ESBA Meaning

The ESBA meaning is "Eastern Sovereign Base Area". The ESBA abbreviation has 20 different full form.

ESBA Full Forms

  1. Eastern Sovereign Base Area Turkey, Locations, Territory
  2. Ecole SupéRieure Des Beaux-Arts Arts, Man, Sup
  3. Eastern Shore Builders Association
  4. East Sprague Business Association
  5. Ecole Sup
  6. East Spokane Business Association
  7. East Side Baseball Association
  8. Eastlake Sammamish Baseball Association
  9. Evergreen Spina Bifida Association
  10. Easter Seals Bay Area Service, Organizations, Disability
  11. Electronic Systems Business Area
  12. Estudios Superiores De Buenos Aires
  13. Euless Small Business Association Business, Community, Texas, Apartment
  14. Erik Spoelstra Basketball Academy Organizations, Team, Coaching
  15. European Systemic Business Academy Technology, Management, Coaching
  16. éCole SupéRieure Des Beaux Arts
  17. European Small Business Alliance Business, Economics, Europe
  18. Executive Sounding Board Associates
  19. European Seniors Basketball Association
  20. Etoile Sportive De Ben Aknoun

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESBA stand for?

    ESBA stands for East Sprague Business Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ecole SupéRieure Des Beaux-Arts?

    The short form of "Ecole SupéRieure Des Beaux-Arts" is ESBA.


ESBA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated