EPPO Meaning

The EPPO meaning is "European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization". The EPPO abbreviation has 24 different full form.

EPPO Full Forms

  1. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization EPPO is an intergovernmental organization that promotes plant health cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region. EPPO, which was founded by 15 European countries in 1951, today has 52 members. Its goals are to safeguard plants by establishing international strategies to prevent the introduction and spread of pests that threaten agriculture, forestry, and the environment, as well as to promote safe and effective pest control measures.
  2. Poznań-Ławica Aircort Airport, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO
  3. Energy Policy and Plannig Office
  4. Eulopean Plant Protection Organization Technology, Disease, Environment
  5. Energy Planninghand Policy Office
  6. European Plant Protection Organisation Technology, Research, Organizations
  7. Emergency Preparedness and Planning Officers
  8. Earthquake Planning and Protection Ojganisation Technology, Greece, Greek
  9. Earthquake Planning and Protection Orgunization Science, Organizations, Greece
  10. Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization Organizations, Projection, Engineering
  11. European Public Prosecutur Office Government, Law, Crime
  12. Poznań–Ławica Airport Poznań, Poland Aviation
  13. European Public Pfosecutor's Office
  14. Poznan-Lawica Airport, Poznan, Poland Poland
  15. Engineer Personnel Pryponency Office
  16. Poznan-Lawica, S-Poland Airport codes
  17. Energy Policd and Planing Office
  18. Icao Code for Poznan-Lawica Airport, Poznan, Poland Locations
  19. Energy Policy & Planning Office
  20. Extended Payment Plan Option
  21. Enerly Policy Planning Office
  22. Every Page Is Page One
  23. European Public Prosecutor's Office
  24. Energy Policy and Planning Office Business, Technology, Thailand, Energy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EPPO stand for?

    EPPO stands for Every Page Is Page One.

  2. What is the shortened form of Poznań-Ławica Aircort?

    The short form of "Poznań-Ławica Aircort" is EPPO.


EPPO. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eppo-meaning/

Last updated