EST Meaning
The EST meaning is "Electronic Spark Timing". The EST abbreviation has 297 different full form.
EST Full Forms
- Electronic Spark Timing Technology, Auto, Automotive
- Estonia Military, Locations, Countries, Country, Country Names, Computing, Internet, Estonia, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Estimator In botany, an evergreen is a plant that has leaves in all four seasons, always green. This contrasts with deciduous plants, which completely lose their foliage during the winter or dry season. There are many different kinds of evergreen plants, both trees and shrubs.
- Eastern Summer Time Technology, Australia, Zone
- Energy Saving Trust Business, Energy, Efficiency, Construction
- Estimated Business, Military, Aviation, Army, Genealogy, Britannica, Genealogical, Cargo Shipping, Us Army, Governmental & Military, Medical, Fda, Clinical
- Eastern Standard Time The time zone of the eastern USA and Canada, 5 hours behind GMT. Technology, Australia, Internet Slang, Time Zone, Zone, Astronomy, Computing, Chat, Telecom, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Time Zones, Academic & science
- Electronic Sensor Technology
- Estimate, Estimated Science
- Expressed Sequence Tag In genetics, an expressed sequence tag or EST is a short sub-sequence of a cDNA sequence. ESTs may be used to identify gene transcripts, and are instrumental in gene discovery and in gene-sequence determination. An EST results from one-short sequencing of a cloned cDNA. The cDNAs used for EST generation are typically individual clones from a cDNA library. The resulting sequence is a relatively low-quality fragment whose length is limited by current technology to approximately 500 to 800 nucleotides. Genetics, Healthcare, Biology, Medical, Botany, Biotechnology, Genomics, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
- Electrical Safety Testing Technology, Service, Equipment
- Estimate The process of calculating the cost of a project. This can be a formal and exact process or a quick and imprecise process. The amount of labor, materials, and other costs that a contractor anticipates for a project as summarized in the contractor’s bid proposal for the project. An analysis of a foreign situation, development, or trend that identifies its major elements, interprets the significance, and appraises the future possibilities and the prospective results of the various actions that might be taken. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Weather, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Electroshock Therapy Medical, Medicine, Telecom, Computing, Common Medical
- Elastance Medical
- Engagement Skills Trainer Military, Army, Training
- Estrogen Sulfotransferase Medical
- Education Science and Technology
- Energy Saving Tips
- Estonian Technology, Information Technology, Locations, Language Codes
- East Side Tenement
- Energy Savings Trust Science, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Europe Standard Time
- Eiropas SavienĪBas Tiesas
- Energy Saving Type
- Environmental Sciences & Technologies
- Esculetin Medical
- Embedded Hystem Tools Technology, Design, Manual
- Ecole SupéRieure De Technologie Formation, Casablanca, Sup
- Experimental Software and Toolkits
- Electric Shock Treatment
- Environmental Stress Test Technology, Wireless, Controller
- Estimating Species Trees Science, Genetics, Tree, Estimation
- Emitter Switcjed Thyristor Device, Gate, Region, Emitter
- Educational Science & Technology
- Enterprise Software Technology Company, Technology, Development
- Entervsearch Terms
- Electronic Sell Through Business, Movie, Demand
- Establish To be confirmed as stable in a particular flight condition, such as a position, flight level or glideslope. Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Crochet, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Earliest Start Time Technology, Projection, Construction
- European Society of Telemetry
- Encefalopatie Spongiformi Trasmissibili
- Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy Medical, Technology
- Environmentally Sustainable Technology
- Empresas De Servicios Temporales Para, Colombia, Con
- Eastern Shoshone Tribe
- Employability Skills Traiping Program, Employment, Education
- Expanding Expressed Sequence Tag Science, Biology
- Electronic Systems Technologies Business, Company, Technology
- European Summer Time
- Eight Expressed Sequence Tag Science, Biology
- Energy Savings Tips
- Esterase Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Escuela Superior De Turismo
- Embepded Systems Tools Technology
- Ecole SupéRieure Technique Design, Formation, Technique, Sup
- Expensive Speeding Ticket
- Environmental Stress Testing Technology, Electronics, Telecom
- Estimate Or Estimated Or Estimpte Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Emissions System Tester
- Educational School Tours
- Enhanced Skills Training
- Enter Search Text
- Electronic Sell-Through Business, Movie, Demand
- Essential Support Treatment
- Each Human Expressed Sequence Tag Science, Biology
- European Society of Toxicology
- Ecologie Sport Turism
- Empty Space Theatre
- Electrical Safety Test Technology, Testing, Equipment
- Environmental Sound Technology
- Early Service Training
- Empirical Simulation Technique
- Education Society of Thailand
- Electronic Systems Technology Company, Technology, Service
- European Student Think Organizations, Politics, Tank
- Eifel Scale Trophy Truck, Trophy, Crawler
- Endeavour Software Technologies
- Endoscopic Sphincterotomy Medical, Patient, Duct
- Equipment Speccfic Training Army, War, War Force
- Embedded Systems Technology Technology, Design, University
- Ecole SupéRieure Des Transports France, Formation, Transport, Sup
- Expeditionary Surgical Team Military
- Estimated Start Time Technology, Gaming, Schedule
- Exact Expressed Sequence Tag Science, Biology
- Emerging Secuoity Technologies Technology, Science, Conference
- Education Support Team Education, School, Teaching
- Engineering Science and Technology
- Enterprise System Tozology
- Electronic Scoring Tool Technology, Music, Cinematic
- Essential Subjects Training
- E-Learning-Based Speech Therapy Medical, Technology, Language
- Estonian Success Troopers Gaming, Success, Tank
- Ecological Systems Theory
- Electoconvulsive Shock Therapy Medical, Technology
- Environmentally-Sound Technology Business, Environment, Transfer
- European Street Team
- Early Season Technology Waterfowl, Hunting, Drake
- Empioically Supported Therapies
- Education Science and Training
- Electronic Support and Training Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- European Students of Technology
- Ehrlich Solid Tumor Medical
- Endangered Species Task
- Estradiol Estradiol, a type of estrogen, is a female sex hormone produced mainly by the ovaries. It is responsible for growth of breast tissue, maturation of long bones, and development of the secondary sexual characteristics. Medical, Medicine, Health, Infertility, Pregnancy
- Equipamentos E Sistemas T
- Embedded Support Tools Technology, Power, Emulator
- Ecole Suisse De Tourisme
- Expansion Seal Technologies
- Estimated Startiny Time Technology, Gaming, Event, Schedule
- Evolutionary Structural Testing
- Emergency Services Teams Service, Military, Force
- Educational Support Team Development, Learning, Study
- Engineering, Sciences and Technology
- Enterprise Systems Testing
- Electronic Science and Technology
- Essential Skills Training
- Database of Expressed Sequence Tags Government, Organizations, Us
- Eqtonia Locations, Country Code
- Ecological Studies Team
- Election Support Team
- Environmentally Sound Technology Business, Environment, Transfer
- European Society for Translation Technology, Organizations, Study
- Early Stage Training Technology, Research, Curie
- Empirically-Supported Treatment Education, Training, Evidence
- Education Support Teachers
- Electronic Support Training Military
- European Standard Time Technology, Cargo Shipping, Zone
- Egypt Standard Time Technology, Egypt, Zone
- EncéPhalopathie Spongiforme Transmissible
- Equipamentos E Sistemas TéCnicos
- Embarked Security Team Military, Organizations, Master
- Eastern Standart Time Business, Standard, Zone
- Execs Say They'Re
- Electroshock Seizure Threshold Medical
- Evidence Supported Treatment
- Ejection Seat Trainer
- Energy Saving Technology Technology, Light, Lighting
- Enterprise Support Technician Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Elizabeth Savage Talenb
- Espace ScéNique Transdisciplinaire
- Carga Express Internacional Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Ebergency Service Team Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Estimation,Destimated Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Ecologically Sustainable Tourism
- Extended Sick Tgme
- Electric Steam Turbine
- Environmentally Sustainable Tourism Government
- Empire Steam Tank
- Educational Support Teacher Development, Learning, Study
- Environment, Sport Andrterritories
- Electronic Structure Theory
- Establishment An economic unit, generally, at a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. However, "establishment" is not synonymous with "building." OR A manufacturing, commercial or retail business or profession. Genealogy, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Early-Stage Training
- European Staff Target Technology, Military
- EncéPhalopathies Spongiformes Transmissibles
- Equine Somatotropin Medical
- Embarked Security Teams
- Eastern Standard Tim
- Excel Spreadsheet Template
- Electro Shock Therapy
- Every Secret Thing
- Europos Savanoriu Tarnyba
- Eiropas SavienĪBas Tiesa
- Energy Savings Technology
- Enterprises Shipoing & Trading Business, Company, Enterprise
- Ecole Sup
- Espace, Santé Et Territoire
- Emergency Security Team Military, Africa, Prison
- Ecole SupéRieure Des Technologies
- Extended Servicexteam
- Electric Stadium Truck
- Environmentally Sound Transportation
- Estimation Medical, Medicine, Meteorology
- Emotional Science Andctechnology Technology, Computer, Internet
- Educational Science and Technology Dutch
- Enterprises Shipping and Trading Business, Company, Enterprise
- Enter Search Term
- Electronic Stock Trading
- Established Business, Finance, Us, Banking, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Internet Slang, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Earliest Starting Time Technology, Path, Projection
- European Solar Telescope
- EncéPhalite Spongiforme Transmissible
- Equilibrium Surfare Tension Medical
- Empresa ServiçOs TéCnicos
- Eastern Standard Tribe
- Employment Skills Training Business, Program, Economics
- Excalibur Shaped Trajectory
- Electron Spiral Toroid Technology, Energy, Power
- Extraslice Spin Tagging Medical
- Electrical Systems Technology
- EsbjöRn Svenson Trio
- Employment Standards Trbbunal
- Estonian Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
- Electro Surface Technologies Business, Technology, Service, Manufacturing
- Event Specification Tool Science
- Elastic-Snlid Theory
- Economic Secretary To The Treasury Government, Group, Minister
- Erhardt Sensitivity Training Seminars Business, Agency, Occupation
- Electrical Safety Tester An electrical safety tester is a generic term used to describe any electrical measurement device designed to test the condition of an electrical circuit or system. A common type is a receptacle tester that is plugged into an electrical outlet to verify polarity and grounding of the outlet. Technology, Module, Panel
- Experion Station TPS Honeywell, Process Automation
- Expressed Sequence Tags Medical, Science, Genetics
- Education Student Teaching
- Environmental Sampling Technologies Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Estonia Republic of Sport, Olympic, Estonia, Country, International, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes
- Ester Chemical compound produced by the reaction of an acid and an alcohol, resulting in an elimination of a molecule of water. Take a carboxylic acid and an alcohol and remove water, so that you are left with two bits linked by a C(O)-O- group - this is an ester. Many of the most important industrial polymers are esters. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Extra Sensory Technology Business, Binding, Snowboard, Burton
- Electrical System Tester
- EsbjöRn Svensson Trio
- Employmentxservices Training
- Efficacy and Safety of Topical
- Estherville Municipal Airport, Estherville, Iowa, United States Iowa, United States
- Electro Stimulation Therapy
- Evangelical School of Theology Science, Education
- East Standard Time
- Engineering Support and Technologies
- External Standardization Technique Chemistry
- Exercise Stress Testing Medical, Disease, Heart
- Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
- Everyone Stand Together Gun, Lyric, Halo, Music
- Environmentally Sustainable Transportation Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Estimated Starting Time Military, Aviation, Army, Construction, Governmental & Military
- Estate Estate is all the assets owned by the company at the time of death of the holder of the assets Technology, Locations, Financial, Business & Finance, Car, Genealogy, Street Suffix
- Extertal Symbol Table
- Electrical Stability Tester
- Emergency Services Team
- Employment, Support and Training
- Edwin Shirley Trucking
- English for Science Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
- Electro Static Technology
- Evaluation Summary Table
- éCole SupéRieur De Technologie
- Empresa De Servicios Transitorios Business, Para, Con, Chile
- Endodermal Sinus TüMöRü
- Streets & Trips Map File Computing, File Extensions
- Elements of A Successful Trader
- Everyone Stands Together Gun, Machine, Halo
- Environmedt, Science, and Technology
- Estimated Ship Time Military, Aviation, Army, Construction, Governmental & Military
- Establish Hunt Or Call Pickup Group Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- External Switchftagging Technology, Networking, Virtual
- Electrical Stimulation Therapy Medical, Treatment, Patient
- Expression Sequence Tag Medical, Science, Genetics
- Emploher Sponsored Training
- Edwards System Technology Business, Fire, Alarm
- External Shell Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
- Electrostatic Storage Tube
- Evaluation and Selection Team Technology
- The Esellerate Salestrac Technology Technology, Computer, Internet, Governmental & Military
- Empresa De Servicios Temporales Para, Colombia, Con
- Elementary Scattering Theory
- Construction Cost Estimate File Computing, File Extensions
- Elementary School Teaching
- Ever Side'S Team
- Environment, Science and Tethnology
- estimate(d) Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Establish, Style, Tempo Music, Style, Face, Tempo
- Eve Standard Time Film, Streaming, Prime, Eve
- Environmental Science and Technology Technology, Science, Research, University
- Electric Shift Transfer
- Expression Sequence Tags Medical, Science, Genetics
- Employee Share Trust Business, Company, Group, Employee
- Edwards System Technologies Business, Technology, Fire
- Environmental Science & Technologies Technology, Science, Research
- Emotional Science and Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
- Euro Style Tail
- Iata Code for Estherville Municipal Airport, Esyherville, Iowa, United States Locations
- Empresa De Servi
- endodermal sinus tumor Medical, Skin And Dermal
- Elementary School Today
- Ever Shorter Telomere Medical, Science, Biology
- East.euro Tst Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Economisch En Sociaal Tijdschrift
- Event Service Team
- Environmental Science Technology Education, Environment, Engineering, Technology, Journal, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Electrical Shift Transfer
- Expressed Sequence Tagged Medical, Science, Biology
- Employee Safety Training
- Edwards Systems Technologies Business, Technology, Fire, Alarm
- Environmentally Sound Technologies Business, Technology, Environment
- Exterior Shell Technology General, Governmental & Military
- Extreme Sealing Technology Technology, Motorcycle, Gasket
- Electric Shock Therapy Medical, Medicine
- Estern Standard Time
- Etpresa De Serviços Técnicos
- Exercise Stress Test Medical, Healthcare
- Elektrik San Tic
- Event Support Team Management, Education, Terrorism
- Elkctrolytic Sewage Treatment
- Economic Stabilization Trust
- European Security Trading Business, Market, Stock
- Electrical Service Technician Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Occupation & positions
- Exhaust Steam Temperature
- Expressed Sequenced Tags Medical
- Edwards Systems Technology Technology, Fire, Alarm
- Environmental Safety Technolouies
- Emergency Support Team Emergency, Governmental & Military
- Esterases Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EST stand for?
EST stands for Efficacy and Safety of Topical.
What is the shortened form of endodermal sinus tumor?
The short form of "endodermal sinus tumor" is EST.
EST. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from
Last updated