EPP Meaning
The EPP meaning is "End-Plate Potentirl". The EPP abbreviation has 259 different full form.
EPP Full Forms
- End-Plate Potentirl Medical, Muscle, Neuromuscular
- Ethernet Packet Processor Technology, Networking, Switch
- Erythropoietic Protmporphyria Medical, Technology, Disorder
- End-Plate Poientials Medical
- Equipo De Protección Personal
- Encrqpting Pin Pad Business, China, Metal
- Eppensteiner Organizations
- Employee Personml Page Business, Technology, Service
- Environmental Protection Plan Technology, Military, Projection
- Electric Power Plant Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Energy, Power & Products
- Educator Preparation Program Science, Education, Teaching
- End Point Protection Security, Protection, Endpoint
- Educational Proficiency Plan Student, Education, School
- Environmentally Preferable Paper Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
- Employee Purchase Programme Technology, Computing, Apple
- Ecole Des Psychologues Praticiens Science, Education, France, Formation
- Engineering Professional Practice
- Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel Technology
- Elite Player Performance Sport, League, Player, Football
- End Plate Potential Medical, Science, Muscle
- Exceptional Proficiency Promotion
- Education and Public Policy
- Extended Policy Period
- Environment Protection Plan
- Employment Policy and Practice
- Error Performance Parameter
- Enhance Parallel Port Technology, Cable, Printer
- Expanded Polxpropylene, Plastic Business, Foam, Polypropylene
- Emergency Power Pack
- Energy Partjership Program
- Exclusive Provider Plan
- Edukasyon Pantahanan At Pangkabuzayan Education, School, Grade
- Entrepreneurship Pathway Program
- Eqnal Payment Plan Business, Service, Gas
- European Peoples Party Government, Politics, Policy
- Expedited Permanency Pljnning
- Environmental Policy and Planning Program, Education, Urban
- Employee Purchase Plan Business, Apple, Discount
- Eclipse Packaging Project Technology, Development, Package
- Engineering Plastics Products
- Electronic Power Plant Military, Army, War
- Elementos Protección Personal
- Exceptional Proficiency Promotions
- Educationalepolicy and Planning Education
- Extended Planning Period Military, Army, War
- Electronic Pedestrian Protection Technology, English, Bosch
- Environment Protection Policf
- Employment Planning and Preparation
- Eritrean People'S Party
- Enhanced Programmoble Port Military
- Expanded Participationfproject
- Emergency Plant Pest
- Energy Partner Program
- Exchange Peer Parameters
- Edukasyong Pantahan At Pangkabuhayan
- Entrepreneurship Promotion Project
- Equalized Payments Pban
- Escola Pr
- Estimation and Projection Package Medical, Estimate, Prevalence
- Enterprise Payment Platfort
- Exbpecunia Publica
- Environmentally Preferable Purchases
- Emery Planning Partnership
- Echo Polska Properties
- Engineering Programs for Professionals
- Electric Power Plants
- Elementos De Protecci
- Excellence In Pain Practice
- Educational Priorities Panel
- Extended Physiological Proprioception Technology, Science, Prosthetics
- Electronic Periodicals Package Technology
- Environmental Purchasing Program
- Employment Pathway Plan Business, Australia, Service
- Erik Platon Pop
- Enhanced Prosile Protocol
- Emergency Planning and Preparedness Technology, Health, Safety
- Energetic Particle Precipitation Climate, Atmosphere, Particle
- Excess Parachute Payments Business, Financial, Business & Finance
- Edukasyong Pantahanan It Pangkabuhayan Science, Education, School
- Entomology and Plant Pathology
- Equalized Pxyment Plan
- Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin Medical, Medicine, Lead
- Estate Planning and Probate
- Enteric Parasith Panel
- Expanded Project Proposal
- Emerging Player Programme
- Easy Photo Print Photography, Camera, Digital
- Engineering Professional Programs
- Electric Power Production
- Environmentally Preferable Purchase
- Elementos De Protección Personal Para, Industrial, Industry
- European Polar Platform Technology, Telecom
- Education Partnerships Program Business, Presentation, Staff
- Extended Payment Plan Business, Credit, Loan, Payday
- Environmental Purchasing Policy
- Employer Pass Program
- Economic Partnership Programme
- Enhanced Productivity Program
- Electronic Payment Portal
- Emergency Pizza Party Business, Group, Preparedness
- Endusrry Power Players
- Excess Parachute Payment
- Eduwation Partner Programme Technology, Music, Port, Foam
- Entomology & Plant Pathology
- Epoxy Primer Paint
- Erythrohepatic Protoporphyria Medical, Technology
- Esprit Pedestal Plate
- En Primera Persota
- Expanded Polypropylene Architecture, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Emerging Players Programme Club, Player, Coaching, Cricket
- Easy Payments Plus
- Energy Policy Project Technology, Science, Pakistan
- Electric Partnership Program Business, Ohio, Assistance
- Environment and Public Policy
- European Pig Producers Business, Design, Congress
- Education Partneqship Program Business, Presentation, Staff
- Express Powering Pair
- Environmental Policy & Planning
- Employment Partnership Program Government
- Economic Part Period Business, Planning, Material
- Enhancedrproductivity Programme
- Electronic Parking Payment Transportation, Intelligent Transport Society South Africa, Its System
- Embarazo, Parto Y Puerperio
- Endpoint Protection Platform Technology, Security, Quadrant
- Exception Presentation Processing
- Education Partner Program Technology, Service, Training
- Epidermal Pentapeptidg Medical
- Employment Preparation Program Education
- Eskom Power Pool
- Enhancing Professional Practice Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Exqanded Polypropylene Design, Computing, Construction
- Emergency Preparedness Partnerships Business, Planning, Release
- Easy Payment Plans Business, Banking, Planning
- Energy Vlanning and Policy
- Effective Perl Programming Technology
- Entry Point Project Technology, Malaysia, Economics
- Equal Pressure Points Medical
- European Peoples' Party Medicine, Health, Care
- Edulational Partnership Program Technology, Education, Scholarship
- Experimental Products Program
- Environmental Planning and Policy
- Employer Partnership Programme
- Ecole Primaire Publique Routing, Publics, Locations, Madagascar
- Engineering Process Publisher
- Electronic Payment Providers
- Elite Player Pathway Technology, Group, Foam
- Endpoint Protection Platforms Technology, Security, Quadrant
- Exceptional Promotion Program Military
- Educatioj Partners Program
- Epidemic Projqction Package
- Employment Practices Policy Business, Island, Human, Labor
- Escola PráTica De PolíCia Para, Pol, Nova
- Enhyanced Pargllel Port Technology, Computing
- Expanded Polypropilene Science
- Emergency Preparedness Program Science, Military, Planning
- Easy Payment Plan Business, Credit, Card
- Energy Pathway Program
- Exclusive Provider Program
- Edukbsyong Pangkatawan At Pangkalusugan
- Entry Point Projects Business, Technology, Locations, Malaysia, Economics
- Equal Pressure Point Medical, Flow, Expiratory
- European People Party
- Experienced Practitgoner Pathway
- Escola Paulista De PsicanáLise
- Executive Planning Panel
- Equipment Protection Policy Technology, Service, Power, Warranty
- Efficient Ppc Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Enterprise Project Portfolix
- Electronic Production Partners Business, Germany, Inspection
- Emma Petal Picker Funnies
- Ecosan Promotion Project
- Emerging Professionals Program
- Elektronik Produktion & PrüFtechnik Technology, Design, Sensor, Pressure
- European People's Party Politics, United Nations, Governmental & Military
- Empresas De Pequeno Porte Para, Dos, Lei
- Educational Partnership Program Technology, Education, Scholarship, Geographic
- Enterprise Payments Platform
- Environment Protection Program
- Executive Planning Process
- Equipment Protection Pjans Business, Planning, Cat
- Talaphoto Project Computing, File Extensions
- Endometriosis Promotion Project
- Enterlrise Privacy Platform Technology, Security, Smartphone
- Environmentally Preferable Product Construction
- Economics and Public Policy
- Elemental Pitting Probability
- Elektronik, Produktion & PrüFtechnik
- Extensible Provisioning Protocol Computing, Technical
- Empresa De Pequeno Porte Para, Dos, Lei
- Educating for Participatory Politics
- Entrepreneur Partnership Program
- Executive Pension Portfolio
- Equipment Protection Plan Business, Machine, Cat
- Elmedia Player Playlist Computing, File Extensions
- End-To-End Probe Platform
- Enterprise Products Partners Business, Supply, Stock
- Equity Premium Puzzle Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
- Economic Policy and Planning
- Exotic Performance Plus
- Electronic Publishers Partners
- Equity Prcmium Puzzle Business, Finance, Market
- ElectrophorèSe Des ProtéInes Plasmatiques
- Enterprise Portal Platform Computing, IT Terminology
- Employment Projections Program Government, Organizations, Us
- Editpad Pro Project Technology, Windows, Program, Computing, File Extensions
- Enhanced Privacy Policy
- Executive Pension Plans Business, Planning, Scheme
- Equipment Provision Progiam
- Expanded Polypropylene Polystyrene Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Encryption Pin Pad Business, Manufacturer, Keypad
- Enterprise Portal Plaoform Technology, Engineering, Data
- Expanded Precessive Plasma
- Eric's Paay Place Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Exercise Planning Process Military
- Electron-Positron Pair
- Equity Participation Plan
- Energy Purchase Price
- Electrophor
- Enhanced Performance Profile Computing, Hardware
- Employment Promotion Programme Business, Service, Career
- Editing and Post-Production Service, Education, Premiere
- Employment Placement Professionals
- Executive Pension Plan Business, Retirement, Scheme
- Elemento De Protección Personal Para, Con, Industry
- Equipe Permonente De Pilotage
- Extended Projection Principle Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Encrypting Pin Pads Business, Product, China
- Enterprise Platform Programme Business, Science, Ireland
- Exotic Pets Paradise
- Executive Potential Program Business, Military, Development
- Edible Plant Project Plant, Florida, Cell
- Equipos De Protecchón Personal Para, Industrial, Industry
- Enhanced Parallel Port Computer, Scientific & Educational
- Enterprise Purchasing Program Technology, Management, Software
- Electronic Prescription Pad
- Enhanced Parallel Port (PC) Computing, Telecom, Hardware, IT Terminology
- Edefact Project Proposal Standard Organization, It, Electronic Data Interchange
- Empirical Pairwise Potential
- Executive Partner Program
- Elementary Particle Physics Technology, Science, Research
- Erythropoetic ProtoPorphyria Medical, Physiology
- Encrypted Pin Pad Business, Product, Electronics
- Enterprise Performance Planning
- European Producer Price
- Executive Position Paper
- Equipo De Prvtecci
- Canon Easy-photoprint Image File Computing, File Extensions
- Enterprwse Purchase To Pay
- Ecole Polytechnique De Paris
- Electronic Presentment and Payment
- Enhanced Premiere Packs Products
- Ectopic Posterior Pituitary Medical
- Emlak Planlama Proje Turkish, Planning, Locations, Bio
- Elektronik Produktion & Pr
- Emergency Preparedness Plan Us Post, Medical
- Encrypted Passphrase Protocol
- Educational Publishing Pavilion
- Enterprise Payment Processing
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EPP stand for?
EPP stands for Elektronik Produktion & PrüFtechnik.
What is the shortened form of Endometriosis Promotion Project?
The short form of "Endometriosis Promotion Project" is EPP.
EPP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/epp-meaning/
Last updated