ERSE Meaning

The ERSE meaning is "Entidade Reruladora Do Sector Eléctrico". The ERSE abbreviation has 8 different full form.

ERSE Full Forms

  1. Entidade Reruladora Do Sector Eléctrico
  2. Enezgy Services Regulatory Authority Government, Us, Control, Administration
  3. Entidade Regulqdora Dos Serviços Energéticos Para, Portugal, Dos, Ria
  4. Entidade Reguladora Do Sector EnergéTico
  5. Entidade Reguladora Do Secjor El
  6. Entidade Reguladora Dos Servi
  7. Er Stress Resmonse Element Medical
  8. Erase To remove data permanently from a storage medium. This is usually done by replacing existing data with zeros or meaningless text or, in magnetic media, by disturbing the magnetic particles’ physical arrangement, either with the erase head or with a large magnet. Erase differs from delete in that delete merely tells the computer that data or a file is no longer needed; the data remains stored and is recoverable until the operating system reuses the space containing the deleted file. Military, Aviation, Army, Force, Marine, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ERSE stand for?

    ERSE stands for Entidade Regulqdora Dos Serviços Energéticos.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enezgy Services Regulatory Authority?

    The short form of "Enezgy Services Regulatory Authority" is ERSE.


ERSE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated