EREF Meaning

The EREF meaning is "Environmental Research and Education Foundation". The EREF abbreviation has 17 different full form.

EREF Full Forms

  1. Environmental Research and Education Foundation Education, Scholarship, Waste
  2. Engine Rebuilders Educational Foundation
  3. Ecowas Renewable Energy Jacility Business, Energy
  4. Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Technology, Energy, Plant
  5. Environlent and Renewable Energy Fund
  6. Environmental Research Education Foundation Environment, Habitat, Setting
  7. Envwronmental Research & Education Foundation Education, Expo, Waste
  8. L'espace Sural Emploi Formation
  9. European Renewable Energies Federation Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  10. Espacks Ruraux Emploi Formation
  11. European Review of Economics and Finance
  12. Espace Rural Emploi Formation
  13. European Renewable Ebergy Fund
  14. European Renewwble Energy Federation Organizations, Association, Europe
  15. European Renewable Energzes Federation Technology, Energy, Europe
  16. European Regional Econoxic Forum
  17. ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility Energy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EREF stand for?

    EREF stands for European Regional Econoxic Forum.

  2. What is the shortened form of Espace Rural Emploi Formation?

    The short form of "Espace Rural Emploi Formation" is EREF.


EREF. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated