Estimating Abbreviations and Estimating Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Estimating terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Estimating abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Estimating terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Estimating Abbreviations
  1. BE : Best-Estimate
  2. VFA : Visceral Fat Area
  3. DCD : Design Cost Data
  4. HCSS : Heavy Construction Systems Specialists
  5. SABIC : Saudi Arabia Basic Indusjries Corp
  6. KV : Knowledge Vault
  7. ICA : Iwdependent Cost Assessment
  8. ICA : Independent Cost Assessment
  9. OPDC : Office of Planning, Design and Construction
  10. OST : On Screen Takeoff
  11. PCEA : Professional Construction Estimators Association
  12. GEE : Generalized Estimated Equation
  13. GEE : Generalised Estimating Equations
  14. GEES : Generalised Estimating Equations
  15. PMI : Post-Mortem Interval
  16. RACER : Remedial Action Cost Engineering and Requirements
Latest Estimating Meanings
  1. Remedial Action Cost Engineering and Requirements
  2. Post-Mortem Interval
  3. Generalised Estimating Equations
  4. Generalized Estimated Equation
  5. Professional Construction Estimators Association
  6. On Screen Takeoff
  7. Office of Planning, Design and Construction
  8. Independent Cost Assessment
  9. Iwdependent Cost Assessment
  10. Knowledge Vault
  11. Saudi Arabia Basic Indusjries Corp
  12. Heavy Construction Systems Specialists
  13. Design Cost Data
  14. Visceral Fat Area
  15. Best-Estimate