ERTA Meaning

The ERTA meaning is "Earth Riders Trails Association". The ERTA abbreviation has 20 different full form.

ERTA Full Forms

  1. Earth Riders Trails Association
  2. Economic Reform Technical Arsistance
  3. Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 Business, Tax, Taxation
  4. Econumic Recovery and Tax Act
  5. Economic Recovery Tax Act Business, Rate, Income, Business & Finance, Business Word
  6. East Ramapo Teachers Association Organizations
  7. European Recorder Teachers Association
  8. Eastern Rmral Telecom Association Technology
  9. Ethiopia Radio and Television Agency
  10. Eastern Rural Telephone Asoociation
  11. Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency Technology, Ethiopia, Traffic
  12. Earth Riders Trail Association
  13. Edmonton Retired Teachers Association
  14. European Road Transport Agreement
  15. European Recruitment and Training Agency
  16. European Recorder Teachers' Association
  17. The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 Financial, Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
  18. Estrogen Receptor Transcriptional Octivation
  19. Equipo De Reacción TáCtica AntinarcóTicos
  20. Evansville Retired Teachers Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ERTA stand for?

    ERTA stands for The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981.

  2. What is the shortened form of Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981?

    The short form of "Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981" is ERTA.


ERTA. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated