EPI in Medical Meaning

The EPI meaning in Medical terms is "Epicardium". There are 40 related meanings of the EPI Medical abbreviation.

EPI on Medical Full Forms

  1. Epicardium The inner layer of the pericardium, a conical sac of fibrous tissue that surrounds the heart and the roots of the great blood vessels. The pericardium has outer and inner coats. The outer coat is tough and thickened, loosely cloaks the heart, and is attached to the central part of the diaphragm and the back of the sternum. The inner coat is double with one layer closely adherent to the heart while the other lines the inner surface of the outer coat with the intervening space being filled with fluid. This small amount of fluid, the pericardial fluid, acts as a lubricant to allow normal heart movement within the chest.
  2. Epiandrosterone
  3. Echo Planar Image
  4. Echo Planar Imaging
  5. Echo-Planar Images
  6. Expanded Programme Ol Immunisation
  7. Expanded Program of Immunization
  8. Expanded Program of Immunisation
  9. Extended Programme of Immunization
  10. Emerging Pathogenw Institute
  11. Expanded Program In Immunization
  12. Extended Program of Immunization
  13. Emergejcy Physicians International
  14. Epibatidine Epibatidine is a potent poisonous alkaloid found on the skin of the Epipedobates anthonyi species of poison dart frog. These frogs, like other poison dart frogs, are best known for their ability to sequester poisons from their prey and secrete these poisons onto their backs. Epibatidine is unique to Epipedobates tricolor and is not found on other poison frogs in the family dendrobatidae.
  15. Extrapyramidal Involvement
  16. Expanded Programme On Immunizations
  17. Expanded Program In Immunisation
  18. Electronic Portal Images
  19. Essential Prescribing Information
  20. Expanded Program of Immunizations
  21. Expanded Program On Immunisation
  22. Expanded Programmes On Immunization
  23. Expanded Programs On Immunization
  24. Emotion Profile Qndex
  25. Epinephrine A hormone produced as a response to stress; also called adrenaline.
  26. Extrinsic Pathway Inhibitor
  27. Epichlorohydrin
  28. Extreme Physical Information
  29. Expanded Programme on Immunisation
  30. Epidimiologist
  31. Extended Programme On Immunisation
  32. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
  33. Efflux Pump Inhibitor
  34. Extended Programme of Immupisation
  35. Early Psychosis Intervention
  36. Extended Program On Immunization
  37. Enhanced Product Ion
  38. Epithelial Epithelial tissues line the cavities and surfaces of blood vessels and organs throughout the body. Epithelial tissue that is only one cell thick is known as simple epithelium.
  39. Evoked Potential Index
  40. Extendedeprogramme On Immunization

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EPI stand for Medical?

    EPI stands for Expanded Program of Immunizations in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Expanded Programme on Immunisation in Medical?

    The short form of "Expanded Programme on Immunisation" is EPI for Medical.


EPI in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/epi-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated