ESAV Meaning

The ESAV meaning is "Einmhovense Studenten Atletiek Vereniging". The ESAV abbreviation has 13 different full form.

ESAV Full Forms

  1. Einmhovense Studenten Atletiek Vereniging
  2. Ecole SupéRieure Des Arts Visuels Arts, Festival, Sup
  3. Employee Statement of Accumulated Value Business, Building, Loan, Requirement
  4. Employees Statement of Accumulated Value Business, House, Loan
  5. Email Sender Address Verifacation
  6. Electronic Specialties Audio Video
  7. Escola Superior Agrária De Viseu Para, Education, Dos, Ria
  8. Enhanced Surveillance of Aircraft and Vehicles
  9. Ethnic Schools Association of Victoria Australia, Organizations, Language
  10. Escuela Superior De Arteu Visuales
  11. Escola Slperior Agr
  12. Escola Superior De Agricultura E Veterin
  13. Escola Superior De Agricultura E VeterináRia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESAV stand for?

    ESAV stands for Ethnic Schools Association of Victoria.

  2. What is the shortened form of Employee Statement of Accumulated Value?

    The short form of "Employee Statement of Accumulated Value" is ESAV.


ESAV. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated