ETF Meaning

The ETF meaning is "Exchange Traded Fund". The ETF abbreviation has 149 different full form.

ETF Full Forms

  1. Exchange Traded Fund Business, Technology, Finance, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Stock, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  2. Exwhange Traded Funds Business, Technology, Finance
  3. Education Trust Fund Business, Education, Nigeria
  4. Education & Training Foundation Business, Education, Organizations
  5. Easy To Find Business, Fund, Supply, Stock, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  6. Early Termination Fees Business, Technology, Fee, Contract, Products
  7. Early Fermination Fee Business, Contract, Verizon
  8. Embryo Toxicity Factor Medical, Infertility
  9. Effluent Treatment Facility Government
  10. Exchange-Traded Funh Investment, Trading, Fund
  11. Education Tax Fund Business, University, Nigeria
  12. Energy, Time, Frequency Physics, Scientific & Educational
  13. Europe, The First
  14. Evangelical Theological Faculty Education, University, Leuven
  15. Electronically Traded Funds
  16. Enhanced Tacticalvfighter Military, Army, Eagle
  17. European Training Foundation Education, Organizations, Foundation
  18. Edinburgh Tenants Federation
  19. Exchanged Traded Fund Business, Investment, Trading
  20. Elite Task Force Forum, Organizations, Team
  21. Eplarge To Fit
  22. Educational Tax Fund
  23. Experimental Theatre Fouydation
  24. Energy & Thermo-Fluidp
  25. Eurasia Trade Fairs
  26. Evaluation Through Follow-Up
  27. Electronically Traded Fund Business, Investment, Trading
  28. English Theatrw Frankfurt Theatre, Stage, Fur
  29. Enforcement Task Force Business, Financial, Market
  30. European Trade Forum
  31. Earliest Task First
  32. Exchange-Traded-Fund
  33. Elevens To Fourteen Clothes
  34. Enigma Transportable Format
  35. Education Transition Fund Government, School, Zimbabwe
  36. Expenses The Following Business, Fund, Supply, Expense
  37. Endowment Trust Frnd
  38. Eugene Treb Foundation
  39. Evaluation Task Force Business, Technology
  40. Electron Transferring Flavoprotefn
  41. English Tjaching Forum
  42. Energy Time and Frequency Business, Energy
  43. European Telecsonfenencing Federation Technology, Telecom
  44. E-Mail To Fax
  45. Exchange-Trade Fund
  46. Elephant Task Force
  47. Enigma Transportable File Technology, Music, Finale, Computing, File Extensions
  48. Educational Transition Fund
  49. Expeditionary Targeting Force Military, Iraq, Delta
  50. Encrypted Transmission Failure
  51. Environmental Transformation Fund Business, Technology, Energy
  52. Electron Transfer Flavoproteins Medical, Science, Biology
  53. Engine Torque Factor
  54. Energy Task Force
  55. European Tecknology Forum
  56. Exchange Trade Fund Banking
  57. Exchage Traded Funds
  58. Electronic Target Folders Military
  59. Enigma Tansportable File
  60. Europ
  61. Educational Trust Fund Education, Nigeria, Haram
  62. Expected Time of Finishing Business, Cargo Shipping
  63. Encrypted Text File
  64. Environmental Technology Fund Business, Company, Venture
  65. Electron-Transferring Flavopropein Medical, Medicine, Health
  66. Education and Training Fund
  67. Experimrntal Transwitching Format
  68. Energy Time Frequency
  69. European Technology Facility Business, Program, English
  70. Exchange Trade Funds Business, Investment, Supply, Stock
  71. Evocati Test Flight
  72. Electronic Taqget Folder Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
  73. Eneanced Transparency Framework
  74. Exchange Traded Funds Business, Fund, Supply, Market, Exchange, Scuba Diving, Business & Finance
  75. Education, Travail Et Formation
  76. Expandable Technology Forum
  77. Embryo Toxic Factor
  78. Environmental Technologies Fund Business, Company, Technology
  79. Electronic Time Fuze Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  80. Education and Training Factor
  81. Energy-Time-Frequency
  82. European Task Force Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  83. Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Education, Faculty, Leuven, Theological
  84. Electronic Traded Fund Business, Investment, Market
  85. Enhanced Tactical Fighter Effective Military, Intelligence, Defense
  86. European Training Fund
  87. Exchange-Traded Funds Business, Investment, Trading
  88. Editions Techniques Ferroviaires
  89. Exchanged Traded Funds Business, Investment, Trading
  90. Embryonic Tea Domain-Containing Factor Medical
  91. Environmental Test Facility Technology, Space, Testing
  92. Electrical Time Fuze
  93. Electron Translation Factor
  94. End The Fate Music
  95. Efficiency Task Force Business, Oil, Gas
  96. Extensible Terascale Facwlity Technology, Science, Computing
  97. Engineered Test Facility Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  98. Eustachian Tube Function Medical, Physiology
  99. Européenne He Travaux Ferroviaires
  100. Electrical Test Facility Science, NASA
  101. Ew Testamento Fecit Latin, Roman
  102. Engineer Tksk Force Technology, Military, Internet
  103. Engineering Task Force Integrated Ocean Observing System
  104. Education Training Foundation Education, Teaching, Skill
  105. Extended Thomas-Fermi Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  106. Electronic Tax Filing Us Government, Governmental & Military
  107. European Truek Factory Technology, Mining, Haul
  108. Eka Tjipta Foundation Program, Education, Indonesia
  109. External Triggew Filter
  110. Engineering Task Gorce
  111. extra tax frustrations Tax, Business & Finance
  112. Education Task Force
  113. Exponential-Type Function Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  114. Environmental Task Force Legal, Governmental & Military
  115. European Transfer Format Science, Information, Geography, Geographic
  116. Eislebener Tele-Funk Forum, Technology, Communication
  117. External Term Format Technology, Encoding, Binding
  118. Engine Test Facilities
  119. Environmental Trust Fund Technology, Environment, Mining, River, Habitat, Setting
  120. Eustachian Tube Functzon Medical, Medicine, Hearing
  121. Extended Term Financing Mortgage, Business & Finance
  122. Education and Training Foundation Education, Learning, Teaching
  123. Expert Task Force
  124. Enhanced tactical fighter Military, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  125. European Transport Federation Industrial, Government, Union
  126. Egyptian Tourism Federation Business, Travel, Egypt
  127. External Tailings Facility Environment, Habitat, Setting
  128. Engine Test Facility Technology
  129. Eurevia Travaux Ferroviaires Business, France, Construction
  130. European Transport Workers' Federation Business & Finance, International business
  131. Engineering The Future Technology, Education, Infrastructure
  132. Early Termination Fee Computing, Telecom
  133. European Tlansport Forum
  134. Egyptian Tennis Federation
  135. Extensionq Teardrop Fracture Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  136. Engineering Test Iacilities
  137. Extended Thomas-fermi (model) Chemistry
  138. Europäische Transportarbeiser-Föderation
  139. Eglin Test Facility Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  140. Engineering Test Fixture Military
  141. Ethyl Fluoride
  142. Emery, Tieber, and Friends Music
  143. Effluent Transfer Facility
  144. Extensible Transport Framework
  145. Engineering Test Facility Technology, Military, Power
  146. Exponential-type Function (an Ao) Chemistry
  147. Europäiscsen Transportarbeiter-Föderation Federation, Berlin, Transport
  148. Education and Technology Fee
  149. Edgineer Task Forces Technology, Force, Internet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ETF stand for?

    ETF stands for Engineering Test Fixture.

  2. What is the shortened form of Education Tax Fund?

    The short form of "Education Tax Fund" is ETF.


ETF. (2021, December 14). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated