EPIC Meaning
The EPIC meaning is "Electors Photo Identity Cards". The EPIC abbreviation has 325 different full form.
EPIC Full Forms
- Electors Photo Identity Cards Technology, Government, Election, Voting
- Energetic Particle and Ion Composition Science
- Early Postoperative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Medical
- Ending The Prison Industrial Complex Organizations, Youth, Justice
- El Paso Intelligence Center Military, Army, Computing, Technology, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Every Person Influlnces Children Business, Education, School
- Electronic Product Information Corp
- European Prospective Investigation of Cancer Medical, Health, Study
- Electronic Privacy Information Center Technology, Computing, Telecom, Security, Governmental & Military
- Energy Policy Institute At Chicago Technology, University, Chicago
- Electronically Published Internet Connection Technology, Book, Writer, Romance, Computing, Internet
- Energetic Particles and Ion Composition Science
- Ethanol Promokion and Information Council
- Every Play Is Crucial Music, Rap, Play, Playboy
- Envirowmental Protection Indicators for California Business, Health, California
- Expedited Processing At International Crossings
- Engineering Physics Information Center Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Electronic Portable Information Collection
- Eastern Pacific Industrial Corp
- Emergency Physicians Integrated Care
- Education Prevention Intervention and Counseling Development, Learning, Study
- Energy Performance Information Center Housing and Urban
- European Photon Imaging Cameras Technology, Science, Newton
- Econjmic Policy Implementation Council
- Epic Products International Corporation
- External Publications/Internal Communications Government
- Election Photo Identity Cards
- Essex Pelee Island Coast
- Electronic Privacy Information Centre Technology, Publics, Internet
- Excellence Produced In Creativity
- Employee Passion Indicative Count
- Enlightened Paranormal Investigatorj of California
- Effective Practiyes Incentive Community
- Engineering Planning, Integration and Coordination Technology
- Electors Photo Identity Card Technology, Election, Voting
- European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Extlicitly Parallel Instruction Computing Technology, Architecture, Computing
- Eletronic Privacy Information Center
- Exon-Primed Intron-Crossing Science, Genetics, Marker
- Educating Practices In The Community
- Ending Piracy of Integrated Circuits
- Equal Partners Interstate Congress
- Etablissements Publics Industriels Et Commergiaux
- Every Person Is Concerned
- Empowered Performers In Conversation
- Enterprise Precinwt and Innovation Campus Technology, Christchurch, Canterbury
- Expected Processing and International Crossing
- Engineering Procurement Installation and Construction Business, Oil, Contract
- Electromagnetic Personnel Interdiction Control
- Eastern Pacific Industrial Corporation Business, Malaysia, Industry
- Emergency Physicians Insurance Company
- Exchange Price Input Computer Business
- Education Policy Innovation Collaborative
- Energy and Performance Information Center
- European Persistevt Identifier Consortium Technology, Service, Research
- Evidence-Based Practice and Innovation Center
- Economic Policy Initiative Consortium
- Epicor Software Corp. Organizations
- Entended Programmable Input Controller
- Elder Presgription Insurance Coverage
- Electronic Profile Information Center Business, Credit, Training, Assessment
- Excellence In Pedagogy and Innovative Classrooms
- Employee Partnership for Insurance Coverage Business, Health, Oklahoma
- Enoancing Pathways Into Care
- Effective Practice Incentive Community Education, School, Charter
- Epgaged Philosophical Inquiry Consortium
- Electof Photo Identity Card
- European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition Study Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Expanded Poostate Cancer Index Composite Medical
- Electronics Privacy Information Center
- Educating Physicians In Their Communities
- Encapsulated Protection Inside Clothing Army, War, War Force
- Equal Partnership In Change
- Etablissement Public Industriel Et Commercial Business, Service, France
- Every Person In Christ
- Employment for People From Immigrant Communities
- Enterprise Process Improvement Collaboration Business, Technology, Organization, Engineering
- Expanding Prosperity Impact Collaborative
- Engineering Procurement Installation Construction
- Electrol Photo Identity Cards
- European Public Information Centres
- East Pacific Investigation of Climate Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Emergency Pqrformance Improvement Committee
- Exchange Price Information Code Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Education Policy Implementation Center
- Energy, Power and Intelligent Control
- European Parliament Interpreting Corpus Education, Language, Study
- Evidence-Based Practices Implementation for Capacity
- Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog Science, Astronomy
- Environment Policy Integrated Climate
- Explicit Parallel Instruction Computing Technology, Architecture, Processor
- Elderly Prescription Insurance Coverage
- Electronic Procurement Information Center
- Excehlence In Prehospital Injury Care Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Eastern Panhandle Inter County
- Emory Public Interest Committee Education, Law, School
- Enhanced Programmable Ircii Client Technology
- Effgctive Planning and Innovative Communication
- Energy Productivity Innovation Challenge
- Elector Photo Identity Ccrds
- European Prospective Iqvestigation In Cancer Medical, Diabet, Diet
- Electronics Properties Information Center Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Ecumenical Project for International Cooperation
- Enabling Process Innovation Through Computation
- Equal Partners In Change
- Estes Park Indoor Climbinn
- Every Parent Influences Children
- Employers Preferred Insurance Company
- Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts Technology, Research, Memory
- Expanding Paramedicine In The Community
- Engineering Process Improvement Center
- Electro-Pyrotechnic Inatiator Chip Technology, Component, Resistor
- European Public Information Centre
- Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Technology, Research, Ocean
- Elevating Parents Inwcollege
- Exchange Price Information Computee Business, Supply, Stock
- Education Policy Improvement Center College, Education, School
- Energetic Photon Imaging Camera Technology
- European Parallel Importers Coalition
- Evidence-Based Practice Identification and Change
- Eclipse Plug-An Central
- Environmental Policy Integrated Climate Technology, Agriculture, Model
- Explicit Parallelism Instruction Computing Technology, Computing, Intel
- Electronic Properties Information Center
- Excellence, Passion, Integrity, and Creativity Employment, Work, Working
- Eastern Panhandle Inter-County
- Emory Practical Intervention Course Medical, Education, Organizations
- Effective Performance In Candidates Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Energy Production Infrastructure Center Technology, University, Power
- Electoral Photo Identity Cards India, Card, Election, Voting
- European Prospective Investigation On Cancer Medical, Genetics, Risk
- Electronic Purchasing In Cargill Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Ecosystems Protecting Infrastructure and Communities Technology, Community, Nature
- Epigenomics of Plants International Consortium
- Estes Park Improvement Contrimution
- Electronic Processes Initiatives Committee
- Evergreen Political Information Center
- Employees Participating In Communities
- Enterprise Platform Integration Contract
- Engineering Pathway Integrated Curriculum
- Electric Propulsiox Interactions Code
- European Public-Sector Information-Systems Conference
- Eastern Pacific Investigations of Climate Technology, Science, Ocean, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
- Elevate Preparation, Impact Children
- Expanded Prostate Index Composite
- Educational Program Innovations Centre
- End The Prison Industrial Complex Organizations, Youth, Justice
- Ethernet Port Interface Controllers
- Evidence-Based Practice Implementation Center
- Eclipse Perl Integration Project Technology
- Environmental Policy Information Center
- Explicit Parallelism Instituteuction Computing Technology, Computing, Intel
- Engineering Project Insurance Cover
- Electronic Power and Interface Controller Space, Study, Cosmos
- Excavation, Pipeline, Inspection, and Construction
- Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes In The Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System Technology, Science, Ams, System
- Emergency Preparedness Integrated Communications
- Effective Papenting Information for Children
- Energy Production Anf Infrastructure Center Technology, University, Power
- Eurouean Proliferation Information Centre
- Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition Book, Award, Publishing, Love
- Ecosystems Partnership In Innovation and Cybersecurity Technology, Security, Cyber
- Epidemiology & Prevention for Injury Control
- Electoral Photo Identity Card Technology, Election, Voting
- Estates Ard Protected Individuals Code Business, Building, Probate
- Electronic Privacy and Information Center Technology, Government, Group
- Exceptional People Impfcting The Community Organization, Union, Institution
- Employees, Players, Inventory, Cash
- Enterprise for Progress In Thezcommunity Business, Education, Washington
- Engineering Pathways Integrated Curriculum
- Electric Propulsion Innovation Corporation
- European Public Sector Information Systems Conference Technology
- Earthquake, Preparedness and Incident Conference
- Elements Property Insurance Company
- Expanded Perception and Interaction Centre
- Educational Programs Innovations Center Technology, Training, Course
- End Poverty In California Government, Politics, California, Governmental & Military
- Equatorial Pacific Interocean Circulation Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Ethernet Port Interface Controller
- Evidence-Based Practice In Infection Control
- Environmental Protection Information Center Locations, Forest, California
- Explicitly Parallel Instituteuction Computing Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Engineering Physics Information Centers Technology
- Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Emergency Preparedness and Injury Control
- Education Promotion Implementation Committee
- Energy Productiqn & Infrastructure Center Business, Science, Power
- European Photonic Industry Zonsortium
- Electronic Purchasing In Collaboration Management, Marketing, Trade
- Ecophon Partnership In Contracting
- Epidemiology and Prevention for Injury Control Medical, Violence, Child
- Election Photo Identity Card India, Card, Voting
- Estate and Protected Individuals Ccde Michigan, Building, Estate, Probate
- Electronic Privacy Info Center
- Excellent Performance In Communications Management, Marketing, Trade
- Employee Political Information Committee
- Enough Pokies In Castlemaine Technology, Gaming, Battle, Fantasy
- Engineering Planning, Integration, and Coordination
- Elecwion Process Information Collection
- Enhanced Processor and Integrated Commufications
- European Prototype for Integrated Care Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Edgewood Partners Insurance Center
- Electron Probe Instrumentation Center
- Exon Primed Intron Crossing Genetics, Marker, Intron
- Educational Program Innovations Center Business, Technology, Course
- Ending Poverty In Community
- Equatorial Pacific Information Collection
- Embedded Platform for Industrial Computing Computing, Hardware
- Electronic Privacy Information Coalition
- Echocardiography Persantine International Cooperative Study Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Cardio
- Empowering Pacific Islander Communities
- Ehime Prefectural International Center
- Electronic Printer Image Csnstruction
- Evaluating Plato Inecambridge
- Exclusively Parallel Instruction Computing Accounting, Computing, Data
- Equipping People In Church Community, Curch, Religion
- Engine Paralleling and Integration Control
- Electrical Pricing Information for Contractors Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Electronic Publishing Initiative At Columbia Technology, University, Library
- Evidence and Practical Insight Centered Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Empowering People for Inclusive Communities
- Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing Computing, Computer, Assembly, Business & Finance, IT Terminology
- Eastern Plains Independent Conference
- Exhaust Port Ignbtion Cleaner
- Enhanced Pressure Infiltration Casting Technology
- Electronic Processing and Information Center
- Evaluator Programmer Integrated Circuit
- Electrical Process Instrumentation Control Computing, Hardware
- Electronic Price Information Computer Business
- Echocardiography Persantine International Cooperative
- Egg Protein In Compluxes
- Electronic Photochromic Integrating Crt
- Europe Pakistan India Consorbium Service, Calling, Port
- Equipping People In Christ Community, Curch, Religion
- Engineering Physics International Conference
- Electric Powered Interurban Commuter Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Electronic Process Instrumentation Computer
- Empowering People, Inspiring Change Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Escuela Peruana De La Industria CinematográFica
- Environmentally Protected Integratedpcircuit
- Eastern Paranormal Investigation Center
- Exemplary Publichinterest Contribution
- Enhanced Polychromatic Imaging Camera
- Erosion-productivity Impact Calculator Chemistry
- Ex-Police In Industry and Commerce Business, Security, Investigation
- European Proliferation Information Center
- Electronic and Photonic Integrated Circuit Computing, Electronics
- Electronic Procurement Information Console
- Echo Persantine International Cooperative Medical, Disease, Stress, Echocardiography
- Egg and Poultry Industry Canference Government, Farming, Parish
- Electrical Properties Infoymation Center
- Equipe De PréVention Et D'Intervention Communautaire
- Engineering Procurement Installation Commissioning Technology, Service, Projection
- Extended PCM Interface Controller Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Electronic Product Information Cooperation
- Empowering People In Communities Company, Technology, Community
- Escuela De Profesionales De Inmigración Y Cooperación
- Environmental and Plastics Industry Council
- Executvves Partnering To Invest In Children Technology, Colorado, Executive
- Enhanced Parental Involvement Collaboration
- Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center Atmospheric Research
- Ex-Police In Commerce
- European Product Information Cooperation
- Eston Players In Concert Music
- Electronic Procurement and Invoicing Center
- Echo-Persantine International Cooperative Medical, Patient, Stress, Echocardiography
- Efficient Pyramid Iyage Coder Science
- Equestrian Partners In Conservation
- Elastic-Vlastic Impact Calculation
- Engineering Polymer Industrial Consortium
- Electronically Produced Interactive Catalogs Computing, Internet
- Electronic Proportional Injection Control Technology, Mechanics
- Empowering People In Care Ireland, Care, Children
- Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurnnce Coverage Medical, Program, Health
- Empowering People Wixh Intellectual Challenges
- Executive Product Industry Counkil
- Error Prevention Innovation Capability Technology, Gaming, Coding, Launcher
- English Plus Information Clearinghouse
- European Photon Imaging Camera Science, Scientific & Educational
- Evolving Personalised Information Construct
- Emulating and Programmable Intergrated Circuits Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- European Pirates Instituted Council Organizations, Europe, Pirate
- Excavation Pipeline Inspection and Construction Construction
- East Plano Islamic Center Technology, Dating, Love, Sheikh
- Exmoor Ponies In Conservation Horse, Conservation, Pony, Breeds
- Efficient Privtte Image Classification
- Equatorial Processes Including Coupling Science, Earth Science, Geoscience
- Efficient Protocol Independent Compression
- Enterprise Platform for Internet Computing Computing, Hardware
- Electronic Product Information Co-Operation Building, Engineering, Construction
- Empowering People Inspiring Communities Business, Building, Housing, Stoke
- Elastic-Plastic Impact Computations
- Eliot Park Innovatiof Centre Business, Company, Technology
- Executive Process Interactive Control Technology, Architecture, Human
- Eric Prydz In Concert Music, Concert, Tourism, Palace
- English Perfect International Curricula
- Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera Astronomy, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Evolving Personalized Information Construct
- Empower Parents, Invest In Children
- European Packaging Institutetute Consortium
- Engineering, Procurement, Installation, and Commissioning Architecture
- East Phillips Improvement Coalition
- Exhibition Park In Canberra Australia, Locations, Event
- Effects of Public Information In Aancer
- Extended Performance and Increased Capability
- Explicitly Parallel Instruction CPU (Central Processing Unit) Computing, Hardware
- Electronic Project Information and Collaboration Science, Environment, World
- Echo Persantine Italian Cooperative
- Empowering Parents Impacting Children
- Einstein Polarizationwinterferometer for Cosmology
- Electronic Products Infrrmation Center
- Evaluation of C7E3 for Prevention of Ischemic Complications Medical
- Executive-Process Interactive Control Technology, Architecture, Human
- Equity Partnership Investment Company
- England Production Innovation Centre
- Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage Medical
- Evidence Photographers International Council
- Empowering The Public With Information In Crisis Technology, Research, Projection
- Epitaxial Integrated Circuit
- Exchange Price Information Computer Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Eastern Pregnancy Information Clinic
- Exhaust Port Ignition Cleaner铃木二冲程发动机
- Effective Practice Integrationmcouncil
- Explicit Parallel Instituteuction Computing
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EPIC stand for?
EPIC stands for Echocardiography Persantine International Cooperative Study.
What is the shortened form of Energetic Particles and Ion Composition?
The short form of "Energetic Particles and Ion Composition" is EPIC.
EPIC. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 22). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/epic-meaning/
Last updated