ES in Electronics Meaning
The ES meaning in Electronics terms is "Embedded System". There are 5 related meanings of the ES Electronics abbreviation.
ES on Electronics Full Forms
- Embedded System A system in which the computer (generally a microcontroller or microprocessor) is included as an integral part of the system.Often, the computer is relatively invisible to the user, without obvious applications, files, or operating systems. Examples of products with invisible embedded systems are the controller that runs a microwave oven or the engine control system of a modern automobile.
- Expert System A computer software system which can provide expert knowledge for a specific problem when users ask a series of questions.
- Emergency Stop
- Engineering Specification
- Electrical Stress
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ES stand for Electronics?
ES stands for Engineering Specification in Electronics terms.
What is the shortened form of Embedded System in Electronics?
The short form of "Embedded System" is ES for Electronics.
ES in Electronics. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from
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