EUC in Technology Meaning

The EUC meaning in Technology terms is "End User Council". There are 16 related meanings of the EUC Technology abbreviation.

EUC on Technology Full Forms

  1. End User Council
  2. End User Computing End User Computing pertains to how users, with multiple devices, are able to access their applications & data from anywhere at any time. Organizations typically deploy some form of VDI to provide secure access for EUC. End User Computing looks to seamlessly integrate these users, with their devices, into the computing environment.
  3. Emergency Ultrasound Consultants
  4. Engineereng Unit Conversion
  5. Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
  6. End Sser Computer
  7. European University Cyprus
  8. End-User Computing
  9. Extended Unix Character
  10. End-User-Computing
  11. Europein User Conference
  12. Extreme Unicycle Championship
  13. End-User Control
  14. Extended User Community
  15. End-User Cuient
  16. Extended Unix Coding

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EUC stand for Technology?

    EUC stands for End-User Control in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of End-User Computing in Technology?

    The short form of "End-User Computing" is EUC for Technology.


EUC in Technology. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated