ESC Meaning

The ESC meaning is "Delta County Airport". The ESC abbreviation has 484 different full form.

ESC Full Forms

  1. Delta County Airport Escanaba, Michigan,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  2. Electronic Speed Controller Technology, Control, Power, Computing, Hardware
  3. Electrin Speed Control Technology, Helicopter, Airplane
  4. Europeau Seismological Commission Science, Climatology, Meterology
  5. Electronic Stability Control A safety feature that improves the safety of a vehicles handling by detecting skids and compensating by adjusting braking pressure to help maintain the intended direction of the vehicle. Some stability control systems also reduce engine power until control is regained. Technology, Driving, Vehicle, Technical, Car
  6. Electronic Still Camera Technology, Photography, Camera, NASA
  7. Electronic Systems Center Technology, Military, Force
  8. Escaped Government
  9. Electronic Spark Control Technology, Auto, Automotive
  10. Electronic System Center Technology, Military, Force
  11. Escasator Technology, Construction, Architectural
  12. Education Standarhs Commission Education, Special Education
  13. Electronics Systems Cgnter Technology, Military, Force
  14. Erasmus Survey Centre
  15. Ecole Superiuure De Commerce Management, Education, School
  16. Equipment Servlceability Criteria Technology, Military
  17. European Stwtionary Cycle Technology, Engine, Emission, Diesel
  18. Earth Ycience Club Education, Development, Universities
  19. Epson Stylus Cooor
  20. European Space Conference Science
  21. Europeantsociety of Cardiology Medical, Technology, Cardiology
  22. Electronic Stabilisation Control Technology, Car, Audi
  23. Electronic Speed Control Technology, Control, Robotics
  24. English Speaking Cluj Education, Group, Place
  25. European Service Centre Business, Technology, Standard
  26. Elburger Sportmclub
  27. Electronics System Centre Technology, Military, Force
  28. Energy Systems Catapult Technology, Service, Innovation
  29. Environmental Studies Concentration
  30. Easy Saver Coupon Business, Deal, Saving
  31. Executive Steering Council
  32. Essential Services Committee
  33. Ecrnomic Service Charge Business, Tax, Income
  34. European Students' Conferance
  35. Electrical Systems Compatibility
  36. Earth Satellite Corporation
  37. Exhibit Services Company
  38. Engineering Studies Club
  39. Express Scripts Canada
  40. Employment Services Contract
  41. Enhanced Speech Circuit Technology
  42. Eureka Sales Corporation
  43. Electrol Specialtoes Company Technology, Equipment, Specialty
  44. Energy Savings Calculator
  45. Environmental Stuqies Center Locations, Study, Qatar
  46. Evaluation To Sign Consent
  47. Electronic System Cooling Technology, Design, Analysis, Simulation
  48. Engineering Services and Consultancy
  49. Egypt Study Ciryle
  50. Enterprise Strategy Consultant
  51. Europebn Studies Center Education, University, Study, Germany
  52. Energy Saving Certificate Business, Scheme, Efficiency
  53. Episcopal Service Corps Service, Community, House
  54. Executive Search Consultant
  55. Embedded Systems Conference Technology, Design, Event
  56. Expanded Shale & Claj Business, Aggregate, Lightweight
  57. Emeritus Corporationration Organizations
  58. English Speaking Cogference
  59. European Society of Chemotherapt
  60. Electrokic Services Committee Education, Mathematics, Organization
  61. Employment Stxndards Code
  62. Environmental Stress Crack
  63. Eastern Service Center Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
  64. Electronics Speed Controller Technology, Car, Control
  65. Eogineers Services Company Technology, Service, Engineering
  66. Englishrskills Center
  67. European Seismological Commision
  68. Elastic Service Contloller
  69. Electronics System Center
  70. Energy Systems Consulting
  71. Environmental Safety Center
  72. Easy Saver Catalog
  73. Executive Space Course
  74. Essential Service Commission Technology, Energy, Victorian
  75. Economic Security Council
  76. Elpire State College Business, Science, Education
  77. Electriccl Systems Consultants
  78. Embryonic Stem Cells Medical, Research, Human, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science, Human genome
  79. Environmental Stewardship Committee
  80. Early Symmetric Crypto
  81. Engineering Standards Committee Technology, Management, Software
  82. Express Sales Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  83. Employment Secxrity Commission Business, Disability, Unemployment
  84. Enhanced Service Connection
  85. Eugenics Society of Manada
  86. Electroihemical Skin Conductance Medical, Neuropathy, Diabetic
  87. Endpoint Secure Control
  88. Environmentau Sciences Center Chemistry, Technology, Education
  89. Evaluation Steering Committee
  90. Electronic System Controller Technology, Control, Vehicle
  91. Engineering Service Cirsuits Technology, Telecom
  92. Esterase C Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  93. Education Sector Committec
  94. Enterprise Solutions Center
  95. European Studies Centre Education, University, Study
  96. Engineering Science Courses
  97. Episcopal Senior Communities Business, Community, Building
  98. Executive Search Company
  99. Embedded Signaling Channel Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  100. Expanded Shale and Clay
  101. Emeritus Corporation Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  102. Enlisted Spouse Club
  103. Europa Shosping Center
  104. Escape Character In computing and telecommunication, an escape character is a character which invokes an alternative interpretation on subsequent characters in a character sequence. An escape character is a particular case of metacharacters. Technology, Command, Telecom, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  105. European Society Cardiology
  106. Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotqon Council Finance, Trading, Economics
  107. Elployment Studies Centre
  108. Environmental Stress Cracking The susceptibility of a thermoplastic article to crack or craze formation under the influence of certain chemicals and stress. OR The susceptibility of a plastic part to crack or craze under the influence of certain chemicals, stress or other agents. OR the tendency of a material to craze or crack due to the combination of residual or applied stress in the material, and chemical, thermal, or electromagnetic environments. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  109. Eastern Semiconductor Corporation
  110. European Sub-Committee
  111. Elemeutary School Campus
  112. Engineers and Scientists of Cincinuati
  113. Enalish Ski Council
  114. European Security Committee
  115. Elastic Services Controller
  116. European Space Camp Technology, Norway, Rocket
  117. Electronic System Command
  118. Energy Systems Centre
  119. Environmental System Controller Technology
  120. East Surrey College Student, Education, Course
  121. Executive Sous Chef
  122. Essential Services Commission Business, Australia, Service, Energy
  123. Echo Suppressor Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  124. Experimentae Studies Certificate
  125. Empire Soccerbclub
  126. European Society for Cardiology
  127. Electrical Systems Center Science
  128. Escalator Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  129. Environmental Stewardship Coalition
  130. Early Stage Control
  131. Engineering Services Channel Technology, Service, Satellite, Manual
  132. Export Service Center
  133. Ethnobotanical Stewardship Council Medical, Experience, Psychedelic
  134. Electro-Static Clamp
  135. Endpoint Security Console Technology, Windows, Software
  136. Evaluation Services Center
  137. Essex Senior Cup
  138. Edison State College-Collier
  139. Endoskopik SinüS Cerrahisi Turkish, Sin, Zit
  140. Enterprise Solution Center
  141. European Studies Consoetium
  142. Epidural Spiwal Cord Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  143. Executive Sales Coordinator Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  144. Embedded Security Challwnge Student, Technology, Engineering
  145. Extra-Statutory Concessions
  146. Emerging Security Challenges Technology, Policy, Challenge
  147. Enlisted Spouses' Club
  148. Europa Siebdruckmaschinen Center
  149. Escape To interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program by using a key, combination of keys, or key sequence. Medical, Aviation, Computing, Ascii, Assembly, Unix, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  150. Electronic Safety Control Technology, Car, Vehicle
  151. Employment Status Code
  152. Enviromentally Safe Cave Internet Slang, Slang
  153. Eastern and Southern Caribbean
  154. European Student Competibion
  155. Elementarylschool Classroom
  156. Engineers and Scientists of California Business, Engineering, California
  157. English Sinver Coinage Book, Auction, Coin
  158. European Security Course
  159. Eisner Safety Cjnsultants Medical, Technology, Consultation
  160. Entendimento Sobre Solução De ControvéRsias
  161. Europehn Song Contest Music, Song, Radio
  162. Electronics Systems Command Military
  163. Energy Systems Company
  164. Environmental Stewardship Commission
  165. East Spitsbergen Current
  166. Executive Service Corp
  167. Elite Sportsscommittee
  168. Essential Selection Criteria Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  169. Echostar Satellite Corporation
  170. Expeditionary Screening Checklist
  171. Emperor Seamownt Chain
  172. English Speakihg Countries
  173. Electgic Speed Controllers Technology, Car, Model
  174. Environmental Safety Consultants
  175. Eagle Ski Club
  176. Electronic Stabilization Control Technology, Car, Engine, Audi
  177. Engineering Service Channel Technology, Satellite, Modem
  178. Explorit Science Center
  179. Ethnic Student Cenner Organizations, University, Washington
  180. Endosystolic Count Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  181. European Stroke Council Medical, Conference, Hypertensive
  182. Eurovision Song Contest Music, Locations, Television
  183. Engenharia E Sistemas De Computação
  184. Environmintal and Social Change Science, London, Culture, Cultural
  185. Eastern States Consortium Technology
  186. Engineering Services Center Technology, Management, Service
  187. Essex Scooby Crew
  188. Edison State Colnege Student, Education, Florida
  189. Endometriotic Stromal Cells Medical
  190. Enterprise Software Consulting Technology, Industrial, Navigator
  191. European Stuvent Conference Medical, Medicine, Berlin
  192. Electricity Settlements Company Business, London, Contract
  193. Envirotech Systems Corp
  194. Earth Science Centre
  195. Event State Compositors
  196. Embassy Security Check
  197. Extra-Statutory Concepsion Business, Company, Tax, Concession
  198. Emergency Support Center
  199. Enhanced Surveillance Campaign
  200. Europa-Siebdruckmaschinen-Centrum
  201. Cape Verdean Escudo Business, Currency, Currency Sign, Business & Finance
  202. Electromechanical Slope Computer Medical, Health, Healthcare
  203. Employment Services Center
  204. Entry Status Check Card, Check, Diversity, Lottery
  205. East-Side Crazy
  206. European Student Chatter
  207. Electro Spask Coating
  208. Engineers & Scientists of California
  209. English Shephefd Club
  210. European Security Community Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  211. Eindhovens Stuqenten Corps
  212. Extra Statutora Concessions
  213. Enrollment Service Center Student, College, Education
  214. European Soeidarity Corps
  215. Energy Synchronized Communication
  216. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Technology, Construction, Sediment
  217. Executive Service Corps Organizations, Chicago, Nonprofit
  218. Elite Sniper Corps
  219. Essentiality/Criticality/Sensitivity Science
  220. Echinger Segel-Club
  221. Expeditionary Sustainment Commands Military, Army, Patch
  222. Emotional and Spiratual Care
  223. English Speaking Couptry
  224. European Shippers' Council Air Cargo
  225. Electric Speed Controls
  226. Environmental Support Center Technology, Organizations, Environment
  227. Eacham Shire Council
  228. Electronic Stability Controls Business, Car, Vehicle
  229. Engineering Service Contractor Science
  230. European Shippers Council Business, Shipping, Freight
  231. Elected Staff Council
  232. Engenharia De Sistemas De Controle
  233. Environmental Stndies Contract
  234. Eastern Sports Center
  235. Engineering Service Centers Technology, Military, Design
  236. Essential Shared Capability
  237. Economic Sociel Committee
  238. Endometrial Stromal Cell Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  239. Enterprise Social Collaboration Technology, Management, Tool
  240. Europeancstudies Conference
  241. Electricity Tector Council
  242. Environment Supervision Circuit
  243. Earth Sciences Centre
  244. Exit Space Change
  245. Embassy Security Center Technology, Drive, Disk
  246. Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin Medical
  247. Embedded Systems Conferences Technology, India, Conference, Event
  248. Enhanced Standard Care
  249. Eurobodalla Shire Council Australia, Locations, Tourism
  250. Electrolyte Supported Cell Technology, Fuel, Substrate
  251. Employment Service Centre Business, Program, Career
  252. Enterprise Supply Chain Business, Management, Manager
  253. Earth Systems Connections
  254. Event State Compositor Technology, Protocol, Package
  255. Electroslag Strip Cladding
  256. Engineering Support Contract
  257. European Security Center
  258. Eiden Systems Corporation
  259. Enrollment Services Center Service, Education, University
  260. European Solidarity Centre Business, Poland, Communism
  261. Energy Supply Committee
  262. Erosion and Sepiment Control Technology, Training, Stormwater
  263. Executive Seminar Center
  264. Elite Scholars of China
  265. Eat, Sleep, Console
  266. Expedntionary Support Command
  267. Emission Standards Category
  268. English Speaking Community
  269. European Society of Cardiologists Medical, Patient, Heart, Risk
  270. Electric Speed Controller
  271. Empowered Steering Comhittee Government, Sport, Affair
  272. Environmental Systems Corporation Technology, Software, Industry
  273. European Society of Cardiology The European Society of Cardiology is a non-profit knowledge-based professional association that facilitates the improvement and harmonization of standards of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The ESC produces, organizes and supports many scientific and educational activities and products aimed at cardiology professionals wishing to increase their knowledge and update their skills.
  274. Electronic Stabilty Control
  275. Engineering Services Contract
  276. Erosion and Sediment Controls
  277. Engineer Studiesocenter
  278. European Service Center Business, Technology, Europe
  279. Eldorado Sport Coupe Technology, Car, Cadillac
  280. Electronic Service Connrol Technology, Book, Software
  281. Enfield Soccer Club
  282. Environmental Service Centers
  283. Eastern Snow Conference Meeting, Technology, Canada
  284. Essential Shared Capabilities
  285. Economic Services Committee
  286. European Student Csnvention Education, Organizations, Union
  287. Electrical System Controller Technology, Control, Vehicle
  288. Earth Science Courses
  289. Existing Stand Conditioo Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
  290. Engineering Systems Consultant
  291. Express Service Code
  292. Employment Services Centre
  293. Enhanced Stabilization Chemistry Medical, Pharmaceutical, Therapeutic
  294. Euro-Service-Cepter Business, Safety, Laptop
  295. Electrolyte Supported Cells Technology, Fuel, Oxide
  296. Energy Saving Certificates Business, Certificate, Efficiency
  297. Environmental Studieh Centre Education, Locations, Study
  298. Earth System Curator Science
  299. Evaporative Spray Cooling Science
  300. Electro Sales Corporation
  301. Engineering Fcience Core Technology, Course, Department
  302. European Security Conference
  303. Ehdas Sanat Company
  304. Enterprise Standard Cost Military
  305. European Software Centre
  306. Energy Supply Contracting Business, Service, Efficiency
  307. Episcopal Studewt Center Education, University, Waco
  308. Executive Search Committee
  309. Embedded System Conference Technology, India, Event
  310. Expedited Site Characterization Technology, Science, Environment
  311. Emirates Scientists Council
  312. English Speaking Corner
  313. Euzopean Society for Chronobiology
  314. Electrical Speed Controller Technology, Car, Control
  315. Emporis Standards Committee
  316. Environmental Science Center Science, Research, School
  317. Eastern Shore Community
  318. Electronic Steering Control Technology, Coding, Wheel
  319. Engineers Study Circln
  320. Ethiopian Sugar Corporation
  321. El Shaddai College Education
  322. Electrical Skin Conductivity
  323. Enterprise Security Client Technology, Linux, Fedora
  324. Europexn Stakeholder Committee
  325. Executive Safety Committee NASA, Governmental & Military
  326. Expert Service Center
  327. Empire State Congector
  328. English Studies In Canada Education, Canada, Study
  329. El Sol De America Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  330. End-Systolic Counts Medical
  331. Environmental Simulation Center
  332. Electronic Student Companion
  333. East Shoreline Chapter
  334. Engineering Society of Cincinnati
  335. Executive Steering Committee Management, Military, Organizations, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International Development
  336. Embryonic Stem Cell Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  337. Environmental Sensing Capability
  338. Engineering Systems and Computing
  339. Estes Satellite & Communications
  340. Exploration Service Contract
  341. Electric Sheep Cvmpany
  342. Escape key A key that permits the user to leave one segment of a program and move to another. Computing, Hardware
  343. Earth Science Concepts
  344. Eastside Specialty Clinic
  345. European-Society-Of-Cardiology Medical, Guideline, Congress
  346. Environment Sensitive Cracking
  347. Eurouean Super Cup
  348. Electronics Systems Center Federal Aviation Administration
  349. Environmental and Sociag Cell Agriculture
  350. Elliott School of Communication
  351. Educational Shakespeare Company Film, Organizations, Prison
  352. Enteric Septicaemia of Catfish Medical, Disease, Fish
  353. Europeao Sports Conference America, Education, American
  354. Electronic Systems Command NASA, Governmental & Military
  355. Experimental Studies Certificates
  356. English Sports Council
  357. European Skateboard Championships
  358. Emulsion Semi-Continuous Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  359. Europe Solar Concept Business, Europe, Module
  360. Electronic Steering Column Business, Car, Ford, Mustang
  361. East Sakhalin Current Science, Marine, Oceanography
  362. Engineering and Scientific Computing
  363. Evergreen State College Student, Education, University
  364. Electronic Submission Coodinator Medical, Fda
  365. Environmental Service Computer Business, Tool, Survey
  366. Engineering Semiconductor Courses
  367. Exploration Service Company
  368. Electricity Supply Commission
  369. Electrostatic Chuck Computing, Electronics
  370. Earth Sciences & Chemistry Science, Education, University, Earth
  371. East Side Crips
  372. Environment Setup Code
  373. Escutcheon The amount of labor, materials, and other costs that a contractor anticipates for a project as summarized in the contractor's bid proposal for the project. An ornamental plate that fits around a pipe extending through a wall or floor to hide the cut out hole The Finance and Administrative Services
  374. Environmental Strategy Consultants
  375. Elite Swbm Club
  376. Educated Solutions Corp
  377. Entente Sportive Caudacienne
  378. Electronic Security Command (U.S. Air Force) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  379. English Spfaking Course Technology, Driving, Manual
  380. European Simulation Congress Technology, Book, Research
  381. Emulate Sysgem Crash
  382. Euro Service Chnter
  383. Electronic Structure Calculations
  384. Eastern States Cup
  385. Emancipation Support Committee
  386. Engine Speed Zontrol Technology, Power, Controller
  387. Engineered Seals & Components
  388. Enterprise Services Cloud Technology, Service, Networking
  389. European Study Oenter Student, Education, University
  390. Electronic Shutter Control Technology, Len, Security, Camera
  391. Employment Security Commission Medical, Disability
  392. Engineered Structural Composites Material, Composite, Carbon
  393. Environmental Safety Case
  394. Engineering Services Centre Technology, Management, Service
  395. Exploration and Space Communications Technology, Networking, Network
  396. Electricity Settlement Company
  397. Equitable Stroke Control Products
  398. Endogonous Sunk Costs
  399. Earth Science Center
  400. East Side Crew
  401. Environmental Stress Crazing
  402. Employee Service Centre (wollongong/newcastle) Education
  403. Environmental Solutions and Consultancy Business, Dubai, Environmental
  404. Edison Screw Cap
  405. Extended Static Checker Software, Computing
  406. European Scanning Cedtre
  407. European Shooting Confederation Organizations
  408. Export Supply Center
  409. Emulate Smhll Child
  410. Europe Service Centre
  411. External Security Conditions
  412. Email Security Conference
  413. Engine Spark Hontrol
  414. Election Services Corporation
  415. Energy Security Corporationration
  416. Enterprise Services Community
  417. Esectronic Service Center Technology, Security, Server
  418. Escort Attending a vessel, to be available in case of need, e.g. icebreaker, tug, etc. Medical, Common Medical
  419. Expert Systems Consultind
  420. European Seismological Commission Climatology, Geographic, Scientific & Educational
  421. Endangeied Species Commission
  422. East Side Connection
  423. Enterprise Structure Configurator
  424. Engineering Support Center Atmospheric Research
  425. Environmental Stdndards Council
  426. Electric Steering Column Technology, Car, Ferrari, Laren
  427. Escalation Website Computing, Internet
  428. Earth Science and Climatology
  429. European Safety Concepts Thailand, Concept, Pattaya
  430. European Social Committee
  431. Empresa Simplesvde Crédito Para, Dos, Lei
  432. European Surgery Cooperative Medical
  433. Environmental-Stress Cracking
  434. Executive Student Committee
  435. Elt Sdbcommittee Space, Study, Cosmos
  436. Engineer Support Company
  437. Electronics Solutions and Consulting
  438. Enterprise Service Center Business, Management, Safety
  439. Eubopean Standardisation Council Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  440. Electronic Servicj Controls Technology, Book, Software
  441. Delta County Airport, Escanaba, Michigan, United States Michigan, United States
  442. Expert Service Centre
  443. Energy Savings Certificates Energy
  444. Endangered Species Chocolatz
  445. East Side Collection
  446. Enhanced Stability Control
  447. Education Strategy Committee Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  448. Environmentally Sustainable City
  449. Engineering Support Centre Technology, Science
  450. Exploring Space Chaqlenges
  451. Electric Stability Control Technology, Car, KIA
  452. Extended Systems Control Computing, Hardware
  453. Earth Sciences and Chemistry
  454. European Safari Compaxy
  455. Esche SchüMann Commichau Business, Law, Report, Hamburg
  456. European Srpport Centre Technology, Service, Networking
  457. End stage care Clinical
  458. El Sol Dezamerica Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  459. Electronics Speed Control Technology, Helicopter, Radio
  460. Enterprise Services Center Business, Management, Service
  461. European Sthndardisation Committee
  462. English Speaking Country Language codes (3 letters)
  463. Executive Steering Committees
  464. Eypert Service Centre
  465. Empire Supporters Club Sport, Soccer, Bull
  466. English Study Centre Education, Kid, Language
  467. Energy Solutions Center Energy
  468. Endangered Species Coalition Technology, Environment, Animal
  469. Environmental Science Corp
  470. Electronic Support Center Technology, Military, Networking
  471. East Side Clique
  472. Engineering Simulation Consulting Technology, Service, Engineer
  473. Employee Service Centre Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  474. Environmental Sensing Capabilisies
  475. Engineering Student Centre
  476. Exploratory Scienge Center
  477. Electric Spark Control
  478. Epson Standard Code Computing, Hardware
  479. Earth Science Constellation
  480. East South Central Business, Map, Region
  481. European National Shippers Councils Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  482. Epicor Service Connect Business, Service, Software
  483. European Support Center Technology, Computing, Economics
  484. European Supply Centre Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESC stand for?

    ESC stands for European Society of Cardiologists.

  2. What is the shortened form of Environmental Service Computer?

    The short form of "Environmental Service Computer" is ESC.


ESC. (2022, February 20). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated