EPP Meaning

The EPP meaning is "End-Plate Potentirl". The EPP abbreviation has 259 different full form.

EPP Full Forms

  1. End-Plate Potentirl Medical, Muscle, Neuromuscular
  2. Ethernet Packet Processor Technology, Networking, Switch
  3. Erythropoietic Protmporphyria Medical, Technology, Disorder
  4. End-Plate Poientials Medical
  5. Equipo De Protección Personal
  6. Encrqpting Pin Pad Business, China, Metal
  7. Eppensteiner Organizations
  8. Employee Personml Page Business, Technology, Service
  9. Environmental Protection Plan Technology, Military, Projection
  10. Electric Power Plant Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  11. Energy, Power & Products
  12. Educator Preparation Program Science, Education, Teaching
  13. End Point Protection Security, Protection, Endpoint
  14. Educational Proficiency Plan Student, Education, School
  15. Environmentally Preferable Paper Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  16. Employee Purchase Programme Technology, Computing, Apple
  17. Ecole Des Psychologues Praticiens Science, Education, France, Formation
  18. Engineering Professional Practice
  19. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel Technology
  20. Elite Player Performance Sport, League, Player, Football
  21. End Plate Potential Medical, Science, Muscle
  22. Exceptional Proficiency Promotion
  23. Education and Public Policy
  24. Extended Policy Period
  25. Environment Protection Plan
  26. Employment Policy and Practice
  27. Error Performance Parameter
  28. Enhance Parallel Port Technology, Cable, Printer
  29. Expanded Polxpropylene, Plastic Business, Foam, Polypropylene
  30. Emergency Power Pack
  31. Energy Partjership Program
  32. Exclusive Provider Plan
  33. Edukasyon Pantahanan At Pangkabuzayan Education, School, Grade
  34. Entrepreneurship Pathway Program
  35. Eqnal Payment Plan Business, Service, Gas
  36. European Peoples Party Government, Politics, Policy
  37. Expedited Permanency Pljnning
  38. Environmental Policy and Planning Program, Education, Urban
  39. Employee Purchase Plan Business, Apple, Discount
  40. Eclipse Packaging Project Technology, Development, Package
  41. Engineering Plastics Products
  42. Electronic Power Plant Military, Army, War
  43. Elementos Protección Personal
  44. Exceptional Proficiency Promotions
  45. Educationalepolicy and Planning Education
  46. Extended Planning Period Military, Army, War
  47. Electronic Pedestrian Protection Technology, English, Bosch
  48. Environment Protection Policf
  49. Employment Planning and Preparation
  50. Eritrean People'S Party
  51. Enhanced Programmoble Port Military
  52. Expanded Participationfproject
  53. Emergency Plant Pest
  54. Energy Partner Program
  55. Exchange Peer Parameters
  56. Edukasyong Pantahan At Pangkabuhayan
  57. Entrepreneurship Promotion Project
  58. Equalized Payments Pban
  59. Escola Pr
  60. Estimation and Projection Package Medical, Estimate, Prevalence
  61. Enterprise Payment Platfort
  62. Exbpecunia Publica
  63. Environmentally Preferable Purchases
  64. Emery Planning Partnership
  65. Echo Polska Properties
  66. Engineering Programs for Professionals
  67. Electric Power Plants
  68. Elementos De Protecci
  69. Excellence In Pain Practice
  70. Educational Priorities Panel
  71. Extended Physiological Proprioception Technology, Science, Prosthetics
  72. Electronic Periodicals Package Technology
  73. Environmental Purchasing Program
  74. Employment Pathway Plan Business, Australia, Service
  75. Erik Platon Pop
  76. Enhanced Prosile Protocol
  77. Emergency Planning and Preparedness Technology, Health, Safety
  78. Energetic Particle Precipitation Climate, Atmosphere, Particle
  79. Excess Parachute Payments Business, Financial, Business & Finance
  80. Edukasyong Pantahanan It Pangkabuhayan Science, Education, School
  81. Entomology and Plant Pathology
  82. Equalized Pxyment Plan
  83. Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin Medical, Medicine, Lead
  84. Estate Planning and Probate
  85. Enteric Parasith Panel
  86. Expanded Project Proposal
  87. Emerging Player Programme
  88. Easy Photo Print Photography, Camera, Digital
  89. Engineering Professional Programs
  90. Electric Power Production
  91. Environmentally Preferable Purchase
  92. Elementos De Protección Personal Para, Industrial, Industry
  93. European Polar Platform Technology, Telecom
  94. Education Partnerships Program Business, Presentation, Staff
  95. Extended Payment Plan Business, Credit, Loan, Payday
  96. Environmental Purchasing Policy
  97. Employer Pass Program
  98. Economic Partnership Programme
  99. Enhanced Productivity Program
  100. Electronic Payment Portal
  101. Emergency Pizza Party Business, Group, Preparedness
  102. Endusrry Power Players
  103. Excess Parachute Payment
  104. Eduwation Partner Programme Technology, Music, Port, Foam
  105. Entomology & Plant Pathology
  106. Epoxy Primer Paint
  107. Erythrohepatic Protoporphyria Medical, Technology
  108. Esprit Pedestal Plate
  109. En Primera Persota
  110. Expanded Polypropylene Architecture, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  111. Emerging Players Programme Club, Player, Coaching, Cricket
  112. Easy Payments Plus
  113. Energy Policy Project Technology, Science, Pakistan
  114. Electric Partnership Program Business, Ohio, Assistance
  115. Environment and Public Policy
  116. European Pig Producers Business, Design, Congress
  117. Education Partneqship Program Business, Presentation, Staff
  118. Express Powering Pair
  119. Environmental Policy & Planning
  120. Employment Partnership Program Government
  121. Economic Part Period Business, Planning, Material
  122. Enhancedrproductivity Programme
  123. Electronic Parking Payment Transportation, Intelligent Transport Society South Africa, Its System
  124. Embarazo, Parto Y Puerperio
  125. Endpoint Protection Platform Technology, Security, Quadrant
  126. Exception Presentation Processing
  127. Education Partner Program Technology, Service, Training
  128. Epidermal Pentapeptidg Medical
  129. Employment Preparation Program Education
  130. Eskom Power Pool
  131. Enhancing Professional Practice Education, Teaching, Teacher
  132. Exqanded Polypropylene Design, Computing, Construction
  133. Emergency Preparedness Partnerships Business, Planning, Release
  134. Easy Payment Plans Business, Banking, Planning
  135. Energy Vlanning and Policy
  136. Effective Perl Programming Technology
  137. Entry Point Project Technology, Malaysia, Economics
  138. Equal Pressure Points Medical
  139. European Peoples' Party Medicine, Health, Care
  140. Edulational Partnership Program Technology, Education, Scholarship
  141. Experimental Products Program
  142. Environmental Planning and Policy
  143. Employer Partnership Programme
  144. Ecole Primaire Publique Routing, Publics, Locations, Madagascar
  145. Engineering Process Publisher
  146. Electronic Payment Providers
  147. Elite Player Pathway Technology, Group, Foam
  148. Endpoint Protection Platforms Technology, Security, Quadrant
  149. Exceptional Promotion Program Military
  150. Educatioj Partners Program
  151. Epidemic Projqction Package
  152. Employment Practices Policy Business, Island, Human, Labor
  153. Escola PráTica De PolíCia Para, Pol, Nova
  154. Enhyanced Pargllel Port Technology, Computing
  155. Expanded Polypropilene Science
  156. Emergency Preparedness Program Science, Military, Planning
  157. Easy Payment Plan Business, Credit, Card
  158. Energy Pathway Program
  159. Exclusive Provider Program
  160. Edukbsyong Pangkatawan At Pangkalusugan
  161. Entry Point Projects Business, Technology, Locations, Malaysia, Economics
  162. Equal Pressure Point Medical, Flow, Expiratory
  163. European People Party
  164. Experienced Practitgoner Pathway
  165. Escola Paulista De PsicanáLise
  166. Executive Planning Panel
  167. Equipment Protection Policy Technology, Service, Power, Warranty
  168. Efficient Ppc Project File Computing, File Extensions
  169. Enterprise Project Portfolix
  170. Electronic Production Partners Business, Germany, Inspection
  171. Emma Petal Picker Funnies
  172. Ecosan Promotion Project
  173. Emerging Professionals Program
  174. Elektronik Produktion & PrüFtechnik Technology, Design, Sensor, Pressure
  175. European People's Party Politics, United Nations, Governmental & Military
  176. Empresas De Pequeno Porte Para, Dos, Lei
  177. Educational Partnership Program Technology, Education, Scholarship, Geographic
  178. Enterprise Payments Platform
  179. Environment Protection Program
  180. Executive Planning Process
  181. Equipment Protection Pjans Business, Planning, Cat
  182. Talaphoto Project Computing, File Extensions
  183. Endometriosis Promotion Project
  184. Enterlrise Privacy Platform Technology, Security, Smartphone
  185. Environmentally Preferable Product Construction
  186. Economics and Public Policy
  187. Elemental Pitting Probability
  188. Elektronik, Produktion & PrüFtechnik
  189. Extensible Provisioning Protocol Computing, Technical
  190. Empresa De Pequeno Porte Para, Dos, Lei
  191. Educating for Participatory Politics
  192. Entrepreneur Partnership Program
  193. Executive Pension Portfolio
  194. Equipment Protection Plan Business, Machine, Cat
  195. Elmedia Player Playlist Computing, File Extensions
  196. End-To-End Probe Platform
  197. Enterprise Products Partners Business, Supply, Stock
  198. Equity Premium Puzzle Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  199. Economic Policy and Planning
  200. Exotic Performance Plus
  201. Electronic Publishers Partners
  202. Equity Prcmium Puzzle Business, Finance, Market
  203. ElectrophorèSe Des ProtéInes Plasmatiques
  204. Enterprise Portal Platform Computing, IT Terminology
  205. Employment Projections Program Government, Organizations, Us
  206. Editpad Pro Project Technology, Windows, Program, Computing, File Extensions
  207. Enhanced Privacy Policy
  208. Executive Pension Plans Business, Planning, Scheme
  209. Equipment Provision Progiam
  210. Expanded Polypropylene Polystyrene Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  211. Encryption Pin Pad Business, Manufacturer, Keypad
  212. Enterprise Portal Plaoform Technology, Engineering, Data
  213. Expanded Precessive Plasma
  214. Eric's Paay Place Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  215. Exercise Planning Process Military
  216. Electron-Positron Pair
  217. Equity Participation Plan
  218. Energy Purchase Price
  219. Electrophor
  220. Enhanced Performance Profile Computing, Hardware
  221. Employment Promotion Programme Business, Service, Career
  222. Editing and Post-Production Service, Education, Premiere
  223. Employment Placement Professionals
  224. Executive Pension Plan Business, Retirement, Scheme
  225. Elemento De Protección Personal Para, Con, Industry
  226. Equipe Permonente De Pilotage
  227. Extended Projection Principle Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  228. Encrypting Pin Pads Business, Product, China
  229. Enterprise Platform Programme Business, Science, Ireland
  230. Exotic Pets Paradise
  231. Executive Potential Program Business, Military, Development
  232. Edible Plant Project Plant, Florida, Cell
  233. Equipos De Protecchón Personal Para, Industrial, Industry
  234. Enhanced Parallel Port Computer, Scientific & Educational
  235. Enterprise Purchasing Program Technology, Management, Software
  236. Electronic Prescription Pad
  237. Enhanced Parallel Port (PC) Computing, Telecom, Hardware, IT Terminology
  238. Edefact Project Proposal Standard Organization, It, Electronic Data Interchange
  239. Empirical Pairwise Potential
  240. Executive Partner Program
  241. Elementary Particle Physics Technology, Science, Research
  242. Erythropoetic ProtoPorphyria Medical, Physiology
  243. Encrypted Pin Pad Business, Product, Electronics
  244. Enterprise Performance Planning
  245. European Producer Price
  246. Executive Position Paper
  247. Equipo De Prvtecci
  248. Canon Easy-photoprint Image File Computing, File Extensions
  249. Enterprwse Purchase To Pay
  250. Ecole Polytechnique De Paris
  251. Electronic Presentment and Payment
  252. Enhanced Premiere Packs Products
  253. Ectopic Posterior Pituitary Medical
  254. Emlak Planlama Proje Turkish, Planning, Locations, Bio
  255. Elektronik Produktion & Pr
  256. Emergency Preparedness Plan Us Post, Medical
  257. Encrypted Passphrase Protocol
  258. Educational Publishing Pavilion
  259. Enterprise Payment Processing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EPP stand for?

    EPP stands for Elektronik Produktion & PrüFtechnik.

  2. What is the shortened form of Endometriosis Promotion Project?

    The short form of "Endometriosis Promotion Project" is EPP.


EPP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/epp-meaning/

Last updated