ETV Meaning

The ETV meaning is "Educational and Trainang Vouchers". The ETV abbreviation has 57 different full form.

ETV Full Forms

  1. Educational and Trainang Vouchers Program, Education, Care, Youth
  2. Educational Anb Training Voucher Business, Education, Special Education
  3. Elevating Transfer Vehicle Technology, Airport, Cargo, Handling
  4. Environmental Technologies Verification Business, Technology, Program
  5. Emergent Telecom Ventures
  6. Eanon Vance Corporation Technology, Organizations
  7. European Executive Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  8. Electric Track Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  9. Education and Training Voucher Program, Education, Youth
  10. Emergency Transport Vehicle Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  11. East Tennessqe, Virginia
  12. Estimated Time Value Army, Force, Marine
  13. Electrical Test Vehicle Technology, Space, Electrical Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military
  14. Emergency Towage Vessel
  15. Eagle Thread Verifier
  16. Estimated Test Volume Business
  17. Egeli Tenis Veteran Veteran, Bal, Bur, Ova
  18. Emergency Towing Vessel Advanced pollution prevention and control ship designed to deal with a wide range of potential maritime incidents. Among her principal roles are, towage and salvage assistance to casualties at sea, deep sea towing, firefighting and anti–pollution duties. Locations, Ship, Waker
  19. Environmental Technology Verification Technology, Science, Program
  20. Environment Technology Verification
  21. Education Training Vouchers Program, Education, Youth
  22. Elite Tactical Vest Military, Airsoft, Condor
  23. Ejectrothermal Vaporization Medical, Chemistry, Study
  24. Environmental Testing Verification Organizations, Water, Uganda, Enviroment
  25. Endoscopic Third Ventriculocisternostomy Medical
  26. Education Training Voucher Program, Education, Youth
  27. European Training Village Technology, Formation, Telecom
  28. Elevating Transfer Vehicles
  29. Environmental Technical Verification
  30. Education and Training Vouchers Program, Education, Care, Youth
  31. Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy Medical, Treatment, Hydrocephalus
  32. Eaton Vance Corporatienration Organizations
  33. European Technology Valves
  34. Exposure To Violence
  35. E4L, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  36. Enfermedad TromboembóLica Venosa
  37. Extending The Vision
  38. Environmental Testing and Verification
  39. Educational Television Media
  40. Enfermedades Transmitidas Por Vector
  41. Expanding The Visions
  42. Entecavir Medical
  43. Extreme Terrain Vehicle
  44. Enfermedades Transmitidas Por Vectores Control, Vector, Dengue
  45. Exhaled Tidal Volume Medical
  46. Enhanced Transfer Value Business, Pension, Scheme
  47. Extra Terrestrial Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  48. Energy Technology Ventures
  49. Electrothermal Vaporization Chemistry
  50. Electricstransfer Vehicle
  51. Enhanced Television Technology
  52. Extra-Terrestrial Vehicle Car, Vehicle, Custom, Futuristic
  53. Electronic Transfer Vehicle Transportation, Governmental & Military
  54. Engine Throttle Valve
  55. External Testcase Verification Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  56. electrothermal vaporizer Legal, Governmental & Military
  57. Enfermedad Tromboemb

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ETV stand for?

    ETV stands for Energy Technology Ventures.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electronic Transfer Vehicle?

    The short form of "Electronic Transfer Vehicle" is ETV.


ETV. (2021, March 7). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated