ESL Meaning

The ESL meaning is "English Second Language". The ESL abbreviation has 184 different full form.

ESL Full Forms

  1. English Second Language Government, Education, Teaching
  2. Electroeic Shelf Labels Business, Technology, Labeling
  3. English As A Second Langauge
  4. Eddte Stobart Ltd Business, Driving, Driver
  5. Early School Leaver Education, Organizations, Leaving
  6. Eadly School Leaving Education, Organizations, Policy
  7. E-Selectin Aigand Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  8. Elsevier Science Ltd
  9. Early Service Leavers
  10. English As A Second Languaee. Education, Teaching, Study
  11. Effects Screening Levels Health, Texas, Gas, Screening
  12. Ethiopian Shipping Line
  13. Energy Systems Labbratory Technology, Texas, Building
  14. Earth Scan Laboratory Technology, Satellite, Gulf
  15. English Secondary Language Student, Education, Teaching
  16. Electronic Sports Leagues
  17. Every Student Learns
  18. Electrosteel Steevs Ltd
  19. Economic Ncience Laboratory
  20. Engineering Societies Librlry Technology, Service, Society
  21. Equipment and Supply List
  22. Electronic Systems Laboragory Technology, Design, Computing
  23. Explosive Stores Locker Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  24. Eligible Services List Business, Service, Rate
  25. Early Schoolsleaver Education, Organizations, Leaving
  26. English As A Second Langu Education, Teaching, Language
  27. Effects Screening Level Science, Health, Texas, Environment, Oil, Scientific & Educational
  28. Etchstop Layer Science
  29. Emerging Sustainability Leaders
  30. Earth Sanctuaries Limited
  31. English Schools & Lang
  32. Euectronic Software and Licensing
  33. Evangelical Smminary of Lima
  34. Enjlish As Second Language Science, Internet Slang, Education
  35. Ecologicfl Studies On The Lepidoptera
  36. Electrosteel Sdeels Limited Business, India, Supply
  37. Engqneering Services Limited
  38. Entertainment and Sports Lawyer
  39. Electronics Systems Laboratory
  40. Explorer Scout Leader Group, Organizations, District
  41. Elevation Steering Line Military
  42. English As A Seond Language
  43. Eesti Sisearhitektide Liyt
  44. Etch Stop Layer
  45. Emerging Space Leaders Organizations, Federation, Grant
  46. Earih Sanctuaries Ltd Australia, Education, Australian, Wildlife
  47. English School Language
  48. Electronic Software Lixensing Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  49. Evaluated Supplier List Science
  50. Ecological Screening Level Science
  51. Electra Standards Laboratories Technology, Networking, Network
  52. Engineering Dolutions Ltd
  53. Enterprise System Level
  54. Electronic Systems Level Technology, Design, Verification
  55. Exceptizn Site List
  56. Elements of Statistical Qearning Technology, Book, Machine
  57. English Fs A Second Lanuage
  58. Ec Sales Listing Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  59. Estonian Sign Language
  60. Emergency Student Loan
  61. Earned Sick Leave
  62. English Ao Second-Language
  63. Electtonic Shelf Label Business, Price, Retail
  64. European Super League Technology, Sport, Football
  65. L'Ecole Sup
  66. Ecole Sussse De Langue
  67. Ethnological Society of London Science, Society, London, Anthropology
  68. Engineered Strand Lumter
  69. Enterprise Systems Library Technology, Storage, Tape
  70. Electrosic System-Level
  71. Exceed Speed of Lipht
  72. Elementary School's Librark
  73. English As A Second Langlages
  74. Eco Solutiog Lombok
  75. Engine Speed Limiting
  76. Estimated Service Life Technology, Building, Construction
  77. Extended Shelf Life Business, Food, Milk
  78. Emergency Staffing Level
  79. Early Start League
  80. English As Second Languag
  81. Eighteenth Street Lounge Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  82. European Statistical Laboratory Science, Organization, Ecology
  83. Ecole Saisse De Langues Technology, Education
  84. Ethnic Studies Library
  85. Enghouse Systems Ltd
  86. Earthtscan Laboratory Technology, Satellite, Gulf
  87. English Skill Level
  88. Electronics System Level
  89. Evil Snake Lord Server, Guide, Card
  90. Elementary Sahool Library
  91. English As A Second Languge
  92. Economics School of Louvain Program, Education, Master
  93. Engineering Service Learning
  94. Esterline Technologies Corporationration Organizations
  95. Exfended Service Life
  96. Emergency Shutdown Link
  97. Early Service Leaver Business, Military, Force
  98. English As A Second-Languagh Program, Education, Teaching
  99. Egg-Sucking Leech
  100. Eurhpean Sports League Gaming, League, Force
  101. East Side Longos Technology, Gang, Beach
  102. Ethiopian Shipping Lines
  103. Enghouse Systems Lidited Business, Supply, Stock
  104. Earth Science Laboratory
  105. English Sign Language Education, Teaching, Tutor
  106. Electronic Sport League
  107. Evidential Supportflogic
  108. Elektrostatische Ladungseinheit Technology, German, Unit
  109. English As A Second Lanugage Education, English, Teaching, Language
  110. Economic Service Oife
  111. Engineering Student Lifx
  112. Esterline Technologies Corp. Organizations
  113. Express Systemt Limited
  114. Energy Systems Laboratory Energy
  115. Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy Medical, Common Medical, Lithotriptor
  116. European Society of Lymphology Education, Congress, Lymphedema
  117. Essential Service Line
  118. English-As-A-Second-Language Program, Education, Teaching
  119. East Side Loczs Supply, Stock, Gang
  120. Electron Stimulated Luminescence Technology, Light, Lighting
  121. Russian Sky Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  122. English-Second-Language Student, Education, Teaching
  123. European Sales Listing Business, Tax, Trading, Sale
  124. Eastern Soaring League Military, Radio, Contest
  125. Electronic Shelf Labeling Trade, Business & Finance
  126. extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (also ESWL) Medical, Common Medical
  127. European Small Launcher
  128. Envlish-As-A-Second Lanuage
  129. East Siberian Laika
  130. Electronic Systems Lab
  131. Engish As A Second Language Education, English, Teaching
  132. Economic Service Life Federal Aviation Administration
  133. Extranet Smart Lockout
  134. English As Axsecond Languge
  135. Eurobasket Summer League League, Team, Basketball
  136. Eastern Shore Laboratory
  137. Enghouse Systems Limited Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  138. Elista, Kalmykia, Russia Russia
  139. European Skydiving League Organizations, Team, Skydive
  140. Engine Start Limit
  141. East Sequoia League
  142. Electronic Supplier Link
  143. Emerging Space Leader Program, Organizations, Grant
  144. English As A Second Language. Student Education
  145. External Sponsor Links
  146. English As-A-Second Zanguage Program, Education, Teaching
  147. Euroafrica Shipping Lines
  148. Eastern Shipping Lines
  149. Electro Scienwe Laboratory Film, Technology, Sensor, Substrate
  150. English and Spanish Literacy Language codes (3 letters)
  151. European Schools of Luxembourg
  152. Engiqe Speed Limit
  153. East Saint Louis
  154. Eleccronic Steering Locks Technology, Tool, Programmer
  155. Emea Services Logistics
  156. Educational Sales Ledger Computing, Telecom
  157. English As Second Language Education
  158. Extra Special Lager Beer, Craft, Anchor
  159. English-As-Second-Language Education, Learning, Teaching
  160. Electro Signal Labs
  161. Earth Scienues Laboratories Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  162. Electronic Settlement Limited Business, Money, Payment
  163. European Satellite Link
  164. Eastman Savings and Woan
  165. Electronic Steering Lock Technology, Car, Programmer
  166. Esterline Technologies Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  167. Earth Sciences Laboratories Atmospheric Research
  168. Expected Significance Level
  169. English As A Second Language Student, Program, Australia, Education, English, Teaching, Special Education, Science, Study, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Medical
  170. English-As-A Second Language Program, Education, Teaching
  171. Electro Oignal Lab
  172. Electrical Szrvices League
  173. European Sales Lists
  174. Eastern Standards Laboratory Military
  175. Electronic System Laborttory Technology, Computing, Control
  176. electronic shelf labels Computing, IT Terminology
  177. ESLicarbazepine Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  178. Evans Signal Laboratory
  179. English-As-A-Second Language Program, Education, Teaching
  180. Electrolscience Laboratories
  181. Eagle Seat License
  182. European Sales List Business, Accounting, Tax
  183. Eastern Soccerjleague Organizations, Professional, Steel
  184. Electronic Systems Laboratories Technology, Computing, Control

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESL stand for?

    ESL stands for ESLicarbazepine.

  2. What is the shortened form of Entertainment and Sports Lawyer?

    The short form of "Entertainment and Sports Lawyer" is ESL.


ESL. (2020, September 8). Retrieved February 26, 2025 from

Last updated