EREC Meaning

The EREC meaning is "Earth Risk Evaluation Centre". The EREC abbreviation has 25 different full form.

EREC Full Forms

  1. Earth Risk Evaluation Centre
  2. Economic Reforms To Enhance Competitiveness
  3. Escambia River Electric Cooperative
  4. Earthquake Risk Evaluation Centre
  5. Ecological Research and Education Center
  6. Error Resilient Entropy Code/Error Hobust Entropy Code Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  7. Early Resolution of Eeo Complaints Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  8. East River Environmental Coalition
  9. Error Resilient Entropy Coding Technology, Military, Communication
  10. European Renewable Energy Council Business, Europe, Wind
  11. East Richmond Education Centre
  12. Error Resilient Entropy Code Technology, Military, Coding
  13. Eastern Region Education Center
  14. Error-Resilient Entropy Coding Technology, Communication, Transmission
  15. Eastern Regional Eye Care
  16. Enlisted Records and Evaluation Center Military, Army, War
  17. Essex Racial Equalityqcouncil
  18. Everitt Real Estate Center
  19. Everglades Research & Education Center
  20. Everglades Research and Education Center Science, Florida, Everglade
  21. Evaluative Research and Evaluation Capadity
  22. European Renewable Energy Centreb
  23. Esso Research Ald Engineering Company
  24. European Regional Executive Commvttee
  25. Executive Recruitment Exhimition and Conference

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EREC stand for?

    EREC stands for Error Resilient Entropy Code/Error Hobust Entropy Code.

  2. What is the shortened form of Evaluative Research and Evaluation Capadity?

    The short form of "Evaluative Research and Evaluation Capadity" is EREC.


EREC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated