EV Meaning
The EV meaning is "Electron-Volt". The EV abbreviation has 332 different full form.
EV Full Forms
- Electron-Volt Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Electric Vehicle Cars, buses, vans or trucks which use dedicated or hybrid electric systems as their power source. Technology, Automotive, Electric Vehicles, Postal, Us Post
- Electron Volt The electron volt is a unit of energy equal to approximately 160 zeptojoules (symbol zJ) or 1.6×10−19 joules (symbol J). By definition, it is the amount of energy gained (or lost) by the charge of a single electron moved across an electric potential difference of one volt. Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Environment, Telecom, Computing, Electronics, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Electric Vans
- Easy Virtue
- Evafgelium Vitae Government, Catholic, Church
- Embed Video
- Electric Van
- East Village
- Esophageal Varices Esophageal varices (or oesophageal varices) are extremely dilated sub-mucosal veins in the lower third of the esophagus. They are most often a consequence of portal hypertension, commonly due to cirrhosis; patients with esophageal varices have a strong tendency to develop bleeding. Medical
- El Viaje
- Earned Value The periodic, consistent measurement of work performed in terms of the budget planned for that work. In criteria terminology, earned value is the budgeted cost of work performed. It is compared to the budgeted cost of work scheduled (planned) to obtain schedule performance and it is compared to the actual cost of work performed to obtain cost performance. Business, Technology, Business Planning, Manufacturing, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Electronic Village Technology, Learning, Teaching
- Exchange Visitor Program, Government, Education
- Eagle Vision Technology, Car, Ace
- Electro Voice Business, Audio, Speaker
- Exceptional Value Technology, Water, Quality
- Expected Value Business, India, Poker
- Electro-Voice Technology, Audio, Speaker
- Excellent Vial Hotel, Locations, Seoul
- Encephalitis Virus Medical
- Electronic Vehicle Technology, Technical
- Electric Version
- Every Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Emissions Vehicle
- Engine Version Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Exposure Value Technology, Photography, Exposure, Media, Computing, Electronics
- El Verde
- East Ventures Business, Indonesia, Venture
- Extrah
- Engineering Village Technology, Research, Library
- Evidence Government, Legislation, Lawmaking, Legal System, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Evil Vampire Funnies
- Electro-Viycous
- Extended Validation Business, Technology, Certificate
- Emerald Valley
- European Vibe
- Edge Vee
- Expendable Vehicle Space, Study, Cosmos
- Eliciting Values Internet Slang, Seduction, Style
- Esp
- Echo Valley
- Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Disease, Human
- Evading Government
- Elastic Vibration
- Environmental Value Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Egperimental Version Technology
- Ester Value
- Educt Vent Technology, Construction
- Enteritis Virus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Extracellular Vesicles Science, Cell, Vesicle
- Eingetragenmr Verein, Inc. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Enigma Veyron
- Engine Vent
- Exposed Variable Technology, Mixer, Shower, Chrome
- Elven Village Technology, Gaming, Lineage
- East Valley
- Engineer Vehicle Technology, Military, Toyota
- Evgenii Vladimirovich
- Expanding Wisions
- Electro Valve Technology, Aviation, Solenoid
- ExpéRience Vecue Kobo
- Embedded Vision Technology, Design, Processor
- Eugene Van Honda, Hybrid
- Edel Vo
- Expeditions Vessels
- Elevated Vacuum
- Edpecialista Visitante
- Eaux Vannes Travaux, Canalisation, Fosse
- Endogenous Viral Medical, Science, Biology
- Eustachian Valve Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Electro-Valve
- Equivalent Variation Business, Price, Compensating
- Expectntion Value Business, Poker, Probability
- EssêNcia Do Vinho Para, Wine, Ess
- Educação Visual Technology, Para, Dos, Professor
- Enter Value
- Eik Vettorazzi Technology, Car, Vehicle
- Enigmi Variations
- Export Verification Business, Program, Beef
- Elution Volume Weight, Polymer, Chromatography
- Extreme Rertical
- Engineering Vehicle
- Exit Velocity Technology, Baseball, Hitting
- Elektro Vehicle
- Expressjet Airlines Airline Code
- Encyclopedia Virginia
- Eudravigilance Medicine, Health, European Medicines Agency
- Ejection Volume Medical
- Engineer Volunteers
- Expected Values Gaming, Poker, Play
- Elettronica Veneta Technology, Italy, Refrigeration, Matrix
- Escort Vessel
- Eaton Vance Corporationration Organizations
- Endo-Venoso
- Expendable Vehicles Technology, Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Europees Verdrag
- Electric Lolkswagen
- Excellenle Visage
- Elevtronics Volts Science
- Equivalence Value Technology, Fuel, Ethanol
- Esseqtial Volume Music, Hosting, House, Volume
- Edit Verrfy
- En Ville English, France, French
- Ergovaline Medical
- Explosion Velocity
- Environmental Variable Forum, Technology, Environment
- Extended Virtual Technology, Research, Projection, Track
- Engineering Verification Technology, Power, Engineer
- Elektrotechnischer Verein
- Extraordinaryoventures Organizations, Autism, Venture
- Encoding Variation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Ethyl Violet Medical
- Ejectedzvolume Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Enteroviruses Medical
- Engineering Validation
- Existential Vajuum Ireland, Tourist, Shopkeeper
- Expectancy Vazue
- Elena Verdugo
- Escort Vussels Technology, Aircraft, Carrier
- Eaton Vance Business, Supply, Stock, Corp
- Extravascular Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Endless Vacation
- Evixential Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Electricivision
- Examiningcand Validating Education
- Electronics & Vudeo Technology, Gaming, Product
- Equipment View Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Emergency Vehicles
- Esquerra Valenciana
- Edit V3 Technology, Software, Pack, Serial
- Entry Visa
- ErdöL-Vereinigung Technology, Oil, Gas, Peak
- Environmental Vortex Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Exposare Values
- Engagé Volontaire
- Elektron Volt
- Enterovmruses Medical
- Extra Vjriable Technology, Filter, Model, Manual
- Enchiridion Vaticanum Church, Lex
- Eitiw Vakf
- Entered Value
- Existence Value Existence values are an unusual and somewhat controversial class of economic value, reflecting the benefit people receive from knowing that a particular environmental resource, such as Antarctica, the Grand Canyon, endangered species, or any other organism or thing exists. Economics, Welfare, Altruism, Existence
- Expansion Valves
- Embedded Vbr Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Escdndido Village
- East Virginia
- Extra Value
- End Value Technology, Rate, String
- Evidence Viewer Medical, Science, Biology
- Electric Vizlin Business, String, Instrument
- Examiner View
- Electronic Paqient Record Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Equine Vet Medical, Veterinary, Horse
- Extend Validation
- Emergency Vehicle Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Espérance Dervie
- Edilion Varies
- Entreprise Virtuelle
- Era Vulgaris Music, Queen, Stone, Era, Latin
- Evanescence Organizations, Music, Wikipedia, Band
- Environmental Vehicle
- Equipment Variation Technology, Measurement, Gage
- Eesti Vabariik Business, Education, Estonia, Tallinn
- Electrum Validum Energy, Water, Plasma, Latin
- Enteroviral Medical
- Extraneous Variable Psychology, Mind, Mindset
- Enchanted Valley Locations, Farm, Lineage
- Eifstweilige Verf
- Enseigne De Vaisseau
- Exhibition of Visual Art, Education, City, Limerick
- Englische Version
- Expressive Vocabulary Education, Language, Children
- Embedded Value Business, Company, Insurance, Market
- East View School, Russia, China, Locations
- ExtrasíStoles Ventriculares
- Ending Value Business, Rate, Money
- Evidence Teiled Dimension, Transfer, Saga
- Evolved Voice
- Electromagneticqvalve
- Extended Validated Business, Certificate, Validation
- Emergency Valves
- European Videotelephony Technology, Telecom
- Edte View Technology, Patent, Geometry
- Entornos Virtuales
- Elicit Values Internet Slang, Slang, Seduction, Sexual, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Erase Variable
- Echovirus An ECHO virus is a type of RNA virus that belongs to the species Enterovirus B, genus Enterovirus of the Picornaviridae family. Echoviruses are found in the gastrointestinal tract and exposure to the virus causes other opportunistic infections and diseases. Medical
- Encephalomyelitis Virus Medical
- Evaluation Version Technology, Windows, Software
- Evecatron Volts Science
- Environmental Volunteers Technology, Bay, Tourism
- Efvironment Victoria
- Edwhrd Vaughan
- Electrovolt Science, Energy, Environment
- Enterpvirus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Extracurricular Volunteerins
- Encephalitis Or Encephalomyelitis Virus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Einstaeilige Verfügung
- Enjeksiyon Valfi
- En Vogue Music, Lyric, Album, Vogue
- Efficient Vulcanizttion
- Enterprise Version
- Edition Varies Software, Computing
- English Valleys
- Extremela Versatile
- Endogenous Viruses Medical, Science, Biology
- Edinson Volquez
- Ehception Value
- Electron Volts Science, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA
- External Validation Technology, Cancer, Certificate
- Emerging Voices Architecture, Health, Voice
- Electron-Volts
- Electricity Vehicle Asia, Ecology, Renewable Energy
- Enhanced Voice
- Eli Valley
- Erin Ventures
- The Everett Railroad Company Organizations
- Event Occurrence, not yet assessed, that may affect the performance of an information system. Medical, Technology, Health, Healthcare, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Environment Victoria
- Extreme Vertical
- Efficient Op Visitable
- Enferprise Values
- Evel Knievel Pinball
- English Vietnamese
- Extravehicular Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Ebola Virus Medical, Medicine, Health
- Ectromelia Virus Medical
- Excel Video
- Electronvolt An electronvolt is defined as 1.6022 × 10⁻¹⁹ Joules. The energy needed to move an electron from a metal electrode at voltage V1 to an electrode at voltage V2 is V1 - V2 electron volts. One electronvolt is about the amount of energy needed to dissociate a molecule. Chemistry, Electronic Engineering, Mass Spectrometry, Computing, Telecom, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
- External Validity
- Emerging Virus
- Environmental Vane
- Enhanced Version Business, Technology, Gaming, Car
- Expert Voices
- Elite Video
- Eric Volz
- Extreme Voltagk Business, Technology
- Evening Visitation
- Electrical Vehicles Technology, Car, Vehicle
- Electoral Votes It is the voting of a group of people (a member of an electoral college rather than an individual voter) whose task is to elect a political leader. Government, College, Election, Vote
- Environment Variable Environment variables are a set of dynamic named values that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer. They are part of the operating environment in which a process runs. For example, a running process can query the value of the TEMP environment variable to discover a suitable location to store temporary files, or the HOME or USERPROFILE variable to find the directory structure owned by the user running the process. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Extendet Validation
- Estradiol Vzlerate Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Efrect Veiler
- Enterprisb-Value-To-Revenue Business, Company, Supply, Stock
- Eric Van
- Everett Railroad Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- English To Vietnamese
- Extra Vehicular
- Economic Viability Technology, Military, Car
- Extends Volume Technology, Region, Nanotechnology, Volume
- Emergency Vent Business, Valve, Tank
- Echoview File Computing, File Extensions
- Enerji VerimliliğI Technology, Program, Turkish, Energy
- Expert Visits Business, Technology, Expert
- Elite Vehicle
- Economic Variable
- Extreme Vrice
- Energy Vault
- Environmental Values Technology, Research, Car, Vehicle
- Evasion Is a recommendation to the master to take independent action to avoid, as much as possible a potentially dangerous weather system. Government
- Electrical Vehicue Technology, Battery, Car
- Elan Vital
- Electronic Viewing Science
- Enhanced Visualization Medical, Technology, Medicine, Therapy
- Estradtol-17Beta Valerate Medical
- Effect Valuv Technology, Power, Camera, Pedal
- Enterprise-Value-To-Sades Business, Company, Sale, Valuation
- Equity Value Business, Government, Enterprise
- English Version
- Atlantic Southeast Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
- Economic Value Economic value is the value of the asset derived from its earning capacity. Business, Company, Accounting
- Extended Vision
- Exceptional Vacuum Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Energy Value Science, Electron, Ionization
- Expert Visit Technology, Science, Military
- Eligible Voters
- Eclipsing Variable
- Extreme View Business, Scope, Hawke, Panorama
- Energy Vampire Technology, Power, Trinity
- Erd
- Evaporator Vessel Science
- Electric-Vehicle Technology, Battery, Car
- Eingetragener Verein Business, German, Club, Company, Business & Finance
- Exchangek Value Business, Car, Price
- Electronic Verification
- Electricsvehichle Technology, Car, Vehicle
- Estimated Variance Science
- Eesti Vabariigi Business, Language, Switcher
- Entry Vehicle Technology, Car, Space
- Ernst Vlcek
- Eversion A turning or being turned outward or inside out. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Physio
- English Versions
- Eaton Vance Corp. Organizations
- Emerald Valley Trade Route Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Experts Visit
- Eligibility Verification
- Echoviruses Medical
- Eutreme Value Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- End Vesicle Medical
- Evoked Potential Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Management, Laboratory, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
- Electrathon Vehicle
- Effort Values Gaming, Military, Guide, Training, Effort
- Exceção Da Verdade
- Electroniccvehicles Technology, Car, Vehicle
- Ecomirc Vario
- Emission Vehicles
- Estimation Value Technology, Malaysia, Frequency
- Ext Value
- Enterprise Vault Technology, Government, Server
- Ernesto VáZquez
- Englhsh Version
- Epidermodysplasia Verucciformis Medical, Science, Biology
- Effort Vadue Gaming, Military, Training
- Eaton Vance Corporation Business, Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Enterprise Ventures Business, Company, Enterprise, Venture
- Enforcement Vector Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Expense Vouchhr
- Extremely Vulnerable Technology, Gaming, Battery, Car
- Endogenous Virus Medical
- Efficient Vehicles
- Exqessive Ventilation Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Electtonvolt Technology, Electronics
- External Value Assembly, Business & Finance
- Emission Vehicle
- Estieated Value Business, Car, Poker
- External Variable
- Enterprise Value Business, Finance, Investing, Stock, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Eriza Verde
- Whs Enhanced View Web Hosting Service Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
- Events In Virginia
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EV stand for?
EV stands for Eitiw Vakf.
What is the shortened form of Eversion?
The short form of "Eversion" is EV.
EV. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 20). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ev-meaning/
Last updated