EUS Meaning

The EUS meaning is "Experimental Units". The EUS abbreviation has 51 different full form.

EUS Full Forms

  1. Experimental Units Medical
  2. Enterprise User Security Technology, Database, Directory
  3. Environmental Units Business, Technology, Aviation
  4. Extensive Urban Survey History, Locations, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
  5. Eric'S Ultimate Solitaire
  6. Eastern United States
  7. Enterprise Unified Solutions Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  8. Extended Update Support Technology, Enterprise, Linux, Hat
  9. Equivalent Units
  10. Early User Survey Military
  11. End User Support Technology, Management, Service
  12. Extended University Services
  13. Epworth Uykululuk Skalası
  14. Exploration Upper Stage Technology, Space, Launch
  15. End-User Support Technology, Service, Networking
  16. Ephemeris Update Servicing Technology
  17. Esophageal Ultrasound Medical
  18. End-User Statement
  19. Endorectal Ultrasound Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  20. Environmental and Urban Studies Environment, Habitat, Setting
  21. Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome Medical, Disease, Fish
  22. Employment and Unemployment Surveys
  23. Entscheidungsunterstuetzende Systeme Business, Company, Technology
  24. Endoscopic Ultrasonographic Medical
  25. Erlinde Ufkes Stephanus
  26. EczacıLıKta UzmanlıK SıNavı Ankara, Turkish
  27. Endoscopic Ultrasonography Medical, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  28. Evacuated To The United States Genealogy, Genealogical
  29. Basque, Spain and France (geographic Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  30. Endoscopic Ultrasound Medical, Medicine, Ultrasound, Medical physics
  31. Estudios Universityrsitarios Supervisados
  32. Europium Sulfide
  33. Basque Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
  34. External Users Services Medical, Medicare, Provider
  35. European Union for Systemics Technology, Research, Congress
  36. End User Segment Computing, Telecom
  37. Execution Units Technology, Architecture, Core, Graphics, Processor, Microprocessor
  38. Execute Unit State
  39. External User Service Technology, Medicare, Provider
  40. European Union Studies
  41. Expanded Universe Senate Funnies
  42. Evergreen Unmanned Systems
  43. External User Services Medical, Medicare, Provider
  44. Estudios Universitarios Supervisados Con, Venezuela
  45. End User Statement Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  46. Endoluminal Ultrasound Medical
  47. Evandjeosko Udruzenje Studenata
  48. External Urethral Sphincter Medical, Medicine
  49. Tracker Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  50. Endoanal Ultrasound Medical, Business
  51. Evaluated Ultrasonic Signal Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EUS stand for?

    EUS stands for End User Support.

  2. What is the shortened form of Equivalent Units?

    The short form of "Equivalent Units" is EUS.


EUS. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated