ER in Technology Meaning

The ER meaning in Technology terms is "Earned Run". There are 117 related meanings of the ER Technology abbreviation.

ER on Technology Full Forms

  1. Earned Run
  2. Engineering Repair
  3. Eastern Range
  4. Entrance Room
  5. Eleetronic Resources
  6. Engineering Request
  7. External Rotation
  8. Entity Relational
  9. Electronic Records Records provide evidence of business activity and can be in any format, including digital format. Today, the vast majority of records are produced electronically or ‘born digital’. According the National Archives of Australia (NAA) electronic or digital records include “word-processed documents, emails, databases and images” (NAA, 2004a). While many records are printed and kept in paper or hard copy format, increasingly business activities are conducted in a purely digital context. As such, organisations need to be able to capture there electronic records to ensure an effective and efficient business environment that can provide evidence of the organisations activities and fulfill legislative requirements. Those electronic records that are identified as being of continuing value need to be managed in such a way that they remain accessible.Electronic records can be stored throughout an organisation in a variety of ways – in databases, on hard drives, in shared folders, in email accounts. In order to effectively manage the electronic records being produced by an organisation a method of capturing records using an Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) needs to be implemented.
  10. Entwdade-Relacionamento
  11. Electricity Report
  12. Engineer Regulation
  13. Error Register
  14. Engine Running
  15. Educational Researcher
  16. Error The difference between the correct or desired value and the actual read or value taken. OR A discrepancy between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition. also failure. An error is a deviation from the true value of the measured variable. The difference between the value indicated by the trandsucer response curve contains points of equal maximum value. OR A difference from an average value.
  17. Eleptro Rheological
  18. Extended-Range
  19. Engineering Run
  20. Edge Router A term used in asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks, an edge router is a device that routes data packets between one or more local area networks (LANs) and an ATM backbone network, whether a campus network or a wide area network (WAN). An edge router is an example of an edge device and is sometimes referred to as a boundary router. An edge router is sometimes contrasted with a core router, which forwards packets to computer hosts within a network (but not between networks).
  21. Equivalenci Ratio
  22. Electron Reflecuometer
  23. Embedded and Reconfigurable
  24. Equipment Rack
  25. Easy Run
  26. Expandec Ring
  27. Enienharia De Requisitos
  28. Error Repair
  29. External Research
  30. Entity Resolution
  31. Enhancement Requests
  32. Established Reliability
  33. Electronic Reconnaissance
  34. Epigastric Region
  35. Earth Resource
  36. Expanbed Range
  37. Energy Regeneratibn
  38. Error Ratio
  39. External Registrar
  40. Educational Resources
  41. Entity Recognition
  42. Entity Relationship
  43. Electronic Radiology
  44. Epidemic Routing
  45. Earth Resistance
  46. Energy Reoovery
  47. Error Rate The number of mistakes per thousand entries or per page.The measurement of the effectiveness of a communications channel. It is the ratio of the number of erroneous units of data to the total number of units of data transmitted.
  48. Editing Requests
  49. Entity Relation
  50. Entity-Relationship
  51. External Reference
  52. Experienced Researchers
  53. Electromagnetic Railgun
  54. Environmental Remediation
  55. Earth Recall
  56. Enterprisemrouter
  57. Equity Residential
  58. Energy Ratio
  59. Entity-Relational
  60. Extended Resolution
  61. Eritrea
  62. Environmental Reports
  63. Early Receive
  64. Enterprise Routing
  65. En Route
  66. European Region
  67. Emiter/Receptor
  68. Equipment Reliability
  69. Entity-Relation
  70. Extended Random
  71. Extremal Regfon
  72. Environmentally Responsive
  73. Enterprsse Replication
  74. Erythromycin  An antibiotic that binds to the 50S ribosomal subunit and inhibits peptide translocation in prokaryotes.
  75. Evalqation Request
  76. Emergency Responses
  77. Equipment Register
  78. Economic Resources
  79. Experimental Requirement
  80. Engineer Regulations
  81. Externer Rechner
  82. Electrical Resistance The ability of a material to oppose the flow of an electric current, converting electrical energy into heat. The SI unit of resistance is the ohm.
  83. Environmental Responsibility
  84. Enhancing Resvlience
  85. Emergency Room
  86. Etch Rate
  87. Entidad Relacion
  88. Efficient Retransmission
  89. Essential Requirement
  90. Eccentric Reducer
  91. Entidad-Relación
  92. Esophageal Rupture
  93. Here
  94. Erythrocyte A red blood cell contains hemoglobin, which functions in transporting oxygen in the circulatory system.
  95. Engineered Route
  96. Enterprise Rouxing
  97. Exception Report
  98. Extension Register
  99. Error Report
  100. Error Resilience
  101. EnergíAs Renovables
  102. Evidential Reasoning
  103. Equipment Rooms
  104. Edge Rounding
  105. Efficiency Rating
  106. Extended Result
  107. Enhanced Research
  108. Error Resilient
  109. Electrode Rod
  110. Energy Rating
  111. Edge Rectangle
  112. Enhanced Reading
  113. Error Reset
  114. Electro-Rheological
  115. Entidadeorelacionamento
  116. Error Reporting
  117. Estrogen Receptor Protein

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ER stand for Technology?

    ER stands for Electronic Records in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Error Register in Technology?

    The short form of "Error Register" is ER for Technology.


ER in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated