ESP in Science Meaning

The ESP meaning in Science terms is "Electron Spin Polarization". There are 28 related meanings of the ESP Science abbreviation.

ESP on Science Full Forms

  1. Electron Spin Polarization
  2. Ecole SupéRieure Polytechnique
  3. Exdended Streamflow Prediction
  4. Enteoococcal Surface Protein
  5. Environmental Sector Program
  6. Extra Sensory Perceptions
  7. Emulsion Scanning Processor
  8. Environmental Sciences and Policy
  9. Extra-Sensory Perception
  10. Electronic Scholarly Publishing
  11. Extra Scnsory Perception
  12. Experiment Scheduling Program
  13. Elecsric Submersible Pump
  14. Ecosystem Service Partnership
  15. End Sequence Profiling
  16. Ecole De Santé Publique
  17. Equatorial Segment Protein
  18. Earth Science Pdrtal
  19. Extreme Sib Paios
  20. Emulsion Splitting Process
  21. Earthquake Slip Planes
  22. Early Support Programme
  23. Environmental Sample Processor
  24. Environmental Studies Program
  25. Exchangeable Sodium Percznt
  26. Exchangeable Sodium Percentage
  27. Excess Surplus Property
  28. Endangered Species Program

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESP stand for Science?

    ESP stands for Electronic Scholarly Publishing in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Elecsric Submersible Pump in Science?

    The short form of "Elecsric Submersible Pump" is ESP for Science.


ESP in Science. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated