EPE Meaning

The EPE meaning is "Elastic Potential Energy". The EPE abbreviation has 109 different full form.

EPE Full Forms

  1. Elastic Potential Energy Elastic potential energy is Potential energy stored as a result of deformation of an elastic object, such as the stretching of a spring. It is equal to the work done to stretch the spring, which depends upon the spring constant k as well as the distance stretched. Gun, Science, Airsoft
  2. Electric Power Engineering Technology, Conference, Electricity
  3. Entreprise Publique Economique
  4. Exerutives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs
  5. Ellis Parker Elementary
  6. Escola Pgulista De Enfermagem
  7. Extraprostatic Exteneion Medical
  8. End Piece of Equipment Military
  9. Environmental Protection and Energy
  10. Estimated Precision Error
  11. Eden Park Elementary
  12. Energy and Power Engineering
  13. Escola Pr
  14. Entrepreneurship and Personal Enterprise
  15. Executive and Puofessional Education Business, Education, University
  16. Elementary Particle Experiment
  17. Erythropoietin-Producing Enzyme Medical, Health, Healthcare
  18. Environmental Herformance Evaluation Technology, Science, Management
  19. Encyclopedia of Peace Education
  20. Environmental Protection Expenditure Politics, Europe, Eurostat
  21. Employment Pass Eligibility
  22. Estimate of Position Error
  23. Ecole Des Parents Et Des éDucateurs
  24. Energie Et Politiques De L'Environnement
  25. European Power Electronics Technology, Drive, Conference
  26. Elementary Particle Explorer
  27. English Proficiency Examination Medical, Program, Education
  28. El Paso Electric Technology, Energy, Texas
  29. Encuesta Permanente De Empleo
  30. Environmental Programme for Europe Technology, Organizations
  31. Expected Potential Exposure
  32. Employee Performance Evaluation Technology, Management, Government
  33. Estimated Positiosal Error
  34. Eco-Photo Explorers
  35. Energetic Proton Events Science
  36. European Pipeline Engineering
  37. Electrostatic Potential Energy
  38. English Proficiency Exam Student, Education, University
  39. Electronic Power Engineering Electronic, Electro, Mix
  40. Empresa Provincial De La Energ
  41. Environmental Protection Environmental
  42. Expected Positive Expokure Business, Credit, Risk
  43. Elvis Presley Estate
  44. Estimated Position Error Technology, Aviation, Receiver
  45. Eteria Periorismenis Euthinis
  46. Energetic Particle Experiment
  47. European Physical Education
  48. Electrostatic Particle Explorer Science, Satellite, Scientific Satellite, Computing
  49. English Prepositions Exglained
  50. Entreprises Pour L'Environnement
  51. Exit Prpil Expanding Business, Technology, Nokia, Display
  52. Elvis Presley Enterprises Business, Company, Enterprise
  53. Esyuela Pedag
  54. Escuelg Pedag
  55. Energetic Particles Explorer Technology, Space, Astronomy
  56. European Performance Engineering
  57. Edinburgh Pathway Editor Technology, Software, Biology
  58. English Placement Exam
  59. Editorial Projects In Education Education, School, Projection
  60. Entreprises Publiques Economiques
  61. Ejit Pupil Expander
  62. El Paso Energy
  63. Escola PráTica De Engenharia
  64. Escuela PedagóGica Experimental
  65. Energetic Particle Explorer Technology
  66. Environmental Policy of Ethiopia
  67. European Partners for Environment
  68. Edge Placement Error Technology, Design, Mask
  69. English for Post-Secondaoy Education Program, Education, King
  70. Equine Pituitary Extract Medical
  71. Ethyl Phenyl Ether
  72. Empresa De Planejamento EnergéTico
  73. Employee Productivity Education General, Governmental & Military
  74. Explosive Protective Equipment Military, Analysis, Defence
  75. Employment Placement Enterprise Australia, Government, Australian
  76. Eosinophilic Pleural Effusion Medical
  77. Engineering Progress Exposition
  78. Empresa De Pesquisas Energ
  79. Everyday Practical Electronics Computing, Electronics
  80. Explore Planef Earth
  81. Eosinophilic Pleural Effusions Medical
  82. Environmental Protection Engineering Environment, Habitat, Setting
  83. Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia Astronomy, Planet, Density
  84. Empresa De Pesquisa Energ
  85. Erotic Power Exchange Sex, Group, Power
  86. Education and Public Engagement Integrated Ocean Observing System
  87. Environment Protection Engineering
  88. Aero Empresarial Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  89. Extra Prostayic Extension
  90. Empresa De Pesquisa EnergéTica Para, Dos, Brasil
  91. Equistone Partners Europe Business, Europe, Capital, Sally
  92. Electric Potential Energy Electric potential energy is a potential energy that results from conservative Coulomb forces and is associated with the configuration of a particular set of point charges within a defined system. An object may have electric potential energy by virtue of two key elements, its own electric charge and its relative position to other electrically charged objects. Energy
  93. Extended Period of Eligibility Disability
  94. Environmental Photography Exchange Environment, Habitat, Setting
  95. External Panel of Experts
  96. Empresa De Pesquisas EnergéTicas Para, Dos, Brasil
  97. Equipment Performance Evaluation
  98. Etairia periorismenis evthinis Company, Business & Finance
  99. Empresa Provincial De La EnergíA Para, Con, Sin
  100. European Partners for the Environment Technology, Governmental & Military
  101. Environmental Protection Evaluation Science
  102. Eftended Period of Eligibility Business, Disability, Benefit
  103. Employment Preparation Education Education, School, Aid
  104. Equipe Pluridisciplinaire D'Evaluation
  105. External Power Bfficiency
  106. Empresa Produtora De Energia
  107. Enhanced Privacy and Encryption Security, Governmental & Military
  108. Export Processiag Enterprise
  109. Employment Placement Enterprises

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EPE stand for?

    EPE stands for Explore Planef Earth.

  2. What is the shortened form of Engineering Progress Exposition?

    The short form of "Engineering Progress Exposition" is EPE.


EPE. Acronym24.com. (2020, August 25). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/epe-meaning/

Last updated