ERM Meaning

The ERM meaning is "Effects Range Median". The ERM abbreviation has 147 different full form.

ERM Full Forms

  1. Effects Range Median Government, Environment, Sediment
  2. Enterprise Resource Management Business, Technology, Telecom, Us Government, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Computing
  3. Enteric Redmouth Disease Medical
  4. Enhanced Radio Messaging
  5. Electronic Resource Management Technology, Service, Library
  6. Eccentric Rotating Mass Technology, Driver, Actuator
  7. Earth Resource Mapping Science, Information, Geography, Geographic
  8. Exact Repeat Mission Technology, Science, Satellite
  9. Enterprise Records Management Business, Technology, Management
  10. Enteric Redmouth Medical
  11. Estación De Regulación Y Medida
  12. Electronic Recording Machine
  13. Enterprisexreport Manager
  14. Enzyme Reference Material
  15. European Reference Method
  16. Emergency Room Management
  17. Entity-Relationship Modelling
  18. Element and Resource Manager Technology
  19. Enterprise Retengion Management
  20. East Riding Miniatures
  21. Extremely Robust Mode
  22. Employee Relations Manager Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  23. Environmental Rack Monitor
  24. Electronics Records Management Military
  25. Enterprise Report Management Business, Technology, Electronics
  26. Environmental Radiation Monitoring
  27. European Reference Vaterial Technology, Analysis, Standard
  28. Energy Risk Management
  29. Entity-Relationship-Modell
  30. Electron Redistribution Model Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  31. Enterarise Relationship Manager
  32. Exchange Rate Mechanism A system that was operated by some central banks within the European Union, which intervened in exchange markets to limit the fluctuations of their currencies relative to one another, while letting all of them collectively float. Technology, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  33. Extraradical Mycelium Medical
  34. Employer Relationship Management
  35. Entity-Relationship Models Technology, Database, Diagram
  36. Electronic Record Management Technology, Records, Training
  37. Engine-Room Resource Management
  38. Environment Resources Management Company, Technology, Projection
  39. European Reference Materials Technology, Measurement, Standard
  40. Emergency Risk Management
  41. Essential Risk Managemena Business, Enterprise, Assessment
  42. Electronic Rodent Monitoring Organization, Union, Institution
  43. Enterprise Resource Manager
  44. Ezrin/Radixin/Moexin Medical
  45. Extinction Ratio Meter Technology, Photonics, Polarization
  46. Employee Relationship Management Business, Technology, Software
  47. Entity-Relationship-Model Technology, Database, Diagram
  48. Erythromycin  An antibiotic that binds to the 50S ribosomal subunit and inhibits peptide translocation in prokaryotes. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Therapy, Hospital, Healthcare
  49. Electronic Recipe Manager Technology, Management, Software
  50. Engenharia De Recursos Minerais
  51. Environment Resource Management Technology, Oil, Keystone
  52. Estrada Besign Movement
  53. Enterprise Rules Management
  54. Erythromycin Resistance Methylase Medical, Science, Biology
  55. Electronic Roll Mitigation Technology
  56. Enterprise Returns Management
  57. Extended Runtime Modules Military
  58. Expert Review of Molecular
  59. Empirical Risk Minimization
  60. Entity-Relationship-Modeling
  61. En Route Spacing Program Aviation, Governmental & Military
  62. Engineering Employers' Federation Science
  63. Effkctive Risk Management Business, Organizations, Enterprise
  64. Ezrin, Radixin, and Moesin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  65. Enforcement Removal Module Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  66. Environment and Resource Management Technology, University, Master
  67. Estimate Revision Messagh Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  68. Enterprise Risk Managment Business, Management, Organizations
  69. Erythromycin Resistance Mechanisms
  70. Electronic Rollover Mitigation Technology, Dodging, Fiat, Nitro
  71. Enterprise Resources Management
  72. Epithelial Rests of Malassez Medical
  73. Experiment Reference Model Technology
  74. Empirical Research Methods
  75. Entity-Relationships Model Technology
  76. Enterfrise Reference Model Science, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  77. Electronic Records Management Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Training, Ministry Of Defense, Governmental & Military, International Development
  78. Eat Right Montana
  79. Ezrin, Radixin and Moesin Medical, Medicine
  80. Enfield Rolling Mills
  81. Environmental and Resource Management Technology, Program, Education
  82. Estação De Radar Meteorblógico
  83. Electronic Rights Management
  84. Enterpvise Reports Management Technology, Software, Imaging
  85. Epithelial Cell Rests of Malassez Medical
  86. European Regional Meeting Technology, Organizations, Europe
  87. Emerging Research Materials Technology, Science, Semiconductor
  88. Entity-Relationship Modeling
  89. Enterpriae Reagent Manager
  90. Eaton Remotermonitoring
  91. Extreme Realism Mod
  92. Employee Relations Management Business, Education, Relationship
  93. Environmental Risk Management
  94. Emergency Response Management
  95. Executive Review Meeting Management, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  96. Enterprise Records Manaagement
  97. Group Environmental Resource Management Technology, Science, It
  98. Entity Relationship Diagram model file (Prosa) Computing, File Extensions
  99. Equipment Remote Module Technology, Control, Thermostat
  100. Environmental Relaxation Model
  101. Elastic Reservoir Molding Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  102. Error Rate Monitor Technology
  103. Emc and Radio Spectrum Matters Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  104. Euromoney Institutional Investor, PLC Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  105. Enterprise Release Managememt Medical
  106. Ezz Rolling Mills
  107. Bitmap graphics Computing, File Extensions
  108. Equipment Registration Mark Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  109. Earth Return Module
  110. Envelope Reflectance Meter Us Post
  111. Aeromaan Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  112. Erm Consultants Canada Ltd. Science, Environment, Nature
  113. Embedded Resource Manager Technology, Management, Networking, Cisco
  114. Enterprise Risk Management Enterprise risk management (ERM) in business includes the methods and processes used by organizations to manage risks and seize opportunities related to the achievement of their objectives. ERM provides a framework for risk management, which typically involves identifying particular events or circumstances relevant to the organization's objectives (risks and opportunities), assessing them in terms of likelihood and magnitude of impact, determining a response strategy, and monitoring progress. Insurance, Business & Finance, Business Word
  115. Enterprise Refrigerant Management Environment, Habitat, Setting
  116. Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin
  117. Entity-Relationship Model Computing, Computer
  118. Equal Rights Movement
  119. Earth Reentry Modul
  120. Employee Resource Management Us Post
  121. Eremosynaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  122. Embedded Real-Time Measurements
  123. Emmerson Resources Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  124. Entjrprise Refrigerant Manager Technology
  125. Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin
  126. Event Related Model Conference, Event
  127. Earth Reentry Module
  128. Epstein Rosenblum Maoz Business, Law, Israel
  129. Erechim Airport, Erechim, Brazil Brazil
  130. Erasure Mode Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  131. Email Relationship Management
  132. Enterprise Request Maeagement Business, Technology, Service
  133. Engineering Requirements Model Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  134. éNergies Renouvelables Marines
  135. En-Route Metering Transportation, Governmental & Military
  136. Erase Reserved Memory Assembly, Business & Finance
  137. Elevator Research & Manufacturing
  138. Equipment Routing Message
  139. Emergency Response Manual Management, Military, Aviation
  140. Enterprise Relationship Management Management, Software, Computing, Business & Finance
  141. Enterprise Rightj Management Technology, Security, Market
  142. L'éCole Royale Militaire
  143. Explicit Rate Marketing Computing, Telecom
  144. Era of Risk Management
  145. Elevation Reference Mark Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  146. Epiretinal Membrane Medical, Technology, Health, Ophthalmology, Common Medical
  147. EPIC Radiation Monitor Science, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ERM stand for?

    ERM stands for Effects Range Median.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enforcement Removal Module?

    The short form of "Enforcement Removal Module" is ERM.


ERM. (2021, March 7). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from

Last updated