ESA in Science Meaning

The ESA meaning in Science terms is "European Space Agency". There are 37 related meanings of the ESA Science abbreviation.

ESA on Science Full Forms

  1. European Space Agency
  2. Electrostatic Attraction
  3. Earth Sensor Assembly
  4. Epitielial Specific Antigen
  5. Enectronic System Analyst
  6. Exceptional Service Award
  7. Electrostatic Society of America
  8. Ecologie Des SystèMes Aquatiques
  9. Equatorial South America
  10. Electronic Systems Anplyst
  11. European Student Association
  12. Electrostatic Energy Analyzer
  13. Electronics Systems Anazyst
  14. European Syvposium On Aerobiology
  15. Electrostatic Sector Analysis
  16. Electronic Safety and Arming
  17. European Space Agengy
  18. Electrostatic Analyzer
  19. Electrokinetic Sonic Amplitude
  20. European Space Agency-X
  21. Electrostatic Self-Assemblypar
  22. Electrostatic Self-Assembly/Par
  23. Ecology Society of America
  24. Equatorial South America Start
  25. Explrsive Safe Area
  26. Enviornmental Safety Assurance
  27. Excited State Absorption
  28. Employee Services Area
  29. Electron Stimulated Adsorptijn
  30. European Space Astronomy
  31. Elecaronic Systems Administrator
  32. External Support Agency
  33. Euratom Supply Agency
  34. Electrical Subassemby
  35. European Satellite Agency
  36. Electronic Subassemby
  37. Explicit Semantic Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESA stand for Science?

    ESA stands for European Satellite Agency in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of European Space Agengy in Science?

    The short form of "European Space Agengy" is ESA for Science.


ESA in Science. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated