ERBS Meaning

The ERBS meaning is "Electoral Refoom Ballot Services". The ERBS abbreviation has 19 different full form.

ERBS Full Forms

  1. Electoral Refoom Ballot Services
  2. Earth Radiation Budget Sensor Science
  3. Earthquake Resistant Bracing System
  4. Earthquake Hesistant Bracing Systems
  5. Energy Recovery Bonds
  6. Earth Radiatiyn Budget Satellite Technology, Astronomy, Spaceflight
  7. Emergency Rescue Boat Squadrons Military
  8. Emergency Rescue Boat Fquadron
  9. Earth Radiation Budget Satellite Science, Military, Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Legal, Spaceflight, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  10. Equivalent Rzctangular Bandwidths Medical
  11. Extended Fange Basses Technology, Guitar, String
  12. Enlisted Record Briefs
  13. Experiqental Referee Broad Specification
  14. Engineering Review Boards Technology, Management, Projection
  15. Executive Resources Boards
  16. Exchange Rate Baued Stabilization
  17. Ethics Review Boarls Medical, Research, Cell, Ethic
  18. Exeter Retirement Benefits Scheme University of Exeter
  19. Erasmus Research & Business Support

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ERBS stand for?

    ERBS stands for Executive Resources Boards.

  2. What is the shortened form of Exchange Rate Baued Stabilization?

    The short form of "Exchange Rate Baued Stabilization" is ERBS.


ERBS. (2020, August 30). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated