ESMA Meaning

The ESMA meaning is "European Smart Metering Association". The ESMA abbreviation has 32 different full form.

ESMA Full Forms

  1. European Smart Metering Association
  2. Egyptian Society for Mercy To Animals Dog, Animal, Egypt
  3. Escuela Superior Militar De Aviación Ecuador, Bere
  4. European Smart Metering Alliance Technology, Energy, Power
  5. Ecole SupéRieure Des MéTiers Artistiques Film, Animation, Metier
  6. Emirates Standardization and Metrology Authority Business, Water, Halal
  7. European Securities Market Association
  8. Ecole SupéRieure De Management Applique
  9. Emirates Standardisation and Metrology Authority Business, Technology
  10. Essential Services Mainaenance Act Business, Government, Strike
  11. Ecole Sup
  12. European Social Marketing Association Technology, Research, Communication
  13. Electronic Sales and Marketing Association
  14. Escuela Superior De Marketing Y Administración Management, Education, Internacional
  15. Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  16. European Society for Mathematics and The Arts Business, Book, Math
  17. Electronically Steered Multi-Beam Array
  18. Escuela Superior De Mec
  19. European Society for Mathematics and Arts Organizations, Math, Fractal
  20. Egyptian Society of Mercy To Animals
  21. Escuela Superior De Mecánica De La Armada Para, Argentina, Con
  22. European Student Missionary Association
  23. Extended Subscriber Module-100 A Technology, Telecom
  24. European Stadium Management Association
  25. Engraved Stationery Manufacturers Association
  26. European Sports Medicine Associates Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  27. Extension Services Management Academy
  28. Extended Server Memory Architecture Technology
  29. Expanded Subscriber Carrier Module Access Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  30. Essential Services Maintenance Act Regional
  31. European Summer Music Academy
  32. Essential Service Management Act Business & Finance, Suppliers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESMA stand for?

    ESMA stands for Ecole SupéRieure Des MéTiers Artistiques.

  2. What is the shortened form of Extended Subscriber Module-100 A?

    The short form of "Extended Subscriber Module-100 A" is ESMA.


ESMA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated