ESRM Meaning

The ESRM meaning is "East Sussex & Romney Marsh". The ESRM abbreviation has 19 different full form.

ESRM Full Forms

  1. East Sussex & Romney Marsh
  2. Enterprise Security & Risk Management Business, Technology, Service
  3. Enterprise Security Risk Management Business, Technology, Service
  4. Empire State Railway Museum Locations, Museum, Railroad
  5. Electric Service Requirements Manual
  6. Educational Statistics and Research Methods
  7. Enterprise Storage Resource Management
  8. East Sussex and Romney Marsh
  9. Enterprise Security and Risk Management Security, Conference, Crest
  10. Environment and Social Risk Management
  11. Environmental and Social Risk Management Business, Organizations, Banking
  12. Electronic Supplier Relationship Management Products
  13. Environmental Science Resource Management Environment, Habitat, Setting
  14. Exhaust Servo Replacement Module
  15. Environmental Science and Resource Management Education, University, Introduction
  16. Exhaust Servo Removal Module Technology, Motorcycle, Yamaha
  17. Environmental Science & Resource Management Education, University, California
  18. Environment Science and Resource Management
  19. Environmental Safety and Risk Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ESRM stand for?

    ESRM stands for Electronic Supplier Relationship Management.

  2. What is the shortened form of Educational Statistics and Research Methods?

    The short form of "Educational Statistics and Research Methods" is ESRM.


ESRM. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from

Last updated