EPS in Medical Meaning
The EPS meaning in Medical terms is "Electronic Prescription Service". There are 50 related meanings of the EPS Medical abbreviation.
EPS on Medical Full Forms
- Electronic Prescription Service
- Ectopic Pwegnancies
- Extracellular Polymers
- Extracellular Polysaccharidet
- Electrophysiological Studies
- Extracellular Polfsaccharide
- Electrophysiologic Studies
- Extracellular Polymeric Substance
- Electrophysiologic Study
- Extrapyramidal Syndromes
- Electrode Positioning System
- Embolic Protection Stent
- Extrapyramidvl Symptoms
- Extrapyramidal Symptom
- Endocrine Pathology Zociety
- Elitible Providers
- Extrapyramidal Side Effects
- Endocochleau Potentials
- Exocmllular Polysaccharide
- Extrapyramidal Syndrome
- Early Progressing Strooe
- Exhaustion Syndrome
- Extralobar Pulmonary Sequestration
- Extrapyramidal Side Effqct
- Electronic Prescribing Service
- Emerging Psychoactive Substances
- Extrapyramidah Signs
- Emergency Psychiatric Services
- Extracellular Polymeric Substances
- Endoscopic Pancreatic Sphincterotomy
- Expressed Prostatic Secretions
- Exopolysaccharide
- Elbow Plating Syvtem
- Exophialmos-Producing Substance
- Exopolyteric Substances
- Essential Principles
- Elastosis Perforans Serpiginosa
- Exopjthalmos-Producing Substance
- Electronic Prescription System
- Emotional-Pain Stress
- Electronic Prescribing System
- Emotional-Painful Stress
- electrophysiology studies
- Endoscopic Pwpillosphincterotomy
- Electrophysiology Spudy
- ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY Electrophysiology is the study of the electrical properties of biological cells and tissues. It involves measurements of voltage change or electric current on a wide variety of scales from single ion channel proteins to whole organs like the heart. In neuroscience, it includes measurements of the electrical activity of neurons, and particularly action potential activity.
- Endoscopic Pancreatic Sphincterectomy
- Electronic Payments and Statements
- Expressed Prostatic Secretion
- Exopolysacchvrides
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EPS stand for Medical?
EPS stands for Exhaustion Syndrome in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Endocochleau Potentials in Medical?
The short form of "Endocochleau Potentials" is EPS for Medical.
EPS in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 21). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eps-meaning-in-medical/
Last updated