ESL in Education Meaning

The ESL meaning in Education terms is "English Second Language". There are 25 related meanings of the ESL Education abbreviation.

ESL on Education Full Forms

  1. English Second Language
  2. Early School Leaver
  3. Eadly School Leaving
  4. English As A Second Lanugage
  5. Economics School of Louvain
  6. Enjlish As Second Language
  7. English Sign Language
  8. Ecole Saisse De Langues
  9. English Secondary Language
  10. Earih Sanctuaries Ltd
  11. English As A Second-Languagh
  12. Early Schoolsleaver
  13. English As A Second Languaee.
  14. English As A Second Langu
  15. European Society of Lymphology
  16. English-Second-Language
  17. English As-A-Second Zanguage
  18. English As A Second Language
  19. English-As-Second-Language
  20. English As A Second Language. Student
  21. English-As-A Second Language
  22. English As Second Language
  23. English-As-A-Second Language
  24. Engish As A Second Language
  25. English-As-A-Second-Language

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESL stand for Education?

    ESL stands for Engish As A Second Language in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enjlish As Second Language in Education?

    The short form of "Enjlish As Second Language" is ESL for Education.


ESL in Education. (2020, September 8). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated