ESCR Meaning

The ESCR meaning is "Economic Social and Cultural Rights". The ESCR abbreviation has 21 different full form.

ESCR Full Forms

  1. Economic Social and Cultural Rights Organizations, Human, Culture
  2. Economic Social Cultural Rights
  3. Essener Segler-Club Ruhrau
  4. Economic, Social & Cultural Rights Organizations, Human, Economics
  5. Environment Stress Cracking Resistance
  6. Economic, Social, Cultural Rights
  7. European Society of Cardiac Radiology Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  8. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Organizations, Economics, Social
  9. Embryo Stem Cell Research
  10. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Government, Organizations, Economics, Culture
  11. Embryonic Stem Cell Research Medical, Government, Human, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
  12. Event Selection Control Register
  13. Environmental Stress Crack Resistance Technology, Plastic, Apparatus
  14. European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology Medical, Cardiac, Imaging
  15. Environmental Stress-Cracking Resistance Technology, Science, Crack
  16. Embryonic Stem Cell Registry
  17. Elementary Stream Clock Reference Technology, Telecom, Packet
  18. Electronic Social Care Records Service, Government, Children
  19. Earth Science Conservation Review Media
  20. Electronic Social Care Record
  21. Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance Technology, Crack, Apparatus, Physics, Plastics, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESCR stand for?

    ESCR stands for Earth Science Conservation Review.

  2. What is the shortened form of Environment Stress Cracking Resistance?

    The short form of "Environment Stress Cracking Resistance" is ESCR.


ESCR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated