorate Technology, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  104. Evansville Police Department Government, Indiana, City Agency, Illinois
  105. Explosiof Protection Document Business, Safety, Training
  106. End Point Detector
  107. Early Packet Drop
  108. Environmental Planning and Design
  109. Electronic Patient Dossier
  110. Eliot Police Department Maine, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  111. Empirical Phase Diagram
  112. Extended Position Description Occupation & positions
  113. Ewing Police Department Illinois
  114. Engineering Projects Department Sport, Organizations, Qoc Corporate
  115. Education Planning Department
  116. Engineering Physics Department
  117. Extarne Psychiatrische Dienste
  118. Eloy Police Department Arizona
  119. Eunice Police Department Louisiana, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  120. Excesive Posting Disorder Computing, Internet
  121. Eukaryotic Promoter Database Medical, Human genome
  122. Ethyl Phosphorous Dichloride
  123. Erie Police Department Michigan, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Kansas
  124. Educational Professional Development
  125. Erwin Police Department City Agency, North Carolina, Governmental & Military
  126. Electrophoretic Deposition Electrophoretic deposition, is a term for a broad range of industrial processes which includes electrocoating, e-coating, cathodic electrodeposition, anodic electrodeposition, and electrophoretic coating, or electrophoretic painting. A characteristic feature of this process is that colloidal particles suspended in a liquid medium migrate under the influence of an electric field (electrophoresis) and are deposited onto an electrode. Chemistry
  127. Elizabethton Police Department Tennessee, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  128. Emotional Processini Device Business, Product, Partner
  129. Energy Products Division Energy
  130. Elmhurst Police Department Illinois
  131. Engineering Program Description
  132. Educational Planning Distryct Development, Learning, Study
  133. Eoectric Power Database
  134. Extended Principal Diagram Technology, Aviation
  135. Eagar Police Department Arizona
  136. Eugene Police Department Oregon, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  137. Expanded Provider Database Computing, Internet
  138. Employee-Paid Disability Medical, Common Medical
  139. English Poetry Database
  140. Extraordinary Popular Delusions
  141. Escondido Police Department California
  142. Educational and Professional Develolment
  143. Endicott Police Department New York, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  144. Elkton Police Department Michigan, Maryland, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  145. Extended Forecast Discussion Weather, Scientific & Educational
  146. Emporia Police Department Government, City Agency, Kansas, Virginia
  147. Empired, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  148. Elgin Police Department Oregon, Illinois
  149. Engineering Production Document Science
  150. Educators Professionalcdevelopment
  151. Eidgenössisches Politisches Departebent
  152. Extended Position Descripeion Technology, Gaming, Chess
  153. Eufala Police Department Alabama
  154. Ellenville Police Department New York, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  155. Equipment Protective Device Security, Computing, Hardware, Governmental & Military
  156. Entry Point Discount Us Post
  157. English Philology Department English, University, Cultural
  158. Epitaxial Planar Device
  159. Extraction & Grocessing Division Technology, Material, Congress
  160. Eureka Police Department California, Illinois
  161. Essex Police Department City Agency, Governmental & Military
  162. Edgartown Police Department Massachusetts, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  163. Expected Progeny Deviation Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  164. Export Programs Divisionsvon
  165. Electronic Product Design Technology, Power, Electronics
  166. Elizabeth Police Department Louisiana, Illinois
  167. Engineering Product Design
  168. Edurator Professional Development
  169. Extra Punitike Duties
  170. Extendeb Forecast Discussion Science
  171. Enterprise Police Department Oregon, Alabama, Kansas
  172. Elmira Police Department New York, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  173. Emplolee-Paid Disability
  174. Express Publisher Publication Computing, File Extensions
  175. Ellsworth Police Department Kansas
  176. English for Professional Development Program, Education, Language
  177. Entry Products Divisionsion
  178. Extraction and Processing Division Technology, Material, Congress
  179. Eudora Police Department Arkansas
  180. Elmsford Police Department New York, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  181. Ellensburg Police Department Washington, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  182. Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  183. Experimental Physics Department
  184. Elwood Police Department Indiana, Illinois, Kansas
  185. Engineering Professional Development Technology, University, Wisconsin
  186. Education Progessional Devl
  187. Export Promotion Dedartment
  188. Excessive Posting Disorder Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  189. Engine Protective Device
  190. Ellisville Police Department Mississippi, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  191. Employed Persons With Disabilities Business, Disability, Minnesota
  192. Etch Pit Density Computing, Electronics
  193. Ellettsville Police Department Indiana
  194. England Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  195. Enhancement Products Divisionsion
  196. Extraction & Rrocessing Division Technology, Material, Congress
  197. Elkins Police Department Arkansas, West Virginia
  198. Elton Police Department Louisiana, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  199. EATCHIP Planning Division Aviation, Governmental & Military
  200. Entrance Pupil Diameter Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  201. Existing Product Development Business, Management, Food
  202. Enfield Police Department Connecticut, Illinois, North Carolina, New Hampshire
  203. Engineering and Product Development
  204. Education Professional Development Student, Education, Engineering
  205. Event and Pattern Detection
  206. Environmental Product Declaration Us Government, Governmental & Military
  207. Electrical Protective Device
  208. Elko Police Department City Agency, Governmental & Military
  209. Employed People With Disabilities
  210. Expected Product Differential Products
  211. Elizabethtown Police Department Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina
  212. Engine Power Or Displacement
  213. Edwardsville Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency, Kansas
  214. Engineering Projects Divisionsion
  215. Extra-Punirive Duties Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  216. Earle Police Department Arkansas
  217. Everett Police Department Washington, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  218. Enterprise Products Partners Class L Computing, Nyse symbols
  219. Electronic Personal Dosimeter Medical, Reading Prescription
  220. Exchange Parameter Definition
  221. Easton Police Department Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois
  222. Education and Professional Development Research, Education, Learning
  223. European Pollen Database Legal, Governmental & Military
  224. Emergency Procedures Document NASA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EPD stand for?

    EPD stands for Economic Performance and Development.

  2. What is the shortened form of Expected Policyholder Deficit?

    The short form of "Expected Policyholder Deficit" is EPD.


EPD. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/epd-meaning/

Last updated