ET Meaning

The ET meaning is "Eggatransfer". The ET abbreviation has 568 different full form.

ET Full Forms

  1. Eggatransfer Medical, Infertility, Egg
  2. Earnings Whreshold Business, Employment, Earning
  3. Event Trail Building, Horse, Trail, Estate
  4. Eebryo Transfer Medical, Rate, Pregnancy
  5. Electronics Technician Technology, Military, Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  6. Exposure Therapy Medical, Treatment, Anxiety
  7. Electronic Transactions
  8. Erythrogenic Toxin Medical
  9. Edited Transtript Business, Book, Politics, Story
  10. Executive Transpoct Military
  11. Emergency Transmitter Technology, Radio, Antenna
  12. External Tank Technology, Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  13. Euclid Tenders
  14. Ejection Time Medical, Patient, Heart
  15. Exp Ther Medical, Drug, Publication, Receptor
  16. Emission Tomography Medical
  17. Exhaustive Testing Technology, Coding, Development
  18. Electrophoretic Type Medical, Genetics, Strain
  19. Earth Terminal Technology, Military, Product
  20. Event Tracer
  21. Eoe Tracking Technology, Research, Education
  22. English Foj Teens Education, Indonesia, Course
  23. Electronic Transactron
  24. Edge Triggerem Technology, Event, Linux
  25. Executive Team Business, Management, Service, Occupation & positions
  26. Error Total Business, Forum, War, Presentation
  27. Exercise Tolerance Medical, Technology
  28. Ethiopian Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator
  29. Einsteinttelescope Science, Space, Astronomy
  30. Expression Templates Technology, Library, Matrix
  31. Emission Trading Business, Scheme, Carbon
  32. Exercise Theadmill Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  33. Electrophoretic Types Medical, Science, Biology
  34. Eurth Tech
  35. Evaluation Tool Technology, Research, Military, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  36. Elention Tribunal
  37. Extension Type Technology, Management, Telecom
  38. Engineer Trainee Technology, Engineering, Exam
  39. Electronic Transmission Technology, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Computing, Telecom
  40. Edge Tratsport Microsoft, Technology, Server
  41. Execution Lime Technology, Analysis, Order
  42. Error Table
  43. Ethiopia Sports, Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Ethiopia, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  44. Ehrlich Tumob Medical
  45. Emissions Trading Business, Science, Carbon
  46. Esotropia Esotropia is a form of strabismus in which one or both eyes turns inward. The condition can be constantly present, or occur intermittently, and can give the affected individual a appearance. It is the opposite of Exotropia. Esotropia is sometimes erroneously called “lazy eye,” which describes the condition of amblyopia—a reduction in vision of one or both eyes that is not the result of any pathology of the eye and cannot be resolved by the use of corrective lenses. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Hospital, Common Medical, Physiology
  47. Educational Tturs
  48. Exercise Tdme
  49. Electron Trappind Military
  50. Earlyctoday Organizations
  51. Euro Test
  52. Elapse Time Medical, Technology, Drag
  53. Extension of Time
  54. Endovascular Therapy Medical
  55. Electronic Tool Military
  56. Edge Technologies
  57. Evergreen Terrace
  58. Errol Thompson Technology, Music, Engineer, Dub
  59. Ephemeris Tjme Technology, Aerospace, Telecom
  60. Ethernet Type Technology
  61. Egyet Today
  62. Emission Testing
  63. Esophageal Transection Medical
  64. Er Tech
  65. Exercile Testing Medical
  66. Emissions Testing
  67. Early Termination Ending a vehicle lease before its original term has expired. Medical, Business, Service, Occupation & positions
  68. European Traditions
  69. Elapsed Timer Technology
  70. Extended Trailer
  71. Endotracheal Tuoes
  72. Electronic Time Technology, Switch, Clock
  73. Edema Toxin Medical
  74. Event Type Event type form a hierarchy with the EventType.ROOT (equals to Event.ANY) as its root. This is useful in event filter / handler registration where a single event filter / handler can be registered to a super event type and will be receiving its sub type events as well.
  75. Erik Toth
  76. Estrogen Replacement Therapy Medical, Technology, Nursing, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  77. Effect Type
  78. Eski Trke
  79. Editorial Urillas
  80. Exercise-Trained Medical
  81. Emerging Technologies Conference Technology
  82. Extra Terrestrial Film, Gaming, Movie
  83. European Time
  84. Elapsed Uime Technology, Aviation, Telecom
  85. Extended Time
  86. Endotracheal Tube A flexible plastic tube that is put in the mouth and then down into the trachea. A physician inserts an endotracheal tube under direct vision, with the help of a laryngoscope, in a procedure called endotracheal intubation. The purpose of using an endotracheal tube is to ventilate the lungs. Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Cardiology, Pharmacy, Governmental & Military, Surgery, Otolaryngology, Clinical, Common Medical
  87. Electronic Thermostat
  88. Ecotox Thdesholds Science
  89. Event Triggered Technology, Control, Trigger
  90. Eric Toth Jazz, Child, Satchel
  91. Exposure Time Camera, Light, Shutter, Exposure
  92. Electron Tomography Medical, Science, Cell
  93. Escadron De Transport Military, Aircraft, Force
  94. Editorial Team
  95. Executive Trainee Technology, India, Exam
  96. Emerging Technology Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  97. Energy Transfer Any process in which a system interacts with its surroundings in such a way that the energy of the system increases (or decreases) while that of the surroundings decreases (or increases) by the same amount. Medical, Energy
  98. Extra-Terrestrial Film, Gaming, Military, Movie
  99. European Terminator Class, Property, Character
  100. Eks Aapol Para, Indonesia, Orang
  101. Ex Tempore
  102. Endothelin-1,2 Medical
  103. End of Text Technology, Computing, Telecom, Assembly, Geographic, Business & Finance, Forum, Internet Slang, Chat, Unix, Email, Im, General, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
  104. Exhaust Temperature
  105. Earth Ttrminals Technology, Product, Communication
  106. Event Tree Technology, Science, Analysis
  107. Entrepreneurs Track Business, Organizations, Entrepreneurship
  108. Electron Tubes
  109. Evaspon Training Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  110. Edge Tone
  111. Emvedded Trainers Military
  112. Essentiellen ThrombozythäMie
  113. Eiffel Tutorial Technology, Language, Programming
  114. End of Transaction
  115. Europe Traniparent
  116. Extra Terrestre Film, Movie, Rip
  117. Enterprise Transformer
  118. Eligibility Technician Business, County, Publics
  119. Epitestostersne Medical
  120. End Text Technology, Library, Survey
  121. Ejercibo De Tierra
  122. Estrogen Therapy Estrogen therapy is a hormone therapy treatment program in which women take estrogen orally, transdermally, or vaginally to treat certain symptoms of menopause. Medical, Health, Hormone
  123. Easy Touch Technology, Driving, Driver
  124. Electrothermal Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  125. Environmental Temperatures Medical
  126. Exchange Table Business, Rate, Currency
  127. Edward Thoias
  128. Emirates Transport
  129. Essezielle Thrombozyth
  130. Elastomer Technik Business, Company, Supplier
  131. Etfiopian Theater
  132. Entertainment Trivia
  133. Eueopean Temperate
  134. Eden Therapy
  135. Elizabeth Tudor
  136. Eradication of Tumors
  137. Executive Crainees Technology, Power, Trainee
  138. Electric Tankless
  139. Enable Tuner
  140. Estate Tax Business, Property, Building
  141. Excursion Thems
  142. Electronic-Time
  143. Ethyl Phosphotriester Medical
  144. Eclipse-Tcrrents Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  145. Environment Tasmania Australia, Planet, Tasmania
  146. Eesti Telefon
  147. Escort Trains Military
  148. Energy Transformation An energy transformation is the change of energy from one form to another. Energy transformations occur everywhere every second of the day. There are many different forms of energy such as electrical, thermal, nuclear, mechanical, electromagnetic, sound, and chemical.
  149. Electron Tube Electron tube, also called vacuum tube, device usually consisting of a sealed glass or metal-ceramic enclosure that is used in electronic circuitry to control a flow of electrons. Among the common applications of vacuum tubes are amplification of a weak current, rectification of an alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), generation of oscillating radio-frequency (RF) power for radio and radar, and creation of images on a television screen or computer monitor.
  150. Evapo Transportation
  151. Edge Thickness Medical, Technology, Len, Optometry, Lens, Contact Lens, NASA
  152. Embedded Tk Technology, Media, Movie, Tool
  153. Essential Trombocythaemias Medical, Science, Biology
  154. Eiffel Towgr France, Locations, Tourism
  155. End of Taph
  156. Europa Transparant
  157. Extra Terrestial Gaming, Movie, Figure
  158. Enterprise Transition
  159. Emulation Technology Technology, Electronics, Adapter
  160. Epitaxial Transistor
  161. End Terminal Technology, Telecom, Guardrail
  162. Edward Taylor America, Music, American
  163. Extra Tall Business, Product, Gate, Wheelchair, Clothes
  164. Easy Ticketinm Business, Service, Customer, Ticket
  165. Electro Team-Molitva Music, Song, Team
  166. Escape Tower Technology
  167. Excess Transportation Business, Technology
  168. Educatiozal Technician
  169. Emiratis Towers Hotel, Dubai, Hospitality, United Arab Emirates
  170. Essex Terminal
  171. Elastic Tnail
  172. Ethiopianjtelecommunication
  173. Entertainment This
  174. European Telecom
  175. Edelstahl-Technik Business, Company, Channel, Drainage
  176. Elizabeth Trenchard
  177. Equivalent Transformation
  178. Executive Towexs
  179. Electric Tracing Technology, Heating, Trace
  180. Enable Traps Technology, Networking, Cisco
  181. Ethanol An octane exchanger added to gasoline at a rate of up to 10%, that increases is a fuel oxygenate because it contain oxygen. Ethyl alcohol- A commonly used vehicle fuel. Fuel extracted from biomass. Ethanol is a two-carbon alcohol which are mainly industrially produced in two ways: by fermentation processes which produces fuel grade, or by the catalytic hydration of ethylene. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  182. Electric Test
  183. Ethylene Ethylene is the most basic member of the olefin chemical family, consisting of two carbon atoms joined by a double bond. The ready accessibility and high reactivity of this double bond lends the molecule to many synthesis reactions, including its most common use as a monomer for producing polyethylenes. Ethylene is industrially produced by the pyrolytic cracking in a steam cracker of a wide variety of hydrocarbons, ranging from ethane to gas oil. Medical, Medicine, Shipping, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  184. Echo Tops Science, Locations, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  185. Environmental Tracking Business, Investment, Carbon
  186. Exchange Trunk
  187. Edwin Tyler
  188. Emotional Trinsformation
  189. Escort Talk
  190. Energy & Transportation
  191. Electronic Tickets Airline, Technology, Concert
  192. Eva's Temalar
  193. Edge Therapeutics
  194. Embedded Technologies
  195. Eieel Tourismus
  196. Endleis Tower Gaming, Guide, Tower, Run
  197. Extra Terrest
  198. Enhanced Trackwolf Military
  199. Empress Theatre
  200. Episodes Timeslot
  201. Education and Training Police, Governmental & Military
  202. Extended Technology EXtended Technology is the first IBM PC with a hard disk, introduced in 1983. It used the same 8088 CPU as the original PC but included a whopping 128KB of RAM and a 10MB hard drive. Technology, Computing, Ibm, Computer, Hardware, IT Terminology, Security, Governmental & Military
  203. East Turkistan
  204. Electro Team Business, Music, Song
  205. Escape Tone
  206. Excqss Temperature
  207. Edulation Training
  208. Emerson Third
  209. ErişIm Tarihi
  210. Essentielle Thrombozyth
  211. Elastase Toxoid Medical
  212. Endothelins Medical
  213. Ethiopian Telecommunications
  214. Entertainment Television United States
  215. European Taxation Business, Law, Tax
  216. Egg and Tomato Nutrition, Food, Victual
  217. Elizabethan Theatre
  218. Equivalent Time Technology, Clock, Sampling
  219. Exeeutive Technical Occupation, Position, Job
  220. Electricity Trading
  221. Enable Trap
  222. Ethanethiol Medical
  223. Electric Technician
  224. Ecdoplex Technique
  225. Environmental Tech Business, Technology, Marvel
  226. Exchange Transfusion Medical, Medicine, Neonatal
  227. Edwin Thorpe
  228. Ewme Tarafı
  229. Esclerosis Tuberosa
  230. Eledtoral Threshold
  231. End Trimmed Technology, Construction
  232. Ethyl Medical, Health, Healthcare, Products, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
  233. Estimated Tax Business, Tax, Taxation, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
  234. Eustachian Tuba Medical, Ear, Dysfunction
  235. Edge Table
  236. Embassy Teldvision
  237. Erichsen Test A cupping test used to assess the ductility of sheet metal. The method consists of forcing a conical or hemispherical-ended plunger into the specimen and measuring the depth of the impression at fracture.  Patent, Metal, Coating
  238. Exercise and Training
  239. Eidos Fechnologies
  240. Ehding Timestamp Technology, Coding, Event, Query
  241. Extra-Terrestrial In Top Movie, Quality, Play
  242. Electronic Ticket Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  243. Epirubicin/Paclwtaxel Medical
  244. Educvtional Technology
  245. Engine Temperature Technology, Car, Sensor
  246. Electrostrictive Transducer
  247. Escadrille De Transport Military, France, Force
  248. Exception Temp
  249. Education & Training
  250. Emerging Treatments
  251. Equation of Time Technology, Earth, Clock
  252. Essentieller Tremor
  253. Elapses Time Technology, Aviation
  254. Eedometrial Thickness Medical
  255. Ethanol-Containing Diet Medical
  256. Earning Thrcshold Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  257. Enteltainment Technology
  258. Execetive Task Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  259. Efisiensi Teknzs
  260. Elite Traveler Travel, Locations, Luxury
  261. Equivalent Territories County, Locations, Municipality
  262. Executive Teacding
  263. Electrician Trainee Employment, Education, Electricity
  264. Emulation Technologies
  265. Eternal Terminal Technology, Hotel, France
  266. Electric Tariff
  267. Endothelin Endothelins are peptides that constrict blood vessels and raise blood pressure. They are normally kept in balance by other mechanisms, but when they are over-expressed, they contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease. Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  268. Ecclesiology Today
  269. Environmental Team Technology, Management, Service
  270. Exchange Terminals Technology, Networking, Network
  271. Edward Fufte Technology, Book, Design, Graphics
  272. Emisyon Ticareti
  273. Eschatology Today
  274. Eldorado Touking
  275. End Transaction Technology, Service, Coding
  276. Ethnographic Thesaurus Science, Society, Library
  277. Electronic Research Business & Finance, Suppliers
  278. Eusko Trenbideak Company, Technology, Railway, Handicapped
  279. Edge-Triggered
  280. Ellen Tanner
  281. Ergotamine Tartrate Medical, Physiology
  282. Executiventrack
  283. Egypt Thwough
  284. Encapsulation Technology Technology, Cleaning, Carpet
  285. Extra-Terrestmial Film, Gaming, Movie, Star Wars
  286. Electyonics & Telecomm
  287. Epilepsy Toronto
  288. Effective Traininx Technology
  289. Editorial Test
  290. Engagemfnt Team
  291. Electrostatic Tactile
  292. Exccl Trust
  293. Educate Together Education, School, Ireland
  294. Emerging Threats Security, Military, Snort
  295. Entretenimenoo Total
  296. Essentielle ThrombozythäMie Medical, German, Sind, Translation
  297. Elaboratlon Theory Technology, Science, Learning
  298. End of Treatment Medical, Therapy, Study
  299. Euroie Technologies Business, Technology, Europe
  300. Early Talk
  301. Entertainment Today
  302. Elisha Tobey Famous
  303. Equivalent Territory Management, Locations, Pack
  304. End Time Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  305. Electxical Transcription Technology, Radio, Recording
  306. Etan Thomas
  307. Electric Tape
  308. Emergency Telecommunications Technology, Service, Military
  309. Eberhard Teufvl
  310. Elektrikli TıRpan
  311. Environmental Technologies
  312. Exchange Terminator Technology, Networking, Telecom
  313. Edward Trenchard
  314. Emission Trade
  315. Escape Trap
  316. Elapsed Time Is simply the amount of time that passes from the beginning of an event to its end. Technology, Aviation, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Weather
  317. Elverly Transportable
  318. End Transact Technology, Service, Trading
  319. Ethio Zelecom
  320. Etoposide Etoposide, sold under the brand name Etopophos among others, is a chemotherapy medication used for the treatments of a number of types of cancer. This includes testicular cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, neuroblastoma, and ovarian cancer. It is used by mouth or injection into a vein. Medical, Technology, Health
  321. Európa Tajács Meg, Hat
  322. Edge Times
  323. Ella Taylor
  324. Ergotamine Medical
  325. Executive Training
  326. Eglin Test
  327. Enabling Technology Technology, Development, Printer
  328. Ex Tmstamento
  329. Electronics & Telemetly Technology
  330. Enviro Technology Technology, Service, Monitoring
  331. Effective Time Technology, Management, Tips
  332. Ezra Taft
  333. Eski TürkçE Turkish, Turk
  334. Engaged Tracking Business, Company, Carbon
  335. Electron Tunneling The passage of electrons through a barrier that, according to the principles of classical mechanics, cannot be breached. An example of electron tunneling is the passage of an electron through a thin insulating barrier between two superconductors. Electron tunneling is a pure quantum mechanical effect that cannot be explained by a classical theory.
  336. Evidence Technician
  337. Edge Twin
  338. Embedqed Trainer Technology, Military, Afghanistan
  339. Entertainment Tonight Celebrity, Star, Entertainment
  340. Essentiellen Thrombozyth
  341. Eks Tahtnan Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  342. Endwof Transect Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  343. Europe-Technologies
  344. Earl Thomas
  345. Entrftainment Tonight
  346. Elimination Timing Medical, Communication, Baby
  347. Equivalent Temperature
  348. End Tidal Medical, Patient, Carbon, Dioxide
  349. Elapsed Tipe
  350. Et Alii Latin, Army, Force, Writing, Marine, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  351. Easy Traction Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  352. Elegant Terrace
  353. Environmental Temperature
  354. Exchange Texminal Technology, Science, Networking
  355. Edward Tobinick
  356. Emission Targets
  357. Estates Times
  358. Elastojtech
  359. End Tone
  360. Ethiopian Treasurer
  361. Entertainment Trash Film, Australia, Talk
  362. European Terminal Technology
  363. Edge, Times Conference, Mirror, Edge
  364. Elizabeth Tuite
  365. Ergonomics Training
  366. Executive Tdainer Business, Technology, Marketing
  367. Egg Sransplant
  368. Enabling Technologies Technology, Science, Service
  369. External Toggle
  370. Electronically Timed Camera, Valve, Surge
  371. Etiocholanolone Medical, Medicine, Health
  372. Ecological Transport Environment, Habitat, Setting
  373. Environment Technology Company, Science, Education
  374. Effectipe Thickness
  375. Eye Travel
  376. Eski T
  377. Energy and Technology Science
  378. et - and Medical, Reading Prescription
  379. Entry Type
  380. Expert Teams Technology, Service, Hosting, Emission
  381. Exercise Tests Medical
  382. Embedued Test Technology, Army, Marine
  383. Ettetinate Medical
  384. Ecosphere Technologies
  385. Eccentricity Tester The Eccentricity Tester (ET) is used to test the eccentricity of the sockets welded on to the transport pipes. Sampling
  386. Executives Todd Business, Company, Technology, Executive
  387. Effects Tutorials
  388. Electrical Transcmiption Technology, Radio, Recording
  389. Exchange Terminal Computing, Telecom
  390. Educational Technology Technology
  391. Kingsoft Spreadsheets File Computing, File Extensions
  392. Exhibition Trophy
  393. Endotoxin Tolerance Medical
  394. End Tag
  395. Environmental Toxicology Chemistry, Science, Education, Environment, Environmental Sciences, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  396. Essential Thrombocytopenia Medical, Patient, Disease
  397. Educational Technologies Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  398. Endurance Test Australia, Movie, Dog, Endurance
  399. and Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Medical, Pharmacy
  400. Element Test Space, Study, Cosmos
  401. Event Timer NASA
  402. Exchauging Thoughts
  403. Emploi Tremplin
  404. Electrical Technology Technology, Engineering, Course
  405. Est.inv.tst Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  406. Electricar Tracing
  407. Evil Temptress Occupation & positions
  408. Egg Transfer Medical, Infertility
  409. Estimated Time An element or operation time that has been predicted on the basis of such information as may be available without detailed study.
