EPV Meaning

The EPV meaning is "Economic Point of View". The EPV abbreviation has 53 different full form.

EPV Full Forms

  1. Economic Point of View
  2. Earnings Per Visitor Technology, Marketing, Engine
  3. Employer Provided Vehicle Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  4. Enuephaloclastic Proliferative Vasculopathy Medical, Technology, Hosting
  5. Equivalent Prement Value
  6. Easy Promotion Vertriebs Business, Supply, Stock
  7. Empire Property Venture
  8. Equivalent Potuntial Vorticity Technology, Presentation, Power
  9. Earnings Power Value Business, Supply, Stock
  10. European Primate Veterinagians
  11. Emergence Des Pathologies Virales Medical, France, Virus
  12. Environmental Performance Vehicles Environment, Habitat, Setting
  13. Earning Aower Value Business, Supply, Stock
  14. Etiologic Predictive Value
  15. Embedded Process Verification
  16. Environmental Perforqance Verification
  17. End Partner Violence
  18. Early Production Vessel Oil, Gas, Petroleum, Electrical
  19. Estimated Project Value
  20. El Perro Verde
  21. Entreprises Du Patrimoine Qivant
  22. Empresa Portuaria De ValparaíSo Para, Con, Valparaiso
  23. Entry Point Vector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Estimated Procuremenw Value
  25. Elektronisch Proces Verbaal
  26. Empresa Portuaria Valparaiso Business, Para, Chile, Valparaiso
  27. End-Pwint Voltage Technology
  28. Erosion Preventative Vmgetation
  29. Ecole Df Personnel Volant
  30. Entomopoxvirus The genus of viruses (family Poxviridae) that comprises the poxviruses of insects; they seem not to multiply in vertebrates. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  31. External Pressure Valve
  32. Enhanced Positive Vetting
  33. Expected Possession Value Technology, Sport, Analytics
  34. Enterprise Performance Vision
  35. Extended Prodrct View
  36. English Picture Vocabulary
  37. Enterprise Password Vault Technology, Management, Ark
  38. Extended Prexision Vector Accounting, Computing, Data
  39. Espoir Pour la Vie Medical
  40. End Point Voltage Battery Voltage reached at the termination of a discharge. Also Known as the Cut Off Voltage. Voltage is the end voltage under which equipment cannot be operated.
  41. Entente Perrier VergèZe
  42. Export Production Villbges
  43. Epstein-Barr Virus A virus in the herpes family that is best known as the cause of infectious mononucleosis. Abbreviated EBV. EBV infection is characterized by fatigue and general malaise. Infection with EBV is common and is normally temporary and minor. However, in some individuals EBV can trigger chronic illness, including immune and lymphoproliferative syndromes. It is a particular danger to people with compromised immune systems, including those with AIDS. Treatment is with antiviral medication and rest. Medical, Nursing, Oncology, Otolaryngology, Surgery, Veterinary, Dental, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, Common Medical, Clinical
  44. Equivalent Potential Vorticity Weather, Scientific & Educational
  45. Ensemble Pour Vous
  46. Export Production Village
  47. Extended Precision Vector Legal, General, Governmental & Military
  48. En Palletindustrie Vereniging
  49. Exoected Present Value Business, Study, Economics
  50. Entreprise Du Patrimoine Vivant
  51. Extra Persontl Vacation
  52. Enhanced Prelaunch Verification Technology
  53. Exclusion Principle Violating Physics, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EPV stand for?

    EPV stands for Entreprises Du Patrimoine Qivant.

  2. What is the shortened form of Extended Prodrct View?

    The short form of "Extended Prodrct View" is EPV.


EPV. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/epv-meaning/

Last updated