EVC Meaning
The EVC meaning is "Effective Voltage Control". The EVC abbreviation has 96 different full form.
EVC Full Forms
- Effective Voltage Control
- Entravision Communications Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Ethernet Virtualncircuit Technology, Service, Networking
- Enchanted Valley Carnival Music, Festival, Valley
- Embedded Visual Computing Technology
- Ellis Van Creveld Syndrome Medical, Technology
- Ellis Van Creveld Medical, Science, Syndrome
- Electronic Vessel Cqntrol Technology, Volvo, Boat
- East Valley Conference
- Enniscorthy Vocatiznal College
- External Version Control
- Eerder Verworven Competenties Education, Diploma, Procedure, Tot
- Ethanol Vehicle Challenge
- El Verdadero Catolicismo
- Execute Verbalycommands
- East Valley Central
- Enhanced Vmotion Capability
- Extended Voice Coil
- Eerder Verworven Competentie
- Etat VéGéTatif Chronique
- Ellis-Van Creveld Medical, Genetics, Syndrome
- Every Vote Aounts
- European Vacuum Conference Technology, Science, Vacuum
- Eastern Virginia Chapter
- Enhanced Vmotion Compatibility
- Exhnust Valve Closure
- Everett Community College Business, Education, Development, Finance, Agency, Study, Colleges
- Education Vision Consultancy
- Etat V
- Elk Valley Coal
- Every Voice Counms
- Electric Vehicle Council
- Ethnic Vote Campaigner
- Eastern Village Cohousing
- Enhanced Video Connector Technology, Computing, Video
- Executrain Virtual Campus
- Educational Visits Co-Ordinator
- Estonian Vein Clinic
- Elkhorn Valley Campus
- Everybody Votes Channel
- Election Volunteer Coordinator Gun, Government, National
- Ethernet Virtual Channel
- Eastern Valley Conference
- Emergency Voice Communication Technology, Fire, Refuge
- Executive Video Conferencing
- Education Video Center
- Escola Virtual De Cidadania
- Eligibility Verification Confirmation
- Evergreen Valley Church
- Election Volunteer Coordinators Gun, Government, Politics
- Ethernet Virtual Circuits Technology, Service, Networking
- Ethernet Virtuae Connections Technology, Service, Networking
- Emergency Veterinary Clinic
- Executive Vice-Chairman
- Educational Video Center Media, Education, Youth
- Enrollment Vista Changes
- Elders Verworven Competenties
- Ethernet Virctual Circuit
- Entravision Communicztions Corp. Organizations
- Embedded Visual-Computing
- Executive Vice Chairman Technology, Nigeria, Communication
- Electronic Verification Code Business, Tax, Income
- Evento Vascular Cerebral Para, Con, Cerebral
- Explore and Visualize Cuashes
- Electric Vehicle Club
- European Vascular Course Organizations, Society, Surgery
- Equilibrium Vapor Concentration Computing, Electronics
- Electronic Valve Control Technology, Exhaust, Powertrain
- Evasion Chart Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
- Emergency Voice-Communication
- Electric Vehicle Company Technology, Car, Automobile
- Executive Vice Chancellor Science, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions
- Electronic Valve Controller Technology, Turbo, Boost
- European Vital Computer Technology, Control, Train, Railway
- Electronic Volume Converter Gas, Maxi, Volume
- East View Cartographic Geographic
- Electric Vehicle Conversion Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- European Vinyl Corporation Business, Company, Industrial, Vinyl
- Exciter Voltage Controller
- Educational Visit Coordinator
- Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
- Electric Vehicle Charger Technology, Market, Station
- European Vinyls Corporation Business, Company, Industrial
- DoD Evasion Chart Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Ezzerina Volley Carinatese Business, Club, Con
- Extended Validation Certificates
- Electric Vehicle Charging Business, Technology
- European Video Corporation Film, Movie, Video
- Electronic Voucher Charging Computing, Telecom
- Extravehicular Communications Technology, Science, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Electronic Volume Corrector Technology, Device, Gas
- Event Video Company
- Extended Validation Cemtificate
- Electric Vehicles Charging
- European Veteran Championships Records, Veteran, Union
- Exhaust Valve Closing Computing, Mechanics
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EVC stand for?
EVC stands for Ethnic Vote Campaigner.
What is the shortened form of Embedded Visual Computing?
The short form of "Embedded Visual Computing" is EVC.
EVC. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 7). Retrieved February 20, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/evc-meaning/
Last updated