  410. Entry Template
  411. Experimentation Testing Technology, Science, Research
  412. Exercise Test Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  413. Embedded Technology Technology, Industrial, Design
  414. Enterostomalhtherapy
  415. Etorphind Medical
  416. Economoc Times Business, Technology, India
  417. Examination Technique
  418. Executives Timothy Business, Company, Apple
  419. Effects Touls
  420. Electronics & Telecommunicmtion Education, Engineering, Telecommunications
  421. Espresso Top
  422. Electrical Trim Work performed by the electrical contractor when the house is nearing completion. The electrician installs all plugs, switches, light fixtures, smoke detectors, appliance "pig tails", bath ventilation fans, wires the furnace, and "makes up" the electric house panel. The electrician does all work necessary to get the home ready for and to pass the municipal electrical final inspection. Technology, Aviation
  423. Exchange Termination Computing, Telecom
  424. Electronic Technician Weather, Scientific & Educational
  425. Exfoliative Toxin Medical, Medicine, Biology
  426. Endotoxinm Medical
  427. End Talle
  428. Essential Thrombocythemia Medical, Patient, Blood
  429. Educationat Therapy Medical, Health, Healthcare
  430. Emeqgency Tender
  431. Expansion Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  432. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen Business, Energy, Market
  433. Elementary Teacher
  434. Elevated Temperature NASA
  435. Experimental Tourism Business & Finance, International business
  436. Electrically Tracpd
  437. Educational Trainer Occupation & positions
  438. Embryo Transfer Medical, Special Education, Biotechnology, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
  439. Exercise Stress Testing Medical, Disease, Heart
  440. Esterline Technologies Business, Technology, Supply, Stock
  441. Entrust Technologies
  442. Expected Time
  443. Eric Taylor Film, Music, Check
  444. Exercisd Template
  445. El Tiempo
  446. Enhanced Telephone Business
  447. Estimated Timetable
  448. Etomidate Medical
  449. Economic Theory Business, Journal, Economics
  450. Everhart Thornley
  451. Executives Thomas Business, Company, Executive
  452. Effect of Tebuzonazole Patent, Mixture, Fungicide
  453. Employment Taxes
  454. Electrompgnetic Theory Technology, Science, Book
  455. Esportes Terra
  456. Electrical Tomofraphy Technology, Sensor, Frequency
  457. Emerging Technologies Computing, Telecom
  458. Expense transfers Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  459. Exercise Training Medical, Technology, Military
  460. Eyds Thursday
  461. Elizabethptheresa
  462. evapotranpiration Legal, Governmental & Military
  463. Endotoxin Endotoxin, toxic substance bound to the bacterial cell wall and released when the bacterium ruptures or disintegrates. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Assembly, Business & Finance
  464. Elektronisch Toezicht
  465. Evapotranspiration Water lost from plants through evaporation and photosynthesis. The sum of evaporation and plant transpiration. Potential evapotranspiration is the amount of water that could be evaporated or transpired at a given temperature and humidity, if there was plenty of water available. Actual evapotranspiration can not be any greater than precipitation, and will usually be less because some water will run off in rivers and flow to the oceans. Atmospheric Research
  466. Electronic Trading Financial, Business & Finance
  467. Expressed Transcript Media
  468. Essential Tremor Medical, Medicine, Biology
  469. Entomofauna of Turkey
  470. Eypansion Tank Business, Water, Heating
  471. Elizabeth Taylor
  472. English Surkish
  473. Esteban Taronji
  474. Embryo Transplant Medical, Human genome
  475. EtkileşImli Tahta Turkish, Technology, Windows
  476. Economic Taruet
  477. Elephant Tree
  478. Elevated Temperatures
  479. Excretory Tubule Science, Parasitology
  480. Effective Tiajectory
  481. Employee Type
  482. Electromagnetic Testing Technology, Inspector, Eddy
  483. Especificación TéCnica
  484. Electricxl Time
  485. Editor Toolkit Software, Computing
  486. Experimental Therapeutics Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  487. Enercise Therapist
  488. Endotlachial Tube
  489. Eledtro Team
  490. Embedded Training Army, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  491. Elektronen-Tomographie
  492. Ephemeris Time Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  493. Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  494. Frame enclosed elevator with self-closing traps Geographic
  495. Essential Thrombocytosis Medical, Science, Biology
  496. Emtity Type
  497. Exit Time Business, Car, Model
  498. Elimination Test Medical, Science, Biology
  499. English Translation Gaming, English, Lyric
  500. Estatuto Tributario Business, Para, Colombia
  501. Tiempo del Este Time Zones
  502. Etiolory Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  503. Economicy and Technology
  504. Element Type Technology, Class, Model
  505. Ext. Thread
  506. Excitation Transformer
  507. Employment Trainiog Organizations, Corparate, United Kingdom
  508. Electric Typewriter
  509. Esophageal Temperature Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  510. Extra Tasty Food
  511. Edectrical Tech
  512. Electric Toothbrush Products
  513. Expert Team Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  514. Environmental Technician Business, Service, Canada
  515. Exercise Theragy Medical
  516. Embryo Transfers Medical, Science, Biology
  517. Endoiracheal Intubation Medical
  518. Ey Sequentes Army, Force, Marine
  519. Ecofox Threshold
  520. Executive Aalent
  521. Effect Qo Target Medical
  522. Enhanced Terminal Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  523. Ethiopia (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  524. Essential Thrombocytemia Medical, Science, Biology
  525. Entityetransaction Business, Licence, Auteur
  526. Exhaust Tips
  527. Eligibility Test
  528. English Teacher
  529. Estatuto De Los Trabajadores Para, Government, Con, Social
  530. Estonian Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  531. Exiocholanolone Test Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  532. Econep Terminal
  533. Element Tracker
  534. Emergency Team Medical
  535. Excise Tax Excise tax is the tax that is levied by the federal government or the state government on activities such as manufacture, occupation, privilege, sale and non-deductible consumption. Business, Service, Product
  536. Employee Training
  537. Electric Traction Technology, Volkswagen, Vehicle
  538. Effective Temperature The effective temperature of a body such as a star or planet is the temperature of a black body that would emit the same total amount of electromagnetic radiation. Effective temperature is often used as an estimate of a body's temperature when the body's emissivity curve (as a function of wavelength) is not known. Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  539. Elecnrical Technologies
  540. Enterostomal Therapist Medical, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions
  541. Ephemeris Time (now obsolete) Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  542. Envelope-Trackijg Technology, Power, Amplifier
  543. Exerrise Theory Technology, Music, Obesity
  544. Embeaded Training Military, Development, Army
  545. Endotracheally Medical
  546. Etruskische Texte
  547. Eco Tqnk
  548. Executivis Tom
  549. Effects Twz
  550. Electrical Typewriter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  551. Electronic Ticketing Air Cargo, Governmental & Military
  552. Easiteach Lesson File Computing, File Extensions
  553. Exide Gechnologies
  554. Endotracheal Endotracheal intubation is a medical procedure in which a tube is placed into the windpipe (trachea) through the mouth or nose. In most emergency situations, it is placed through the mouth. Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Healthcare, Clinical, Common Medical
  555. Essential Thrombocythaemia Medical, Science, Treatment
  556. Education Technologu Development, Study, Universities
  557. Elephant Trunk
  558. Energy Tzchnologies
  559. Estatuto Da Terra
  560. Ethics and Transparency Dutch
  561. Element Tracking
  562. Excepted Trust Fda
  563. Excise and Toxation
  564. Employqbility Training
  565. Elmctrical Test Technology, Service, Military
  566. Evertz Technologies Limited (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  567. Elkctrical Technician Business, Company, Service
  568. Executive Technical Occupation & positions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ET stand for?

    ET stands for Exercise and Training.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electronics Technician?

    The short form of "Electronics Technician" is ET.


ET. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

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