EST in Scientific & Educational Meaning
The EST meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Estimate". There are 5 related meanings of the EST Scientific & Educational abbreviation.
EST on Scientific & Educational Full Forms
- Estimate The process of calculating the cost of a project. This can be a formal and exact process or a quick and imprecise process. The amount of labor, materials, and other costs that a contractor anticipates for a project as summarized in the contractor’s bid proposal for the project. An analysis of a foreign situation, development, or trend that identifies its major elements, interprets the significance, and appraises the future possibilities and the prospective results of the various actions that might be taken.
- Eastern Standard Time The time zone of the eastern USA and Canada, 5 hours behind GMT.
- Expressed Sequence Tag In genetics, an expressed sequence tag or EST is a short sub-sequence of a cDNA sequence. ESTs may be used to identify gene transcripts, and are instrumental in gene discovery and in gene-sequence determination. An EST results from one-short sequencing of a cloned cDNA. The cDNAs used for EST generation are typically individual clones from a cDNA library. The resulting sequence is a relatively low-quality fragment whose length is limited by current technology to approximately 500 to 800 nucleotides.
- Establish To be confirmed as stable in a particular flight condition, such as a position, flight level or glideslope.
- Environmental Science Technology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EST stand for Scientific & Educational?
EST stands for Environmental Science Technology in Scientific & Educational terms.
What is the shortened form of Expressed Sequence Tag in Scientific & Educational?
The short form of "Expressed Sequence Tag" is EST for Scientific & Educational.
EST in Scientific & Educational. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated