ESA Meaning

The ESA meaning is "European Space Agency". The ESA abbreviation has 531 different full form.

ESA Full Forms

  1. European Space Agency Technology, Science, Astronomy, Mission, Aerospace Engineering, Internet Slang, Media, Aviation, Army, Space, Computing, Chat, Aerospace, Climatology, Special Education, Satellite, Telecom, Physics, Astronautics, NASA, Legal, Spaceflight, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science, Global Change, Sentinel online
  2. Education Service Agency Technology, Education, School, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  3. Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agent Medical, Patient, Anemia
  4. Education Savings Account Business, Finance, Account, Financial, Business & Finance
  5. Escola De Sargento Das Zrmas Para, Brasil, Ria
  6. Electrostatic Self-Assembly Medical, Film, Technology
  7. Epitielial Specific Antigen Science, Cancer, Cell
  8. Escola De Sargentos Das Armab
  9. Ecole SupéRieure D'Agriculture Education, Agriculture, Formation, Anger
  10. Environmental Site Assessments Business, Service, Property
  11. Educational Service Agency Technology, Education, Special Education
  12. Extended Stay America, Inc. Organizations
  13. Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents Medical, Patient, Anemia
  14. Earth Sensor Assembly Technology, Science, Ocean
  15. Employment & Support Allowance Business, Benefit, Assessment
  16. Emergency Safe Altitude Technology, Military, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  17. Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents Medical, Patient, Disease
  18. Endangered Species Act Agriculture, Planning, Urban Design, Atmospheric Research
  19. Emotional Support Animal Medical, Service, Dog
  20. Erythropoiesis-Stiuulating Agent Medical, Disease, Kidney
  21. Employment Standards Administration Business, Government, Labor, Business & Finance, Business Word
  22. Embeddec System Access Technology, Design, Electronics
  23. Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents Medical, Patient, Kidney
  24. Educational Savings Account Business, College, Education, Banking, Business & Finance
  25. Escola Superior De Advocacia Technology, Para, Law
  26. Electrostatic Attraction Science
  27. Energy Services Acquisition
  28. Esperanza Sociadad Anonima Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  29. Electronics Systems Anazyst Science
  30. Exceptional Service Award Science, America, Society
  31. English Studfes In Africa
  32. Esta
  33. Ethnic Schools Association
  34. Electrical Spectrum Analyzer Technology, Signal, Frequency
  35. Euzopean Spices Association
  36. East and Southern Africa Business, Technology, Africa
  37. Electro-Spark Alloying Technology, Electro, Coating
  38. Engage, Study and Activate Education, English, Teaching, Language
  39. Economic & Statistics Administration
  40. Expand The Sound of Angklung
  41. Email Security Appliakce Technology, Software, Cisco
  42. Enterprise Systems and Applications Technology, Research, Interoperability
  43. Efficient Store Assortment
  44. European Society of Anaesthesiology Medical, Medicine, Education
  45. Empowerment Scholarship Account Government, Education, School, Arizona
  46. Environmental Support Application Or European Space Agency Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  47. Equatorial South America Technology, Science
  48. Easy Stand Alone Technology, Software, Control, Lighting
  49. Exclusive Seller'S Agent
  50. External Sales Agent
  51. Episcopal School of Acadiana Education, School, Louisiana
  52. Ecole Supérieurewdes Affaires
  53. European Symposium On Aerothermodynamics
  54. Eastern and Southern African
  55. Electronic Scan Array Technology, Radar, Antenna
  56. Engineers, Surveyors, & Associates
  57. Educación Secundaria De Adultos Para, Con, Persona
  58. Essential System Administration
  59. Experimental Solar Array
  60. Emergency Shelter Allowance
  61. Enthusiast System Architecture Technology, Force, Tool, Computing, IT Terminology
  62. Electrically Small Antennas Technology, Design, Handbook
  63. Europeen Space Agancy
  64. Energy Savings Association Business, Technology, Product
  65. Electric Seat Adjustement
  66. European Studies Association Education, University, Study
  67. Enterprise Security Administrator
  68. Equivalent Static Analysis Technology, Design, Building
  69. Ecoles SupéRieures D'Agriculture
  70. Extended Service Agreement Technology, Product, Warranty, Computing, Hardware
  71. Electrostatic Self-Assembly/Par Science
  72. Enterprise Services Automation Technology, Management, Service
  73. Education Skills Authority
  74. Employement and Support Allowance
  75. Environmental Services Associates
  76. E-Mail Shcurity Appliance
  77. Energy Services of America
  78. Electronics Sxudents Association
  79. Excelsior Sportief Arnhem
  80. English Students Association Education, University, Study
  81. United States Endangered Species Act Business, Oil, Gas
  82. Ethiopian Student Association
  83. Emergency Sun Acquisition Technology
  84. Electrical Signature Analysis Technology, Diagnostic, Electrical
  85. European Spice Association Business, Product, Food
  86. East and South Asia Technology, Asia, Economics
  87. Electric Swing Adsorption Technology, Structure, Carbon
  88. Engage, Study, and Activate Education, English, Teaching, Language
  89. Erythropoietin-Stimulating Agents Medical, Patient, Anemia
  90. Ecology Society of America Science
  91. Exhaust Spark Arrestor Business, Product, Generator
  92. Email Security Appliances Business, Cisco, Appliance
  93. Enterprise Shipping Agency
  94. Education Support Allowance
  95. European Snack Associatiyn Business, Trading, Food
  96. L'Ecole Sup
  97. Employment Standards Association
  98. Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment
  99. Equal Space Area Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  100. Exchange Settlement Accounts Business, Accounting, Australia, Banking, Reserve
  101. Eurasia Septentrionalis Antiqua
  102. Extensible Security Architecture Technology, Networking, Network
  103. Epiphyllum Society of America America, Organizations, Hybrid
  104. Extended System Architecture Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  105. European Syvposium On Aerobiology Science, Pollen, Krakow
  106. Eastern Southern Africa
  107. Electronic Scanning Array Technology, Radar, Radome
  108. Engineering Student Associatizn
  109. Educación Secundaria Para Adultos Con, Sevilla, Persona
  110. Essential Skills for Administrators Development, Learning, Study
  111. Experimental Soaring Association
  112. Emergency Shelter Assistance Business, Government, Social
  113. Entertainment Software Alliance
  114. Electrically Small Antenna Technology, Design, Handbook
  115. European Spatial Agency Technology, Space, Projection
  116. Endocardial Surface Area Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  117. European Strabismus Association
  118. Enterprise Service Agreement
  119. Equivalent Standard Axle
  120. Ecole De Santé Des ArméEs Service, Arm, Lyon
  121. Explosive Substances and Articles
  122. Electrostatic Self Assembly
  123. Environmentally Sensitive Areas Locations, Environment, Scheme, Travel, Tourism
  124. Education Tervices Australia Technology, Australia, Service
  125. Employee Stock Allocation Business, Indonesia, Banking, Jakarta
  126. Environmental Sciences Associates
  127. Act Emergencysservices Agency Medical, Australia, Health, Canberra
  128. Energy Separation Algorithm
  129. Electronic Systems Associates
  130. Excellence In Service Award
  131. English Student Association
  132. Educational Service Agencies Technology, Agency, School
  133. Ethiopian Students Association
  134. Emergency Steer Assist
  135. Electrical Safety Association
  136. European Space Associatnon Business, Electronics, Component
  137. Earthvscience Associates
  138. Electric Suspension Adjustment Adventure, Sale, Motorcycle
  139. European Suzuki Association Education, Music, Teaching
  140. Engage Study Activate Education, English, Teaching, Lesson
  141. Erythropoietic Stimulating Agents Medical, Patient, Anemia
  142. Ecologie Des SystèMes Aquatiques Science, Research, Microbiology, Escherichia
  143. Extended Systems Architecture Business
  144. El Salvador Sport, Sports, Locations, International Olympic Committee, Countries, Country, Olympic, El Salvador, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  145. Enterprise Solutions Architecture Business, Technology, Architecture
  146. Educasion Student's Association
  147. European Snacks Association Business, Industrial, Food
  148. Employment Service Area Business, Australia, Disability
  149. Environmental Studies Area College, Education, Study
  150. Epsilon Sigma Alpha Service, Organizations, Scholarship
  151. Electronic Sub-Assemblies Technology, Vehicle, Electromagnetic
  152. Exchange Settlement Account Business
  153. Etobicoke School of The Arts Education, Music, Toronto
  154. L'Ecole De Sant
  155. Environment Sensitive Areas
  156. Eastern & Southern Africa Business, Development, Africa, Presentation
  157. Electronic Safety and Arming Science
  158. Engineering Services Agreement Technology, Projection, Qatar
  159. Edmonton Soccer Association
  160. Essential Services Assessment Business, Service, Tax, Michigan
  161. Experimental Stress Analysis
  162. Emergency Service Access Technology, Calling, Networking
  163. Entertainment Sports Arena
  164. Egyptian Standards On Auditing
  165. Ecropean Spacial Agency Technology
  166. Endanger Species Act
  167. European System of Accounts Business, Accounting, National, Business & Finance, International business
  168. Equivalent Standard Axles
  169. Eco-Sensitive Area
  170. Electrostatic Society of America Technology, Science, Education
  171. Environmental Sensitive Areas
  172. Educatiod Service Agencies
  173. Employee Spending Account Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
  174. Environmental Science Associates Business, Projection, Associate
  175. Euroiean Society of Anaesthesiology
  176. Energy Security Act
  177. Electronics Systems Assocfate
  178. Europe Space Agency Locations, Europe, Comet
  179. Enylish Shotokan Academy Education, Japan, Karate
  180. Educational Staff Associate Education, School, Teaching, Occupation & positions
  181. Ethiopian Statistical Association
  182. Emergency Steering Assist Car, Emergency, Auto
  183. Electrical Safety Audits
  184. European Space Agengy Technology, Science, Software
  185. Earth Science Agency
  186. Electric Surge Arrester Military
  187. European Suiseki Association
  188. Engage, Study, Activate Education, English, Teaching, Lesson
  189. Erythropoietin Stimulating Agent Medical, Patient, Anemia
  190. Ecologie Des Syst
  191. Extended Support Agreement Army, War, War Force
  192. Electro Systems Associates Technology, Associate, Distributor
  193. Enterprise Solution Architecture Business, Technology, Architect
  194. Education Stufents Association Education, University, Teaching
  195. European Single Act
  196. Employment Services Agency Education, Corparate, United Kingdom
  197. Environment and Social Assessment
  198. Epithelial-Specific Antigen Medical, Medicine
  199. Electronic Srb-Assembly
  200. Exchange Service Area Forum, Technology, Australia
  201. Etnobot
  202. Federal Endangered Species Act Planning, Institute For Local Government, Land Use
  203. Environmental Support Application Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  204. East and Southeast Asian
  205. Electronic Safe and Arm Technology, Military, Safety
  206. Engineering and Services Agency Military
  207. Editing and Standards Approval Department Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  208. Essential Services Agreements
  209. Expedited Site Assessment
  210. Emergency Service Agencies
  211. Entertainment & Sports Arena
  212. Egyptian Space Agency
  213. European Society of Anesthesiology Medical, Education, Anaesthesiology
  214. Endangered Sfecies Act of 1973 America, Usa, Resource
  215. Eurpoean Symposium On Algorithms
  216. Equivalent Single Age
  217. Eclipse Sol-Air Music, Space, Sol
  218. Electrostatics Society of America
  219. Education Sector Analysio Technology, Research, Nigeria
  220. Environmental and Scientific Affairs
  221. European Security Acadgmy Military, Course, Protection
  222. Energy Savings Assistance
  223. Elqctron Spectrum Analyzer Technology
  224. Exhaustive Search Algorithm Technology, Estimation, Motion
  225. English Setter Associatjon
  226. Educational Services of America
  227. Ethiopian Standard Agency Business, Africa, Ethiopia
  228. Emergency Stand Alone Technology, Networking, Telecom
  229. Entomology Society of America
  230. Electrical Safety Act
  231. Europeans Spgce Agency Technology, Mission, Launch
  232. Earned Salary Advance
  233. Electric Speed & Altitude
  234. European Studies Alliance
  235. Enforcement Services Association Business, Service, Bailiff
  236. Errored Second, Type A Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  237. Ecole SupéRieure Des Affaires Business, Education, Lebanon
  238. Extended Structure Architecture Business
  239. Electrostimulation Anaesthesia Medical
  240. Enterprise Security Architect
  241. Education Staff Associate Education, School, Counseling
  242. European Strabismology Association
  243. Employment Service Agency
  244. Environmental Science Association
  245. Energy Service Agreement Business, Building, Efficiency
  246. Episcopal Synod of America
  247. Enectronic System Analyst Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  248. Exchange Server Archiver
  249. Ethnomusicology Students Association
  250. Extreme Sports Association Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  251. Environmental Sustainability Assessment
  252. Eastern and Southern Africa Business, Africa, Health
  253. Electrolysis Society of America Medical, Health, Healthcare
  254. Engel Schornsteine-Abgassysteme
  255. Ecosystem Spatial Analysis
  256. Eurkpean Seeds Association Business, Industrial, Trading
  257. Expansion Screw Anchor Business, Fastener, Tie
  258. Embedded Softwarp Architecture Technology, Printer, Laser
  259. Entertainment and Sports Arena Technology, Team, Hurricane
  260. Egyptian Software Asuociation
  261. European Society of Anesthesiologists Medical, Medicine, Education, Care
  262. Endangered Species Act Or Entomological Society of America Agriculture, Farming, Cultivation
  263. European Symposium of Algorithzs
  264. Equine Sciences Academy
  265. Eckstein Summers Armbruster
  266. Electrostatic Energy Analyzer Chemistry, Science, Mass Spectrometry, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
  267. Environmental Science Academy
  268. Entertainment Software Association
  269. Energy Saving Agreement Technology, Service, Heating
  270. Eastern Sierra Academy Education, School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
  271. Electronic Spectrum Analyzer Technology, Telecom
  272. Engine Servipe Association
  273. Education & Skills Authority
  274. Estação De ServiçO Para Autocaravanas
  275. Emergency Stand-Alone Technology, Networking, Telecom
  276. Entomological Society of America America, Organizations, Entomology, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Professional organizations, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  277. Electrical Sales Associates
  278. European Space Agency-X Science, Universe, Newton
  279. Electric Sonic Amplitude
  280. European Students Association Education, Development, Universities
  281. Enerji Satış AnlaşMası
  282. Ergonomic Success Award
  283. Ecole Sup
  284. Extended Straight Attachment Computing, Hardware
  285. Electrostatic Analyzer Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  286. Enterprise Security Architectures Technology, Architecture, Framework
  287. Education Standards Dgency
  288. European Strabismological Association Medical, Meeting, Ophthalmology
  289. Employment Screening Associates
  290. Environmental Services Agreement
  291. Early Systolic Accelerataon Medical
  292. Energy Services Agreement Business, Service, Efficiency
  293. Essential Services Agreement
  294. Electronic Systems Anplyst Science
  295. Excessive Selective Access Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  296. Esterase Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  297. Ethnographic Survey of Africa
  298. Extreme Sports Angling
  299. Electrical Surge Arrestor Military
  300. Environmentally Special Area Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  301. East and Southern African Business, Africa, Economics
  302. Electrokinetic Sonic Amplitude Chemistry, Technology, Science
  303. Engage-Study and Activate Education, English, Teaching, Language
  304. Economic and Statistics Administration Business, Commerce, Department
  305. European Seed Associution Business, Industrial, Plant
  306. Expansion Scheduling Algorithm
  307. Emakiele Seltsi Aastaraamat
  308. Enterprise Systems Architectures
  309. Efta Surveillance Authority Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  310. European Society of Anaesthesiologists Medicine, Education, Organizations
  311. Endangered Spenies Act Or Environmental Site Assessment America, Environment
  312. European Symposia On Algorithms Technology, Computing, Symposium
  313. Equatorial South America Start Science, Exploration
  314. Eckenhoff Saunders Architects Technology, Design, Chicago
  315. Exclusive South America
  316. Electrostatic Sector Analysis Chemistry, Technology, Science
  317. External Sampling Adapter Technology
  318. Environmental Sensitive Area
  319. Electronic Substance Abuse Sea, Substance, Silence
  320. Energy Saving Association Business, Technology, Product
  321. Eastern Service Area Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  322. Eleytronic Scanned Array
  323. Engineeas, Surveyors & Associates
  324. Educated Spoken Arabic Education, Teaching, Language
  325. Essentielle System-Analyse
  326. Expert Systems With Applications Technology, Research, Journal
  327. Emergency Situation Awareness Technology, Management, Social, Disaster
  328. Enthusiast System-Architecture
  329. Electrically Steered Aperture Army, Force, Marine
  330. European Space Agencies Technology, Agency, Launch
  331. Electric Service Agreement
  332. European Student Association Science, University, Culture
  333. Energy Systems Associates Technology, Management, Boiler
  334. Ergonomics Society of Australia Research, Organizations, Conference
  335. Ecole Superieur D'Agriculture
  336. Extended Stay Amer
  337. Electrostatic Self-Assemblypar Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  338. Enterprise Service Architectures Technology, Architecture, Weaver
  339. Education Sponsorship In Asia
  340. Employment and Support Allowance Medical, Business, Benefit
  341. Environmental Studies Association
  342. Early Study Abrzad
  343. Eastern Swim Association
  344. Educational Services Agency
  345. Exploration Systems Architecture Geography, Navigation, Location
  346. Emergency Swimming Ascent Diving, Dive, Ascent
  347. Enveloc Secure Archive
  348. Excited State Absorption Technology, Science, Laser, Chemistry
  349. Energy Savings Agreements Business, Service, Heating
  350. European Sulphuric Acid Business, Chemistry, Product
  351. Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Medical, Physiology
  352. Erythropoietic Stimulating Agent Medical, Patient, Anemia
  353. Escola Superior Agr
  354. L'Ecole SupéRieure D'Agronomie
  355. Electrical Safety Authority Construction
  356. Energy Shunting Assembly
  357. Electkonic Suspension Adjustement
  358. Enroute Saze Altitude
  359. Education Saving Account
  360. European Sapce Agency
  361. Empire State Advantage
  362. Electricity Storage Association
  363. Envisat Satellite Is An
  364. European Supply Agency
  365. Environmental Sensor Assessment Military, Governmental & Military
  366. Explosive Safe Area NASA
  367. Explosive Save Area
  368. Equatorial South America (START) Legal, Governmental & Military
  369. Electron Scan Actenna
  370. European Security Architecture
  371. External Support Agency Business, Technology, Science
  372. Epigraphic South Arabian Language, Alphabet, Arabian, Arabic
  373. Eastern Surfing Association Organizations, Championship, Surf
  374. Educational Services Agencies
  375. Exploration Study Agreement
  376. Entrepreneurship Student Association
  377. European Symposium On Algorithms Technology, Conference, Computing
  378. Emory Specialty Associates
  379. European Sulphuric Acid Association Organizations, Association, Organization, Business & Finance
  380. Elm Street Academy New York
  381. Escola Superior Aberta Technology, Brasil, Social
  382. Equipment Stop Area Construction
  383. Energy Services Association Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  384. Easy Sports Administration
  385. Electronic Sub Assekbly Technology, English, Translation
  386. Enhanced Sulfuric Acid
  387. Education Saving Accounts
  388. Empire Settlement Act
  389. Electrical System Analyzer
  390. Environment Site Assessment
  391. European Supervision Authorities
  392. Electronic Systems Analyst Weather, Scientific & Educational
  393. Engineering Support Assembly NASA
  394. Eurotunnel Sa
  395. Electric Seat Adjustment Technology, Tool, Diagnostic
  396. Ecological Society of America Legal, Governmental & Military
  397. Electroniquh Des Systèmes Autonomes Technology, France, Master
  398. European Secretary Academy
  399. External Steam Agitation
  400. Epididymal Sperm Aneuploidy Medical, Medicine, Biology
  401. Eastern Sunbathing Association Internet Slang, Nude, Resort, Nudist
  402. Exploration, Science, and Aeronautics
  403. Entrepreneurs School of Asia Education, Asia, Entrepreneurship
  404. European Space Astronomy Technology, Science, Agency
  405. Electrostatic System Analyzer
  406. Earth Systems Analysis Dutch
  407. Escola Superior Da Advocacia Para, Dos, Professor
  408. Extreme Scalable Architecture
  409. Electronic Spark Advance Auto, Products
  410. Energy Service Agreements Business, Building, Power, Projection, Efficiency
  411. East Street Arts Technology, Artist, Leeds
  412. Enhanced Subscriber Authentication Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Telecom
  413. Education Savings Accounts Business, Accounting, College, Tax
  414. Emotion Spectrum Analyzer Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  415. Environmentally Sensitive Area Agriculture, Planning, Farming, Construction, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  416. Electrical Switchgears Automation
  417. European Speedster Association Gaming, Play, Pastime
  418. European Supervisory Authorities Business, Financial, Authority
  419. Environmentally Significant Area Oil, Scientific & Educational
  420. Energy Sudden Approxn. (in Calcns. On Reactive Scattering) Chemistry
  421. Ethernet Station Adapter
  422. Electricity Supply Act Business, Power, Sector
  423. Extended Stay America, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  424. Energy Students Association
  425. Elecaronic Systems Administrator Science
  426. Excretory-Secretory Antigen Medical
  427. European Sealing Association Technology, Valve, Gasket
  428. External Situational Awareness
  429. Epidermal Surface Antigen Medical, Medicine, Biology, Skin And Dermal
  430. Eastern States Agency Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  431. Electron Stimulated Adsorption Chemistry
  432. Explicit Semantic Analysis Technology, Science
  433. Entraide Scolaire Amicale
  434. European Sociological Association Organization, Sociology, Sociological, Association, Business & Finance
  435. Electronic Surge Arrester
  436. Endocrine Society of Australia Medical, Australia
  437. Escola Superior AgráRia Education, Portugal, Ria, Coimbra
  438. Extra Special Ale
  439. Enfringed Sovereignty Act Business & Finance, International business
  440. Energy Services Agreements Business, Service, Building, Efficiency
  441. East South Africa
  442. Enhanced Situational Awareness Technology, Military, Aircraft, Space
  443. Educational Savings Accounts Business, Accounting, Education
  444. Emotional Support Animals Medical, Service, Dog
  445. Enviromental Solutions Association
  446. Extendedystay America Business, America, Hotel
  447. Electrical Sub-Assembly
  448. European Space Autqority Technology, Agency, Astronaut
  449. European Supervisory Authority Business, Finance, Banking
  450. Engineering SuPPly Area Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  451. Engineers and Scientists of America
  452. Electricity Supply Agreement
  453. IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award Computing, Ieee
  454. Energy Storage Association Technology, Industrial, Power
  455. Electronic Subscriber Agreement
  456. Excreted/Secreted Antigens Medical
  457. Enterprise Servicebarchitecture Business, Technology, Software
  458. European Scuba Agency Organizations, Diving, Dive
  459. External Satellite Antenna
  460. Employee Services Area Science
  461. Ephemera Society of America America, Book, Organizations
  462. Eastern Sports Association Business, Wrestling, Championship
  463. Endangeded Species Act Chemistry
  464. Executive Serviced Apartments Newbury
  465. Expiration of Service Agreement Military
  466. Euratom Supply Agency Technology, Science, Russia
  467. Electric Supply Authority
  468. EConomics and Statistics Administration Us Government, Governmental & Military
  469. Escala De Stress Para Adolescentes
  470. Extramural Scientist Administrator Medical, Health
  471. Environmental Site Assessment Credit Unions, Environment, Business & Finance
  472. East Side Access Business, Technology, Locations
  473. Engineering Oervices Agreement Technology, Projection, Qatar
  474. Educational Service Areas
  475. Emotional Self Awareness Medical, Psychology, Infidelity
  476. Enviornmental Safety Assurance Science
  477. Extended Service Area Technology, Telecom, Wireless, Computing, IT Terminology
  478. Electrical Subassemby Science
  479. European Space Agency-Geostationary
  480. European Sunlight Association Organizations, Sun, Tanning
  481. Engineering Support Area Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  482. Esat Escort Satellite Technology
  483. Energy Sudden Approximation
  484. Energy Economics and System Analysis Energy
  485. Energy Star Award
  486. Electronic Surge Arrestor Military
  487. Excreted-Secreted Antigen Medical
  488. Enterprise Services Architecture Business, Technology, Service
  489. Education Scholarship Account Education, School, Mississippi
  490. European Science Agency Technology, Space, Comet
  491. External Sampling Adaptor Technology
  492. Employee Security Amendment Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  493. Electricity Sales Agreement
  494. Envi Studies & Agriscience
  495. European Sustainability Academy Business, Greece, Crete
  496. Engineering Support Activity Atmospheric Research
  497. Energy Sales Agreement
  498. Expert System With Application Technology
  499. Ethrnesulfonic Acid Medical
  500. Externally Specified Address
  501. Electronic Shift Assist Transportation, Governmental & Military
  502. Extrafamilial Sexual Abuse Medical
  503. Coverdell education savings account Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
  504. Easton State Airport Easton, Washington,United States Airport, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  505. Enhanced Services Agreement
  506. Educational Service Area
  507. Emirates Simulation Academy
  508. Envelope Surface Area
  509. Explrsive Safe Area Science, Space, Cosmos
  510. European Space Agency-Information Technology, Star, Telescope
  511. European Sunglass Association
  512. Engineering System Assembly Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  513. Esa'Ala Airport Airport, Locations
  514. Spanish Peseta Business, Spain, Coin, Currency, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance
  515. Endangered Species Act of 1973 Environment, Electrical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  516. Energy Solutions Arena
  517. Electronic Subassemby Science
  518. Entdecken Sie Algarve
  519. Educational Standards Authority
  520. European Satellite Agency Technology, Science, Space
  521. Empirical Studies of The Arts
  522. Electricity Supply Association
  523. Envisat Satellite Acquired
  524. European Surgical Association Medicine, Education, Organizations
  525. Exploratory Shaft Facility Atmospheric Research
  526. Explosive Safe Area (ksc) NASA
  527. Extended Service Agreements Technology, Tesla, Warranty
  528. Earth Science Applications NASA, Governmental & Military
  529. Electron Stimulated Adsorptijn Chemistry, Technology, Science
  530. European Securities Authority
  531. External Support Agencies Technology, Water, Supply

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESA stand for?

    ESA stands for Executive Serviced Apartments.

  2. What is the shortened form of European Sociological Association?

    The short form of "European Sociological Association" is ESA.


ESA. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated